Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 346 Unblocking the Sword of Domination, the combat capability skyrocketed

"Lv414-level big boss, just like that, was crushed and pushed by the Great Demon King Qianye all the way?"

"Fuck, looking at the entire universe, who else can be the rival of Qianye's father?"

"It's horrible, look at the boss crushed by Dad Qianye, and think about it again we are still in the fear of being dominated by a Lv70 boss...I am stupid!"

Jiao Yuan killed this wild beast king, causing a huge impact on the hearts of all players.

You know, the vast majority of players are still between Lv70 and Lv80, and it is very difficult to team up against golden bosses of the same level.

However, Jiao Yuan singled out countless high-level bosses alone, and even showed a full crushing posture in this battle, steadily winning the first kill of the Lv414-level Wild Beast King!

Although everyone had expected this scene because of the whole live broadcast, the moment when the fact happened still shocked everyone.

Look at Jiao Yuan, then look at yourself...

This inner feeling is like people in two worlds with each other.

At this moment, many players showed bitter smiles.

They broke their heads and couldn't understand why, as players who entered the game as soon as "Original" was opened at the same time, the gap between them and Jiao Yuan was so huge!

However, in addition to the bitter mood, the players feel a little relieved inexplicably.

They are still living in Seablue Star, and they are actually a little afraid of the countless civilizations of the universe.

But the existence of Jiao Yuan made the big guys understand that there is such a person who has made a wide reputation in the depths of the universe and wiped out strong enemies one by one. When everyone reaches the level of the universe in the future, Jiao Yuan is their confidence.


After the battle, Jiao Yuan began to check the harvest.

Desolate Beast The mother ant is still the same as the other desolate beasts, without exploding any items.

Fortunately, there is a reward for the first kill, which makes Jiao Yuan feel very pleased.

Now, he immediately began to appreciate the rewards for completing the two tasks.

First of all, the first one is the [Unblocking Sword of Domination] mission.

The current Sword of Domination has been unblocked to the 3/5th floor, and its attributes have exploded—

【Item: Sword of Domination +13】

[Quality: Lv200 ancient mythology]

[Equipment requirement attributes: Lv200, strength 9.99 million]

[Equipment requirements occupation: Warrior/Assassin]

[Physical/Magic Attack Power: 15 million + 30 million]

[Strength/Agility: 9.99 million +1998 million]

[Physical/Magic Extra Attack Power: 50%]

[Skill 1: Power of Domination (halo type)]: After wearing the equipment, all teammates within 1000 yards around themselves will have an attack power of +50%.

[Skill 2: Sword of World Destruction (active skill)]: Send a powerful slash to the front fan-shaped area, coverage: 1 million square kilometers, skill attack power: 120,000%, skill cooling time: 7 days.

[Skill 3: Epic Power (Passive Skill)]: Reduce the use level by Lv180.

[Skill 4: Power Attack (Passive Skill)]: In battle, every five attacks will increase the skill damage by 30%, and 30% of the damage caused will be converted to restore your own HP.

[Skill 5: Ultimate Judgment (Active Skill)]: A judgment is issued to a target. When the opponent's level is higher than or equal to yours, your output increases by 100%. When the opponent's level is lower than yours, the opponent's Your damage is reduced by 80%!

[Equipment status]: Seal status (3/5 attribute).

[Note: This equipment has been bound to the player "Qianye" and cannot be traded or dropped. 】


After Jiao Yuan came out of the final Demon God Temple, the Sword of Domination followed him all the time.

Unknowingly, almost a year has passed since then. Basically all of his equipment has been updated several times, but there has never been a major weapon that is qualified to replace the Sword of Domination.

Now that the five-layer seal has been unsealed, Jiao Yuan has no reason to replace it.

Not surprisingly, the Sword of Domination will follow Jiao Yuan at every moment in The Original.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan is looking forward to the attributes after the new round of sealing has been lifted this time.

He immediately took a closer look, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Attack power and strength have been doubled several times!"

"The skills that came with the original equipment have also been improved to varying degrees!"

"And the newly-appearing skill is even more of a one-on-one supernatural skill!"

The Sword of Domination increases the basic attributes, enjoys the percentage bonus of various skills and titles, and the comprehensive combat effectiveness of Jiaoyuan has been greatly improved.

Compared with the simple attribute increase, what actually made Jiao Yuan more pleased was the change in the skill of the Sword of Domination.

The original [Sword of World Destruction] in Jiao Yuan's skill list gradually became a dispensable existence.

Many times, I can't remember to use it.

But now it's fine, the skill attack bonus of [Sword of Destruction] has not only changed from 120 times to 1200 times, it is the strongest output skill in Jiao Yuan's skill list.

And at the level of attack range, there has also been an explosive increase!

1 million square kilometers!

Don't think this range is not enough to see compared with a planet.

In fact, isn't it the same as "Uri-Tiger Boxing", isn't it the same attack range is not good?

How can the latter achieve the level of "broken star"?

It is because of the piercing power of the skill, it is not clearly stated in the detailed description of the skill!

Although Jiao Yuan has not yet experimented with whether [Sword of World Destruction] can reach the level of "Broken Star", he still wonders if it can't reach it, it won't be much worse.

Besides, [Sword of World Destruction] Jiaoyuan's effect has nothing to do with "Smashing Star". Considering its extraordinary attack bonus, it is used to deal with the Emperor-level desolate beasts, or it is more powerful than the desolate beast emperor. The existence of is the most important!

"[Sword of World Destruction] For me, it is equivalent to adding another important hole card when dealing with BOSS with a level higher than me by Lv200 or more!"

"And the newly-appearing [Ultimate Judgment] is even more perverted, it is simply a leapfrog single-handedly supernatural skill!"

Jiao Yuan's heart is extremely excited!

[Ultimate Judgment] When he singles out a boss with a higher level than himself, his final output doubles.

This means that the BOSS who could only kill 50% of their HP originally desperately can now be killed!

Very abnormal!

In general, the release of a seal this time has greatly improved Jiaoyuan's comprehensive combat capabilities.

He was excited for a while before he barely calmed down.

Then I started to appreciate the reward of the second mission-the sublimation of race!

This task appeared when it reached the Lv200 level.

It's a pity that Jiao Yuan was stumped by the 100 points of cosmic legend he requested, and it was only now finally completed.

Jiao Yuan was very excited when he thought that after receiving the reward later, his level would break through the upper limit of Lv200.

"Receive [Race Sublimation] mission rewards!"

Jiao Yuan pointed at the panel, ready to finish the task reward.

But at this moment, the new movement of the system stunned him——

[System prompt: After receiving the "Racial Sublimation" task reward, you will enter a 12-hour sublimation time. During this period, you cannot perform any actions, and you may be interrupted by the enemy. Do you receive it now? 】

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