Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 178: Mission Complete, Open the Box

The ancient epic of Lv23, the offensive and defensive attributes are good, and the built-in skills are also very powerful.

But in front of the rain and others in June, it is still not enough.

Under Jiao Yuan's vigorous cultivation, almost all of them have their own attributes surpassing Lucas.

This means that as long as there is enough time, even each of them can single out!

Can do it heads-up, not to mention that everyone is now together?

As a result, the battle was almost a one-sided situation. In the past ten minutes, Lucas fell unwillingly!

After Lucas fell, the battle was not completely over!

After all, it is an abyss-level copy. Although it is very different from what Jiao Yuan remembers, there are several points that are the same.

A gray pillar appeared out of thin air in the center of the sixth level like a chimney!

"Hidden BOSS, the characteristics of the abyss level!"

Seeing this pillar, Jiao Yuan couldn't help showing a knowing smile!

Although the ordinary boss Lucas has become an ancient epic level in the Dragon Tower Abyss difficulty, he is not really a difficult location, and this hidden BOSS that is refreshed after destroying the pillars is really capable. Boss called monster~

The same ancient epic class, the name is——

Dark King Dichus!

Commonly known as "Steel Man"!

In Jiao Yuan's memory, he has been ruling and dominating those adventurers who want to get the gods from the abyss, and he is well-deserved one of the strongest abyss BOSS!

Sure enough, when the June Yu and his party faced the pipe man, they no longer faced Lucas as easily as they did.

Their control skills have almost no effect on the steel pipe man. On the contrary, if they are hit by the steel pipe man, their movement speed will be reduced by at least 80%, which is as slow as a turtle speed.

In addition, the steel pipe man will also summon a cloud of thunder and lightning, and the HP of the hit person will drop at a rate of a percentage. All players present can only withstand three lightning attacks at most!

The signature flying into the sky, and throwing a pile of steel pipes, and then the steel pipe man fell from the sky, causing large-scale and high-volume injuries!

The output of the skill itself is extremely terrifying, and the frequency of release is also very frequent, plus its own frankness far exceeds Lucas...

It took 20 minutes for the rain in June and the group to kill the dark king Diqius!

Each of them had more attributes than Dark King Dichus, but they played for so long, and unfortunately, the players who were taken by the blockbuster died.

It can be seen that the difficulty of Dark King Diqius is high.

At least the audience saw this process, and their thoughts of trying to hit the abyss suddenly turned off.

"Fuck, it's too scary, isn't it?"

"What kind of boss is this, let people not play it?"

"If I don't get up to Lv50, I am waiting for ordinary members to be eligible to challenge? I slipped away!"

"Two ancient epics broke out...Forget it, I'll go to the Liver Guild to contribute points honestly, and I will rely on the guild warehouse to redeem the equipment that the boss doesn't want!"

"Yes, ancient legends, ancient epics, it has nothing to do with us, we don't deserve it!"

The audience talked a lot.

Not only refreshed the three views on the dungeon in the abyss level difficulty, but also relished the equipment exploded under this difficulty.

Because it was the first kill, this time the Tower of the Abyss Dragonman, a total of 5 pink artifacts, 2 dark golden ancient legends, and 2 golden ancient epics were released!

This burst rate made countless people jealous, but the difficulty of the Abyssal Boss also made everyone daunted.

When it spreads to the outside world, it will naturally cause a boil on the major sections of the forum!

But all this has nothing to do with Jiao Yuan, because at this time his task [Abyss Challenger] has been completed, and the rewards have been settled!

[The system prompts that you have completed the mission: Challenger of the Abyss! 】

[Reward is being settled... The settlement is complete! 】

[Reward 1: All your basic attributes increase by 20%]

[Reward 2: Increase all your basic attributes by 2%]

[Reward 3: The item bar of the mall has been unlocked! 】

Three rewards arrived as scheduled!

The first is a direct reward for the task, and the second is similar to the [Building a Dungeon] Lord’s task. Subsequent members will clear the level and will generate a steady stream of percentage rewards.

And the third reward, which is the item bar of the mall, Jiao Yuan was shocked to see this reward!

"Box, golden book, enhanced booster coupon, sky set..."

"I'm coming!"

Jiao Yuan began to observe the props line by line.

[Salia’s Lucky Gift Box] X999!

[Mutated Challenge Book] X999!

[Remy's assistance] X999!


[+10 Enhanced Coupon] X999!

[Rare Dress Redemption Voucher] X99!

[Pet Egg (Golden Poppy)] x9!

There are many types, almost every one of them has a great effect, and Jiaoyuan almost dazzled his eyes.

The inner surprise cannot be added!

"The krypton gold products in "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warriors" are now all free in front of me!"

"Although it is not like in the dress up mall, all the fashions are 999+, but I am also very satisfied!"

"Being a man, we must know how to get enough!"

Yes, these props are not unlimited!

After a certain item is used up, it will enter a gray unremovable state, and it can only be used after it is restored later.

As for how long it will take to recover, this varies depending on the degree of preciousness of the item.

For example, it will take 3 days after [Remy's assistance] is used up.

[Salia’s Lucky Gift Box], it takes one week to run out of 999.

[Pet Egg (Golden Poppy)], it takes one month!

The higher the quality of the props, the longer the time required!

But for Jiao Yuan, it's quite enough!

He immediately began to consume the props!

"Well, let's put the sky together first!" Jiao Yuan muttered to himself.

The sky suit is also a rare dress up suit, which is much stronger than the attributes of high fashion.

When the dress shop opened before, there were no [dress synthesizer] or [rare dress voucher], so he always used high fashion.

Now that he has appeared in the item mall, why would he hesitate? Of course it was done directly!

[Dream clone set (rare)]

[3 effects: strength/intelligence/dexterity/stamina +5%, attack speed/movement speed +5%]

[5 effects: Hp/Mp+10%, restore 0.1% HP/mp per second]

[8 effects: strength/intelligence/agility/stamina +10%, attack speed/movement speed +10%, movement speed in the town +60%! 】

Attributes, compared to high-end fashion, are simply different!

Jiao Yuan used the [Rare Dress Redemption Voucher] to redeem directly, not from ordinary high-level dresses.

The fantasy clone suit, although it has the effect of the sky suit, can be set to the appearance of ordinary high fashion.

Jiao Yuan chose to choose his appearance as the appearance of [Admiral of the Navy]!

From Jiao Yuan's point of view, this fashion suit is very handsome!

very satisfied!


(It's not an ordinary holiday package, it's the reward for the first place in the Fighting King Contest. Forget it in the first few sessions. You can see some videos of B-War Search Judo Excellence.)

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