Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 316: Refusal? The shock of the new potion! (Three shifts)

Faced with the new conditions raised by Jiaoyuan, Jenos hasn't answered yet, Billy blurted out!

"No, I won't agree!"

"Why?" Jiao Yuan asked with a frown.

Billy is the representative of the Secret Blue Star. Although Genos is expensive as a Transcendent A Grade boss, it is impossible to ignore his one, so Jiao Yuan is a little unhappy.

Brother, aren't you thinking of my way of making money?

The road is narrow!

On the other side, Janos looked at Billy curiously.

"Don't think I don't know what your plan is!" Billy asked solemnly, "Do you want to fight against Master Jenos to gain a certain ability of Master Jenos?"

"……how come?"

Jiao Yuan did have this idea, but he knew it in his heart, how could he admit it.

"Huh, you want to hide it from me? Your special ability has long been exposed!" Billy snorted coldly.

"What special ability?" Jiao Yuan asked calmly.

"Of course it is through the battle to obtain the special ability of the opponent's ability!" Billy explained righteously: "Don't you know? The details of your battle with the Super A Grade martial artist of Amethyst Civilization, Haysius, have long been It has spread to all civilizations in the entire star field!"

"You got two of Haysius's abilities, do you think everyone is blind?"

"Huh, still want to secretly learn the magician ability of Master Jenos? Wishful thinking!"

Jiao Yuan: "..."

It's broken, it turned out to be such a thing!

Before Jiao Yuan laughed at Amethyst Civilization's stupid actions, he did not expect to have a strong negative impact on him now!

How can this make me feel like a mess?

Jiao Yuan was a little worried, but he lacked the "Broken Star" level ability.

I didn't have much communication in Star Territory 130, and finally met a Transcendent A Grade magician. Did you just miss it?

Jiao Yuan was not reconciled, so he turned his head and looked at Jenos.

"What do you think? I'll give out a hundred [Remy's Aid], will you fight me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Jenos hadn't spoken yet, and Billy couldn't wait to interrupt again.

"Isn't it a magical medicine? High-level civilization will definitely give you some!"

"The other party already has the title of [Replicator] in the outside world, Master Jenos, don't agree,"


Jiao Yuan's face turned dark, and the look in Billy's eyes gradually appeared dangerous.

He decided that if Janos really refused, he would kill this guy immediately!

Tell him to spoil himself for good deeds!

When the audience saw this scene, they were too happy.

"Hahaha, Billy's head is really iron, he always cuts in!"

"Is Dad Qianye's plan going to be destroyed? Hey, I love it!"

"It's been a long time since I've been running the server, is it the first time I've seen Qianye's father suffer? This live broadcast is worth it!"

"Papa Qianye: I'm afraid you are tired of life, little brother! Hahaha~"

On the other side, Jenos was silent, and after considering it for a while, he proposed a new condition.

"As you can see, the previous transaction has been completed, and I have no shortage of [Remy's assistance] now!"

"But, I'm also curious if you really have this incredible ability to replicate opponents? You can play against you, but I need to change a potion!"

"Also, after this battle, I need you to be an ally on the bright side of Azuremyst Star!"

Jiao Yuan, who became an ally, didn't matter, he agreed directly.

But a different medicine?

Jiao Yuan was taken aback, then nodded with a big smile.

"No problem, what do you think of these two potions?"

After speaking, he took out two potions from his backpack.

One is 【Vitality Potion】, and one is 【God's Blessing】.

"With these two potions, the first one increases its overall attributes in a short period of time, increasing by about 10%!"

"The latter one, puts itself into an invincible state for 30 seconds, during which it is immune to any attack!"

Looking at the entire dungeon consumables column, these two potions are also the top two in the batch.

Jiao Yuan didn't believe it, after hearing their detailed effects, Jenos could still remain indifferent!

Sure enough, Jenos' surprise voice came soon!


"Magic medicine!"

"Magic medicine!"

As a Transcendent A Grade magician, his control over himself has reached the culmination, and any slight change can be felt for the first time.

After drinking two potions, Jenos felt as Jiao Yuan said, his own combat power increased slightly!

This surprised him so much!

To know that the top masters fight, the strength difference is 1%, the balance of victory will greatly tilt the strength of the party.

Now with the support of these two potions, Genos has the confidence to leapfrog!

If [Remy’s Aid] and [Magic Water] are life-saving medicines, then [Vitality Potion] and [God’s Blessing] are magic medicines that can turn the tide of battle when facing powerful enemies.

From a certain perspective, the latter two are more important than the first two!

After all, to deal with an enemy who cannot be beaten and cannot escape, how can he heal his own state like this? Didn’t it have to be killed in the end?

And if you improve your combat power, you can fight back. What healing potions are needed by then? Is it uncomfortable to go home and recuperate slowly?

Jenos looked at Jiao Yuan. He knew that the other party must have more than these four potions. Numerous greed suddenly rose in his heart, but he calmed down in the next moment.

The scene of the Amethyst civilization is still vivid, and raising his hand to suppress this unknown foreign visitor is the most risky decision.

And obeying the other's will and building a friendly relationship, won't there be a stable source of magic medicine in the end?

This is the correct attitude of a sane person!

Jenos made up his mind, then came back to his mind and asked: "I want both of these medicines. How much are you going to pay? Explain in advance that my appearance fee is not low!"

Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up, and he just agreed. As for the consumables of medicine, is he short of it?

With a big wave, "Two kinds of 50 pieces each!"

"Deal!" Jenos agreed with a smile!

Upon seeing this, Billy on the side was finally shocked by the effects of [Vitality Potion] and [God's Blessing] against the sky.

"This foreign visitor has too many abilities to hide!"

"How long has it been before I took out two new magical medicines, and when I opened my mouth, there were a total of one hundred, terrible!"

"No, I have to tell the high-level about this as soon as possible, and I must carefully consider the attitude toward the other party!"

Billy said to himself secretly.

At this time he could no longer say anything to prevent the two sides from fighting.

After all, these two magical medicines are too high in value and in large quantities.

After taking it back, maybe our own civilization can study the principle and mass produce it!

Compared with this, Jenos may have copied several abilities, which is too trivial.

It's just possible, copy, it's not that he was stolen and disappeared, it's totally worth it!

This deal is a bargain!

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