Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 309 Turning the Battle Situation: Fifty Seconds of Rolling, Hexius Sao's Operation

"Fuck, I'm fighting back, I'm starting to fight back!"

"I can't wait to see the shocked expressions of the purple sweet potato essences!"

"Come on, Dad Qianye, get rid of these annoying purple sweet potato essence!"


At this time, Jiao Yuan has not closed the first angle of view, so players can see what is happening at this time through his line of sight.

The specialty [Unyielding Will] extracted from Haysius is vivid, and Jiao Yuan has already got rid of the opponent's continuous control state, and quickly released all his own active buffs!

Wushuang Sword Dance, Fury, Twilight of the Gods, Title Transcendence Effect...

From the beginning of the battle, Jiao Yuan knew that he was fate of being beaten within 20 minutes, so except for passive skills that were not under his control, the other active buffs were useless.

At this time, there was only 60 seconds of exemption control time, so Jiao Yuan naturally had to hurry up.

After the active BUFF is released, and then click on the consumables that add attributes, and he immediately enters the strongest state of full firepower!

Relying on the recovery of his own equipment, as well as the blood-sucking effects of drugs and the sword of dominance, Jiao Yuan no longer needs to worry about his own blood volume and instantly transforms into an attacking profession!

As soon as the figure flashed, it appeared in front of Haysius as if teleporting.

If Jiao Yuan raises his hand without saying a word, it is a dazzling skill!

【Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style! 】

[Valkyus kicks! 】


The time of 60 seconds is very short, Jiao Yuan must seize the time to output.

Therefore, he directly discarded all the small skills, and only used the first and second sleeps of each profession to greet Haysius.

With unparalleled swift speed, the skills are released too fast!

At the same time, Haisius, who was suddenly hit by this incident, had not fully understood the situation, and was unilaterally beaten by Jiao Yuan!

-11.66 million!

-17.77 million!

-20.28 million!


Every attack is mostly multi-stage damage of skills, so it looks a little inconspicuous!

However, the accumulation of less can add up, and the total output is quite impressive!

Jiao Yuan's attack speed was too fast, causing Hysius's blood volume to pour out like a flood that opened the gate.

In just half a minute, he destroyed nearly 10 billion HP!

This sudden change not only opened the eyes of the players, but also angered the NPCs of Amethyst Civilization!

"Master Haisius...being beaten...hiss! How could this be?"

"Oh my god, why did this stranger's offensive power suddenly become so terrifying? Is he really a mere B-level professional?"

"If it weren't for the malfunction of the energy level detector, I would never dare to look directly at the B-level professional in the future!"

"Don't you see the point? It has something to do with the profession? The strength of foreign visitors cannot be measured by our local rank!"

"Master Hysius, come on!"

The NPCs of the Amethyst Civilization couldn't think of it. The last moment was fine, and the next moment the battle situation suddenly changed drastically.

With the body of a B-level professional, suppress the super A-level boss?

This scene refreshed everyone's cognition, which is simply unimaginable!

Irene and other NPCs stared at the battlefield in the distance, forgetting the decision to evacuate for a while.

Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into the shadows, this action will save Haixius half of his life, and at the same time, it also makes Jiao Yuan completely give up the idea of ​​killing Haixius and turn to disaster for these miscellaneous fish.


On the battlefield, as the hurt and pain continued to come from his body, Haysius finally fully reacted. Under his anger, he suddenly had a palpitation, and quickly moved away from Jiao Yuan like a phantom!

I don't know what power he used, but a faint red light appeared on his body, as if he had been added with special effects.

However, because of this unknown ability, Jiao Yuan knew that he couldn't kill Haixius!

"Unfortunately, I obviously feel that within 60 seconds, it can almost be done!"

"As I expected, the Super A Grade life-saving hole cards are very powerful, what a pity!"

Jiao Yuan couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

From the release of [Unyielding Will] to the present, less than fifty seconds have passed.

At this moment, the HP of Haysius was hit below 30%, just a little bit, he should be able to kill the opponent!

Because it was the first kill, the reward for killing Transcendent A Grade was bound to be very generous, but Haysius was too slippery. He found an attack flaw by accident and ran away at an accelerated speed!

At present, Haysius has rushed beyond the attack range of most of his long-range skills. Only a few skills with super long distances have the highest attack power from him.

But with a 100 times attack, Jiao Yuan couldn't kill 30% of Haysius' blood volume in seconds.

So he gave up, stared at Irene and other NPCs, and rushed over according to the plan!

At the same time, Haysius, who came to Irene first, finally stopped, showing a terrible injury.

This scene made Amethyst civilization NPC all tremble!

"My God, Lord Haysius actually suffered such a serious injury?"

"It''s incredible!"

Amethyst civilization NPC couldn't help but exclaimed. For the first time they saw the Transcendent A Grade veteran, one of the guardians of civilization, falling into such a tragic situation!

But Haisius didn't have this mood. Just now Jiao Yuan's attack for nearly fifty seconds made him smell death!

"Quickly, give me the two potions he handed over before!"

Haisius urged!

Hearing that, many purple sweet potato spirits finally recovered and panicked looking for [Remy's Assistance] X2 that Jiao Yuan had taken out at the beginning.

The scientific research personnel of Amethyst Civilization were on the surface indiscriminately before, but they knew in their hearts that [Remy's assistance] was actually a magic medicine, so nothing was wasted.

Haysius grabbed two potions, and even threw the bottle into his mouth to chew and swallow.

Suddenly, an incomparably abundant life recovery force erupted, and the injuries on Haisius' body recovered visible to the naked eye.

In just one breathing time, his injury recovered more and more.

Seeing this scene from afar, Jiao Yuan smiled without a smile, and now the facts have been overturned, [Remy's assistance] is a nonsense concoct that has no effect on Transcendent A Grade!

And Jiao Yuan's heart is also very open-minded.

Anyway, it was impossible for him to kill Transcendent A Grade, and after the other party saw the effect of [Remy's Aid] on Transcendent A Grade professionals, the high level of civilization really understood what he had lost.

Heartache? regret?

Sorry, in short, this god-level recovery potion has nothing to do with you!

On the other side, the audience who saw this scene through the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

"Xiu'er, what is this operation?"

"Not long ago, I said that it had no effect on Transcendent A Grade.

"Hasius: Take drugs, this is still teaching me!"

"Hahaha, I feel that Dad Qianye's face is dark, the first time I saw him being tricked by the enemy."

"It doesn't matter who is playing, you have to know that in the future [Remy's assistance] Amethyst civilization is gone!"

"Yes, they will definitely regret it for a long time in the future, at least one hundred years from the start, do you believe it or not?"

"Believe, of course I believe it!"

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