Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 158 The battle is over, the mythical wand? Rubbish

Jiao Yuan guessed it was right, the Lord of the Abyss was indeed already incapable of doing it.

Almost all the life-saving hole cards were all used up.

Now he has already had the idea of ​​running away!

No way, because Jiao Yuan is really terrifying.

The output is not comparable.

Frankness is far from enough!

The Lord of the Abyss has gradually turned into a suspicion of life from the very beginning, and finally arrived in a state of fear.

"Now I am not in a state of complete victory. Only in the abyss can I maintain my peak combat power, so I didn't actually lose!"

Satan, the Lord of the Abyss, deceived himself and comforted himself, and then prepared to escape!

What he thought actually made sense.

As the master of the abyss, in the abyss territory, he has a bonus effect on his combat power, and the abyss territory itself has a mysterious magic formation, which greatly improves his combat power.

"Humble human race, meet again next time, I will make you pay the price!"

Before the Lord of the Abyss left, he didn't forget to say something cruel.

With the ability to fly, he thinks that there shouldn't be much problem with escaping!

However, he wanted to escape, and asked Jiao Yuan to disagree?

[Lv22 crazy slaughter! 】

[Lv22 Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style!]

Use two skills instantly!

Envelop the abyss of the Lord of the Abyss in the attack range!

-3.34 million!

-3.34 million!

-4.17 million!


Numerous damage values ​​popped up from the head of the Lord of the Abyss!

The high agility attribute makes Jiao Yuan's attack speed incredible, and every attack is a red crit effect.

Now that Jiao Yuan’s passive skills have been stacked up, his attacks have exceeded 100 million, and the Lord of the Abyss can't hold it even if he is full of HP, let alone the current state of residual blood?

The Lord of the Abyss, who was flying upwards at high speed, was instantly emptied of all remaining HP!

In the end, there was no time to say a last word, and all the breath of life was lost!

The Lv180 mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss, died!


In the live room of the girl's hydrogen balloon.

Countless viewers had anticipated this scene, so there was no surprise.

But now when the facts really happened, they were still in the full server, causing a huge shock!

"Fuck, Lv180-level mythical boss, just killed it so easily? There is not even ten minutes before and after!"

"Dad Qianye is too scary. Is there any boss in "Original" who is eligible to be his opponent? The answer is: No!"

"I'm just curious, what exactly is Qianye Great Devil's job, and why are there so many skills?"

"A battle full of crushing..."

"The Great Devil Qianye is invincible!"

In the eyes of the players, the Lv180 mythical BOSS belongs to the top batch of BOSS in "The Original", and there are probably no more than ten stronger than it! ~

This level of BOSS, according to the current player's development, I am afraid that it will take at least five years before it is possible to get rid of it!

However, the reality is that Jiao Yuan was singled out by Jiao Yuan in less than five months!

This is not to use some BUG or other speculation.

Due to the timely live broadcast of the hydrogen balloon, the process of the battle can be seen everywhere on the forum!

After watching the process, the players understand deeply.

This battle, from beginning to end, is a crushing round!

Among them, the various incredible skills that Jiao Yuan played in the battle, and the conversion between occupations and equipment, are even more shocking!

Jiao Yuan now is undoubtedly the invincible incarnation of "The Original".

There were originally some top players who felt jealous and thought that he was just a lucky guy, and sooner or later he would surpass him.

But now, players who still have this kind of thinking are a big idiot!


[System Tip: You have killed the Lv180 mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss and gained 1.8 billion experience. 】

[System prompt: You kill the Lv180-level mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss for the first time and get the first kill reward. A full server announcement is about to be made. Do you hide your ID? 】

The system prompt came, Jiao Yuan clicked as usual!

next moment--

[Full server announcement: Player Qianye kills the Lv180-level mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss for the first time, rewards 100,000 free attribute points/prestige, and 10 world legends. This announcement is hereby announced! 】

[Full server announcement: Player Qianye kills the Lv180-level mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss for the first time, rewards 100,000 free attribute points/prestige, and 10 world legends. This announcement is hereby announced! 】

[Full server announcement: Player Qianye First...]

Three cold voices floated by.

Jiao Yuan seemed to have nothing to do with him, and was not affected in any way. He immediately picked up the equipment exploded after the Lord of the Abyss died!

[Item: Abyssal Wand]

[Level: Lv180 Mythical Quality]

[Equipment requirement attributes: Lv180, intelligence 800,000]

[Equipment requirement occupation: Magician]

[Physical/Magic Attack Power: 800,000]

[Intelligence/Physical Strength: 800,000]

[Physical/Magic Extra Attack Power: 40%]

[Skill 1: Power of the Abyss (halo type)]: After wearing the equipment, all teammates within 1000 yards around the self, attack power +30%.

[Skill 2: Magic Shield (Active Skill)]: After release, it consumes 10% of the upper limit of MP, and attaches a shield that can absorb 200% of HP. It lasts for 60 seconds and has a cooling time of 24 hours.

[Skill 3: Unyielding Will (Passive Skill)]: Reduce the equipment requirement level to 50, and when the skill is released, there is a 50% probability that it cannot be interrupted.

[Skill 4: Limit (Passive Skill)]: In battle, every five attacks will increase the critical strike damage by 10%, and it can stack up to 5 layers.


The Lord of the Abyss just broke out a piece of equipment, and nothing else.

This mythical wand has good properties, but it can only be used by the mage class.

However, as the primary dungeon lord, Jiao Yuan can use most of his equipment as long as he transforms his career.

Only equipment such as bows and arrows and priest's scepter are excluded because there is no corresponding occupation in Arad Continent.

It's just that the attributes of this magic wand are much worse than the sword of dominance, and Jiao Yuan is not interested at all.

Ancient mythological quality equipment of the same level is much stronger than ordinary mythological quality equipment.

Moreover, the enhancement effect of the equipment can only exist on the equipment being strengthened, and the +10 enhancement attribute of the Sword of Domination will not be transferred to other equipment.

"An ordinary myth...junk equipment!"

"When I eliminated the Sword of Domination that day, it must be because of stronger ancient equipment!"

Jiao Yuan muttered a few words secretly, and then he was about to leave.

As for the handling of the wand?

There is an effect of reducing the level of equipment requirements, and it will not be long before many players are waiting for equipment.

When the time comes, Jiao Yuan will see who is pleasing to the eye, so he will give it to him.

Or sell it!

Anyway, he who owns the dungeon warehouse doesn't care about equipment at all.

Regardless of the fact that there are only warehouses below Lv60, when the future career advances to an intermediate lord and a high lord, a higher level of authority will definitely be granted.

So Jiao Yuan didn't care at all, this magic wand.


Jiao Yuan summoned Xiao Hei back, and then jumped onto Xiao Hei's back, ready to leave.

At this moment, a cute girl from the demon race suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Daddy Qianye, can I go with you?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback.

"Huh? Who are you?"

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