Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 344 Unleashing the Star Breaking Skills Again, A Skill Output of 36 Billion

In the vast void of the universe, a huge phantom gradually formed behind Jiao Yuan!

A mysterious coercion made the scene including the Alliance Special Operations Squad NPC and the wild beasts tremble.

"Why, what's the matter?"

"This's terrifying!"

"Is it another'broken star' level attack? The big guy outside the star field is terrible!"

On the battleship Yinlong, the special squad NPCs all showed extremely shocked expressions.

"Generally speaking, a king-level warrior has a heavy load of using the abilities of the ‘Smashing Star’ level, and cannot be used continuously at all!"

The NPC captain was shocked again and again, and said in science again:

"For example, the King of Longevity in our alliance has publicly said that every time a warrior of the king level uses the ability of the'broken star', he must perform at least ten hours of recovery time, otherwise it will be used continuously within ten hours. If it does, it will cause the loss of the origin of life!"

"The shorter the interval between continuous use of the'Broken Star' level, the greater the consumption of life origin!"

"This strange big guy in the alien domain used his second'Smashing Star' level skill in just a few minutes. Could it be that he did not hesitate to consume a huge amount of life origin in order to eliminate the Wild Beast King?"

The origin of life is the fundamental vitality of a warrior. After losing the origin of life, it is difficult to replenish the original state by ordinary means.

And even if some extremely precious items are obtained and successfully restored, there are still flaws. The martial art is almost certain to reach the end, and it is impossible to step into a higher level of realm!

This alien tycoon did not hesitate to take such a huge risk in order to deal with the Wild Beast King?

Under the captain's popular science, the players on the field were all stunned.

Later, I was moved to tears by Jiao Yuan's "great selflessness and great contribution" spirit!

But in fact, the captain has one more speculation that he didn't say, that is--

The other party dared to do this, not because he was forcibly consuming his life source, but his own strength far surpassed the average king-level warrior, and continuous use of the "star breaking" technique was a normal method!

But this kind of speculation is terrible, far beyond the captain's imagination.

Therefore, he subconsciously did not say it.

But deep in my heart, there is a trace of believing this speculation.


On the other side, the audience in the live broadcast room was all excited after seeing Jiao Yuan release [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming].

"Fuck, fuck, Dad Qianye has used this skill again, Niubi!"

"This is the second time we have seen the release of [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming]? No, I have to quickly cut a picture and enjoy it later!"

"The screenshot above, you will remember to mail me a copy later, I don't have a good skill, so I won't take a screenshot!"

"Cut, in the live broadcast of Qianye Dad, when you still watch the'Broken Star' level skills in the future? I'm too lazy to take screenshots, don't you look good at the scene?"

"You know a basket, this is a memory, do you know that a memory? You can use it for bragging after a few years!"

"Don't make a noise, watch the barren beast group quietly, and the situation is destroyed under the skills of Dad Qianye!"

It is not the first time that the audience has seen the release of [Forbidden Curse: Dharma God Coming]. When Jiao Yuan had just obtained it from Janos before, he had already demonstrated the undisputed attack power of the "Smashing Star" in the past.

At this time, as soon as the huge human figure appeared behind him, everyone immediately looked forward to it.

And the result did not disappoint them or Jiao Yuan!

I saw the huge ghost lightly shaking the staff in his hand, and the next moment, the boundless blue magic power rushed towards the barren beasts in front of Jiao Yuan like a flood of gates!

Along the way, all the wild beasts in the area covered by the azure blue magic flood attack were silent for an instant, and they were all annihilated!

One barren beast, two barren beasts... Thousands, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of barren beasts, all disappeared under the attack of Jiao Yuan’s [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming]. trace!

With a single blow, the clearing effect can be completed instantly!

Even the desolate beast queen mother ant seemed to have received unbearable harm at this moment. Suddenly issued a terrible roar!

"Quack, quack, quack..."

Very weird screams resounded through the starry sky.

An extremely exaggerated figure suddenly appeared on the head of the mother ant of the wild beast.

-36.77 billion!

With a skill, Jiao Yuan knocked out 1/3 of the HP of the Wild Beast King!

The players who saw this scene suddenly took a breath, and all the viewers in the entire live broadcast room were shocked!

"Hi... brothers, tell me whether my eyes are blooming?"

"A skill kills more than 36 billion? I'm not dreaming, am I? Does such a terrifying skill really exist?"

"Yes, you are not mistaken. At this moment, the two billion viewers in the live broadcast room have all seen clearly!"

"A skill output of more than 36 billion yuan, plus countless mobs are buried with me... I served it, and I completely served it. From then on, I only recognize Dad Qianye as the strongest in the universe!!"

"Previously, when the Great Devil Qianye played the gods against NPCs in Uso, I was a bit disdainful. Now, I really want to go across the past and slap myself severely. The Great Devil Qianye still needs to play the gods? He is the deity of the gods! "

"I declare that Dad Qianye is the strongest man in the universe!"

The live broadcast room hasn't been so boiling for a long time!

A single skill destroys more than 36 billion HP of the Desolate Beast King, plus destroys hundreds of thousands of high-level desolate beasts?

Although everyone expected the horror output of [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming], it was unexpected to break your head, and it was so high!

I'm afraid it's broken, but that's all right?

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked. Let alone talk about it. After Jiao Yuan saw that the mob was cleared, he instantly jumped to the side of Desolate Beast Mother Ant.

At this time, although the large-scale "Smashing Star" level skills are in a cooling state, Jiao Yuan's own small-range output ability is also quite good.

With the accumulation of the characteristics of the ancient myth necklace [Chigo Monarch Luke], the major active buffs can be released seven times in a row without interruption.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan didn't feel distressed at all when he used it.

He had already entered a state of full firepower when he just released [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming], otherwise it would have been impossible to cause such a terrifying output to the Desolate Beast King.

After all, although the opponent's single attack power is not enough to see, the defense power of more than six billion is not a display.

If it weren't for the blessing of BUFF, Jiao Yuan didn't think he could make such a terrifying output.

"The mobs are over, then, face my attack head-on!"

When Jiao Yuan's eyes condensed, he immersed himself in uninterrupted output to the Wild Beast King!

【Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship, Storm Style! 】

【The Queen's Era·Glorious Stage! 】


After he was promoted to the senior dungeon lord by profession, Jiao Yuan possessed the three-sense skills of major professions. At this time, he threw them out, causing the desolate beast king's HP to rush down at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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