Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 175 The Emperor's Detailed Plan


All players below Lv100 will die in front of this skill?

In other words, the Great Devil Qianye is no exception? ! !

It was the first time that everyone on the scene saw this incredible skill. Although with the use of this skill, the demon player lunatic must also die with the target, but a small ordinary player can be like the Qianye Great Demon. It's so cost-effective to serve the first person to exchange!

The cooling time is only one hour, which means that as long as the timing is accurate enough, Qianye will die once every hour!

This is simply a killer tailor-made for invincible players like Qianye!

Everyone was shocked!

Faced with this skill, is Qianye's undead body finally going to rupture?

However, the calm person is not fascinated by this skill, he is still sober.

A guild leader said calmly: "The exchange tactic is indeed good, but what's the point?"

"Even if Qianye's luck is so bad, every time he dies, he will inevitably explode a piece of equipment, but take a look at the guild warehouse in the world, how many times do we need to kill him before he has no high-quality equipment available?"

"And one hour of cooling time is enough for Jiao Yuan to kill back and forth in our guild. Who can afford such a heavy loss?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

The guild leader added a magical pen, "By the way, I just received the news that Qianye has promised huge rewards in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the guild players. Moreover, the guild management who is king of the world has all the equipment in his A new look with support!"

"It can be seen that trying to destroy him by explosive equipment is really a fantasy!"

Everyone felt heavy.

This person is right!

What is the goal of killing Qianye?

Isn't it to explode the equipment on his body and make him fall sharply, falling into the dust?

However, thinking of his many high-quality equipment, everyone shook their heads silently.

Even if the design makes him a red name, and with good luck, a piece of equipment will be exploded every time he kills it, it will take at least 200 times to make him completely without high-quality equipment to wear, right?

This... is indeed a little dreamy!

Because Qianye is definitely not a fool. When he is not equipped, he will fight the boss and make a few first kills.

With his strength, high-quality equipment is simply continuous!

What is the significance of the exchange tactics?

Can we bear his future blows and revenge?

The power holders of several large guilds who were working began to think carefully about the pros and cons.

At this time, the emperor spoke slowly.

"I have to admit that what you said does make sense!"

"But, have you considered what benefits we can get in this process?"

"The equipment exploded from Qianye can be worn by ourselves. By then, with high-quality equipment, won't our combat power surge?"

"The individual gap between Qianye and Qianye will gradually narrow, right?"

"By the way, there is one more thing that I forgot to mention. This [Life Exchange] skill of the lunatic has no effect on the priest's resurrection. This has been repeatedly verified!"

The words of the emperor made most people's minds heated up!

Yes, they are all players, and we can use the equipment that Qianye burst out!

With this change, the gap will inevitably become smaller and smaller, and it is even possible that in the end, you will not be able to use the tactics of cashing, and you can directly go up and kill him head-on!

And the emperor's last explanation made everyone understand that the probability of this kind of thing happening is basically fixed!

When I think that I and others can put on the many high-quality equipment that burst out from Qianye, everyone's eyes are red with excitement!

"Mother, my grandfather Wei did it!"

"Isn't he the first player in the game? What's to be afraid of, I also agree with this plan!"

"Is there a kind of prince and general Xiangning? I also have the opportunity to be the first player in the game!"

"Hahahaha, how can such a big event that shocked the whole server be without my old Zhu? Count me!"

Everyone slapped the table and shouted excitedly.

With huge benefits in front of us, coupled with the detailed plan made by the emperor of God, no one can bear this temptation!

But the guild leader who spoke just now took the lead to calm down.

"The problem of dealing with Qianye has been solved? What about dealing with King's Landing and Fengming Guild?"

When everyone heard it, their expressions froze.

Let's not talk about King's Landing. With 10,000 members, all of them have exceeded the mainstream players by several levels, and the elite teams of the major guilds may not be comparable.

Fengming Guild is one of the top ten guilds in full service.

There are at least fifty chapters under his name, which means that the number of members exceeds 500,000!

All the members of their guild present at the scene add up to only one or two hundred thousand.

This quantitative advantage does not actually make up for the disadvantages of the strength level.

If there is a war, it will be a hard fight!

Need to consider carefully!

Looking at the expressions of everyone present, the emperor knew that it was time for the next strong medicine.

"Don't worry about this, the first wave is not our own hands!"

Everyone showed their expressions of astonishment, "How do you say? Is there a helper?"

"That's right!" The emperor didn't hide it, and said lightly: "Our helper is the guild of the demon race-the dark monarch, and the guild of the orc race-fighting the storm!"

"These two guilds can support our massive amount of funds, issue rewards, and mobilize all server players to kill the members of King's Landing and Fengming Guild together!"

In a word, the stone breaks the sky!

The Dark Lord and the Furious Fighting Wind are both recognized as one of the top ten guilds in the full server, with a profound background!

With the financial support of these two guilds, and then high-profile rewards on the forums, presumably, it can really allow individual players who want to get rewards to hunt down the members of King's Landing and Fengming Guild one after another!

What a careful plan?

This is a big deal!

Everyone looked at the disdainful emperor sitting on the top, and they couldn't help but feel like they knew him again.

As expected to be one of the top ten guild presidents, this scheming really made them dare not underestimate it.

"Well, if you don't have any comments, then we will start to act in three days!"

"Three days of preparation time is enough!"

The emperor slowly looked at everyone in the seat below agreeing, and nodded in satisfaction.

When the plan was settled, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

"Qianye ah Qianye, blame you for being so arrogant!"

"This enmity, my emperor has avenged it!"

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