Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 336 Excited female student, the horror of the dungeon career

"Well, the ability has been given to you, let's try to see how it works!"

Jiao Yuan smiled and clapped his hands, motioning Hugogo to experience it for himself.

Because he was transferred to a mage, Hugogo's hand appeared a new hand wand that came with the profession. This wand hardly has any attributes attached, but with it, Hugo can use skills.

Looking at Hugogo's transformation, the others present widened their eyes and looked at each other.

"This is successful?"

"So fast, it's over in the blink of an eye!"

"Guoguo hurry up and let us Kangkang, Lord God bestows you the ability!"

The women rushed to talk.

Hugogo also came back to his senses, his little face flushed with excitement.


"Magic Star Egg!"

The staff pointed forward, and suddenly, a golden five-pointed star with the palm of the hand appeared out of thin air and galloped forward!

This is one of the basic skills of a mage!

At present, Hugogo, except for the Lv Dragon Tooth that comes with the Mage class at the beginning, there is only it!


The magic star finally passed a distance of nearly one hundred meters, and then the moment it hit an ornamental stone, it left a palm-sized black hole in the latter!

At a distance of one hundred meters, the attack power is also very good!

What kind of offensive ability is this?

Amazing, isn't it?

An ordinary person, instantly turned into a long-range fort?

When everyone's eyes widened in surprise, Hugogo was so excited that he continued to wave his staff!

"Yeah yeah~"

One, two, or three golden five-pointed stars have to hit that ornamental stone regardless of front and back!


Hearing only a soft sound, the ornamental stone seemed overwhelmed and shattered!

"Oh my god, Hugo, you're a god, do you know?"

"A hundred meters away, several long-range attacks broke the hard rock?"

"The abilities bestowed by Lord God are too strong?!"

Many female students were stunned!

They broke their heads and did not expect that a minute ago, Hugo, who belonged to ordinary people like themselves and others, instantly turned into a powerful "superior" after a minute!

Immediately afterwards, they came back to their senses, looking at Jiao Yuan with awe in their eyes.

The power of the gods is beyond their imagination!

Sister Lei, who was watching Hugogo carefully, also muttered to herself in shock.

"This kind of attack power, I am afraid it is already comparable to the F-class ability player, right?"


"Obviously in my perception, Hugogo is still an ordinary person!"

If Sister Lei also had a system panel, she would understand that F-level abilities are only Lv10~Lv20 level.

Hugogo's level is only Lv3, so naturally it belongs to the range of ordinary people.

But who said that people below Lv10 must be ordinary people without the power to bind chickens?

Take a look at Hugogo. She became a mage because of her transfer. Although her physical fitness is still an ordinary person, her actual combat power is no less than that of an F-level superpower!

Although Sister Lei doesn't understand this, she is also very clear that the changes that have taken place in Hugogo are all because of Jiao Yuan's giving!

So, looking at Jiao Yuan's eyes, they are also full of awe like everyone else!

At the scene, there was only Hugogo, who was using the [Magic Star Egg] skill continuously, and it was a joy to play!

Jiao Yuan didn't expect that the basic skills of the mage would have such excellent attack power.

But looking at Hugogo's excitement, she kept shaking her skills, revealing her aunt's smile.

How much blue can an Lv3 mage have without any equipment?

You know, although [Magic Star Egg] is an initial skill, because there is almost no CD, the MP consumption is still very scary for a novice player!

Sure enough, after a few seconds, Hugogo suddenly felt soft!


"Why, why do you suddenly lose strength?"

She felt that she had run out of her last bit of strength and couldn't do it even if she raised her fingers, so she suddenly looked confused.

The girls were shocked when they saw this.

It seems that the cost of using skills is very high!

Although the ability is easy to use, if it consumes a lot of money, you must consider it carefully!

After all, Urso is still in the apocalypse, and the cost of supplementing physical strength is very expensive.

Fortunately, Jiao Yuan faintly explained a few words and gave them a dose of reassurance.

"Do not worry!"

"In this case, it's just a loss of strength, just take a short rest!"

"If the skills are saved, or if the physical fitness is improved later, it can last a long time!"

"It's all like this at the beginning, and after familiarizing it for a while, I understand!"

After hearing the words, everyone was relieved.

Afterwards, the gaze looking at Hugogo was a little funny.

This little Nizi has newly acquired abilities and doesn't know how to cherish it. Isn't it miserable?

At this time, Jiao Yuan gave them another big surprise——

"That's right." Jiao Yuan thought for a while and looked at Hugogo and added: "The way to improve your physical fitness is to exercise on your own. However, if you kill zombies and alien beasts, it should also increase, and the speed is still very high. fast!"

"I have planted follow-up abilities in your memory, and when your physical fitness has improved to a certain level, you will gradually unlock it!"

Zombies are also weird, and they can be upgraded by fighting monsters.

This point, even Hugo as an NPC, is the same as the player.

As soon as Jiao Yuan's voice fell, the surrounding atmosphere became quiet!

Everyone stared at Jiao Yuan in a daze, with their faces full of disbelief!

Can killing zombies and alien beasts quickly improve physical fitness?

After your physical fitness improves, will you continue to unlock new abilities?

These two messages made everyone deafening!

"My God, what kind of fairy profession is this?"

"Killing zombies can improve physical fitness? Then can't it be the same as the ability person?"

"I have a hunch, as long as there are more survivors on the planet Urso who are empowered by the gods, the end of the zombies will come!"

None of them doubted the authenticity of Jiao Yuan's words.

Because the other party is noble as a god, it is impossible to spread such a lie that can be broken with a single poke, and it is unnecessary!

So when they realized this, they were extremely excited and exhilarated.

"Respected Lord God, please grant me abilities, right?" The eldest sister among the female students said with a frantic expression on her face.

"And I!"

"There are us, we too!"

The other female students couldn't wait to speak.

Even Sister Lei, who had her own C-level ability at the beginning, couldn't help but rush to say: "Sir God, I want to get a career in melee combat and elemental attack, do you allow it?"

"Hahaha, naturally no problem!"

With a big wave of his hand, Jiao Yuan bestowed everyone on the profession one by one.

It’s just time for a few fingers!

It didn't take long for all the natives of Uso Star present to become dungeon professions!

(PS: I’m a little busy at home on National Day these days. After the holidays, Xiaoxian will resume the previous update speed and update everyone from time to time. Thank you all for your support!)

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