Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 307 The second stage reward, and mutation!

[System prompt: You have completed the second phase of the task "Perseverance and Unyielding"! 】

[Reward settlement in the second stage of the mission... Five specialties/skills of the opponent will be randomly selected, please choose one of them by yourself! 】

[Choose one "Dragon Fist": The effect can only be produced when you hit the target with your bare hands. You can control the attack power and piercing power of the skill at will. The maximum can't exceed 110 times your own attack power and the piercing range of 1 million kilometers. When hitting the target Randomly attach a variety of debuffs to the target BUFF (stun, chaos, bleeding, silence, severe injuries, etc.), the cooling time and MP consumption are calculated based on the level of skill release, and the maximum power is 72 hours! 】

[Choose two "Budo Peak": Passive BUFF, you can master the release range and piercing strength of all active melee skills, up to 100 times the skill! 】

[Choose three "to high-pressure system": Active BUFF skills, after release, add a burst state to oneself, all active skills attack power, attack range +200%, last 60 seconds, cool down time 24 hours! 】

[Choose four "Super A Weili": All enemies within the range of 100,000 X 100,000 meters reduce their attack speed and movement speed by 10%! 】

[Choose five "Stamina": own HP +30%! 】

Five options!

The latter two are specialties, and Jiao Yuan doesn't consider them at all.

The first three belong to skills, two BUFF types, and one active attack skill!

Jiao Yuan looked at the description carefully, and almost laughed out of a pig cry!

"These three skills are all good, but when you compare them carefully, do you still need to consider?"

Jiao Yuan didn't hesitate to choose the first skill-Upani Dragon Fist!

Although this skill can only be released when attacking with unarmed hands, which makes him a bit uncomfortable who likes to play the gun god professional, his attack power and attack range both make him shine.

"The highest self-attack power is 110 times, and the piercing range is 1 million kilometers... Isn't this a magical skill equivalent to the ‘Smashing Star’?"

"And being able to control the release of skills is also an extra surprise!"

Jiao Yuan looked at the description of the skill repeatedly, and while he was ecstatic, he secretly smacked his tongue.

I have long heard that Transcendent A Grade possesses the strength of "Broken Star", but I haven't seen it with his own eyes. Jiao Yuan has always maintained a skeptical attitude.

During the period from the fight to the present, Haixius has also used [Ouyi·Dragon Fist], but in Jiao Yuan's view, it has similar effects with other [Ouyi·Tiger Fist] and [Ouyi·Heavy Fist], etc. The damage is not high, and most of them are used to limit their actions.

Jiao Yuan originally underestimated this kind of skills, but now he realized that his thoughts had fallen to the lower level.

Why is the skill itself not strong?

Obviously it was caused by Hysius deliberately pulling back his strength!

As for why he did this? Jiao Yuan changed his mind and understood!

Wasn't it all for the purpose of implementing the idea that the senior leaders of Amethyst Civilization wanted to suppress themselves, and that they were extremely confident in their own strength and believed that the battle situation was completely in their own hands, and then decided to do so? !

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan smiled and shook his head!

"Oh, I was underestimated!"

"However, fortunately there is this underestimation, otherwise I won't get the reward!"

"Next, when you get the rewards for the third stage of the mission, you can repay this underestimate!"

At present, the rewards for the first and second stages are still in hand. Jiao Yuan is confident that he can reverse the situation in an instant, but he still decides to wait until the third stage is completed before turning defense into offense!

Thinking of the three options in the third stage, Jiao Yuan's heart is extremely hot.

In his opinion, this battle is really worth it!

Amethyst civilization, it is all about sending warmth to yourself!


On the other hand, through the sharing of the first perspective, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw Jiao Yuan's two-stage reward moments, and the audience in the whole live broadcast room was boiling!

"Fuck, fuck!!!"

"What kind of fairy reward is this!! Too awesome, right?!!!"

"Look at Dad Qianye's quest rewards, and then look at my hard-pressed daily quest rewards... I'm crying, how about you?"

"[Ukraine Dragon Fist]...Is this one of the abilities of Transcendent A Grade'Smashing Star'? Terrible!"

"It's incredible to have the ability to release intensity based on your mind!"

"Other rewards are also very fragrant, especially the previous [Unyielding Will] Specialty, which is immune to the control skills of creatures below Lv400. It's too abnormal!"

"If it weren't for the reward for the third stage of the mission, now my father Qianye has sounded the horn of counterattack, right? Looking forward to the moment of counterattack!"

Looking at the reward options, the audience is going crazy!

At this moment, no one was worried that Jiao Yuan would continue to be so aggrieved, but began to watch the battle with interest.

Haisius' confidence to keep his hands is really stupid in their eyes.

It's cheap for nothing, Jiao Yuan!

Of course, there are players in the audience who are jealous of this, but thinking that Jiao Yuan is the only big guy who has entered the cosmos class, this jealous mentality is much weaker.

And because the current battle situation is still in the cycle of being controlled-beating-taking drugs + milk-and then controlled, Jiao Yuan also paid attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room, frowning at this.

"To the effect, the next information about tasks and the like, let's block the viewing mode from the first perspective!"

Although "Original" is a virtual game, it is also an extremely real world.

When watching the live broadcast, players can freely choose the free switch between the first view and the third view, just like watching an ancient FPS shooting game.

Jiao Yuan hadn't paid much attention to these differences before, but now he saw the barrage from the audience and decided to make a change.

Nothing else, just to avoid seeing those sore barrage and affect appetite.


The battle continues.

The attack power of Haysius is getting higher and higher as the battle time goes by. However, because of the fear of being far away in the blink of an eye, the goals of the high-level civilization will fall short. Therefore, the rate of increase in attack power is very slow. middle.

Seeing the protracted war, everyone's mentality gradually changed.

Unlike Jiao Yuan, the old gods of the audience were there, the Amethyst Civilized NPCs couldn't help but sink their hearts.

"In any case, it's almost ten minutes, right? Why can this guy hold on for so long under the attack of Master Hysius?"

"Even if Master Haisius didn't exert his full power, he shouldn't have done this level?"

"The body of this foreign visitor can be called an'immortal body', and my perverted recovery ability is simply an eye-opener for me!"

On the side of the battlefield, the Amethyst Civilized NPCs couldn't help but began to whisper.

They broke their heads and couldn't understand why a mere B-level professional could hold on for so long under the fierce attack of Transcendent A-level martial artist Haysius!

And Haisius's face changed again and again, and finally couldn't help but stop moving!

Jiao Yuan was taken aback when he saw it, and after checking the time, it was only a little over 11 minutes later!

Why don't you continue?

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