Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 181 The Announcement Declares War

[Combat information: You were hit by the demon player "madman" release skill "Life Exchange", you are dead! 】

[System prompt: Has the resurrection coin been used? 】

Hearing the two system prompts in his ear, Jiao Yuan seemed unheard of.

Everything happened so fast!

Jiao Yuan was originally wandering on the west coast, when suddenly a player in a cloak appeared, pointed at him from a distance, and then he fell straight down!


There is no reaction time at all!

Who can kill himself with more than 30 million dual defenses and nearly 60 million HP in total?

Actually still a player!

The first thought that came to Jiao Yuan's mind was that he couldn't believe it, but then he thought about and observed it for a while before finally realizing something was wrong.

The demon player who assassinated him, at the moment he died, he also turned into white light and disappeared!

Coupled with the reminder of the battle information... Jiao Yuan seemed to understand something.

"Life redemption? Does it mean the ability to die together? It's really scary!"

Being able to kill him in a flash can also kill any other players in a flash. Such a skill is really too powerful.

No wonder, dare to release yourself!

It's based on the hole card of the same death, right? !

I don’t know which guild’s handwriting, or is it an individual player who wants to be famous?

The demons... is it from the Dark Lords Guild?

Jiao Yuan thought about it carefully, and the one who had hatred with him was nothing more than the guild of arrogant heroes, or the dark monarch guild of the demon race. This player named "lunatic" came from the demon race, maybe he was the younger brother of the latter!

"Fortunately, I unlocked the item mall and got the resurrection coins. Otherwise, they would really have succeeded... Hmph, don't rush to resurrect and see who jumps out!"

Jiao Yuan was a little grateful at first, because none of his equipment was bound to himself, which made him a little bit distressed.

Although it is a white name, if a piece of equipment is exposed if you die, you will have the heart to cry!

Especially the [Ring of Chaos] ring, after dropping it, all equipment higher than Lv10 or higher can no longer be worn...

Fortunately, there was a resurrection coin, which avoided the worst outcome.

Thinking of this, he decided not to use resurrection coins for the time being, and waited for the murderer to jump out from behind the scenes!

It took so much effort to kill himself, Jiao Yuan could not believe that the murderer behind the scenes could bear it!

"Better don't let me know who it is, otherwise, I won't let it go!"

Jiao Yuan whispered silently.


Just as Jiao Yuan waited secretly for the murderer to emerge from the scene, the players on the West Coast were all dumbfounded.

"What happened? What happened to the big father Qianye just next to me? Why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

"Crossly, I still want to hug my thighs cheeky, why is it gone?"

"Did you teleport and leave?" someone guessed.

In the next second, he was immediately refuted.

The retort said in an extremely horrified tone: "The Great Devil Qianye could not have left. Look at the forum!"

"What's on the forum?" A casual player blurted out subconsciously.

"Despise the Guild of Heroes! The Dark Lords Guild! The Guild of Fighting Wind and Clouds!"

"The third of the three full-service top ten guilds, leading many top guilds, not only admitted that Dad Qianye was killed by them, but at the same time, they all declared war on King's Landing and Fengming Guild!"

Hearing this person's explanation, all the players around went crazy.

"What? Are they crazy?"

Subconsciously complained, and then everyone went to the forum in unison!

At this time, the forum is full of turmoil.

[This is the first player in the game? My Dark Lord’s Guild president, Bigir, announced that since then I saw him and killed him once! 】

[I despise the emperor, the leader of the guild, and formally declare war on the King's Landing and Fengming Guild! 】

[I fought wildly against the elder Gorefiend of the Fengyun Guild, and officially declared war on King's Landing and Fengming Guild! 】

[I, the emperor, the chairman of the Dark Sovereign Guild, officially declare war on the King's Landing and Fengming Guild! 】


[The president of my Blue Guild is radiant, and officially declares war on King's Landing and Fengming Guild! 】

Posts that declared war one by one were posted to the forum homepage!

Countless players who were browsing the forum or coming to watch after receiving news were all shocked!

Looking at these posts, they had only one thought in their minds--

An unprecedented battle for all servers is about to break out!

The sky is going to collapse!


At the same time, Jiao Yuan's little brothers, the 10,000 Kings of the World, were filled with righteous indignation.

"Fuck, the dog disregards the guild, and dares to provoke our president's father!"

"Brothers, fuck him, avenge the president's father!"

"What a special Dark Sovereign Guild, don't think that it doesn't matter if you are in the Demon Clan, wait for the president's father to free up, and I want you to look good!"

"What a special orc clan also participated, really reluctant to live and die!"

"Brothers, don't worry, come one by one, let's get rid of all the anti-bones of the human race first!"

"Yes, these human race guilds persecute the pride of our human race, so they should understand how to write the word regret!"

"Is the president's father here? As long as you say something, I will take the lead!"

In the guild channel, everyone clamored to sanction these guilds!

Although it is a bit incomprehensible that their president Qianye was killed in full view, it is estimated that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future.

The Dark Lord's Guild must be slamming the trick, which cost a huge price!

Such as disposable scrolls and other items.

In the future, it may not be able to sustain this consumption!

By then, their father Qianye will definitely teach the other person the truth!

They are so confident in Qianye's father!

And Yu and others in June were very angry at the beginning.

You know the ones killed, but their president/master/friends have been vigorously nurturing their people!

Now Jiao Yuan has been killed by a Demon player, and the major guilds on the forum are starting to make waves and declare war. How can they stand it?

Therefore, they were originally prepared to desperately kill the high-level guilds to let them know who they can't provoke.

But then I thought about it, was their father Qianye really killed by the assassination?

Everyone looked at the [Resurrection Coins] in their pockets, and was silent for a while.

After a long time, someone finally said something.

"Is the Lord of Darkness throwing himself into the trap?"

"Hahaha, ridiculous, ridiculous, I dared to declare war without knowing my master's hole cards, it's too self-reliant!"

"Hey, why did you jump out early? I really feel sad for their ignorance!"

"With so many people, can we move our hands and feet, right?"

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