Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 349 New Skill, NPC Longevity King

[System prompt: You have been upgraded, the current level is Lv230! 】

[System prompt: You have comprehended the skill of the void race "Void Shuttle"! 】


[System prompt: You have been upgraded, the current level is Lv279! 】

With the end of this system prompt, the movement of the panel finally stopped!

With nearly one trillion experience points, Jiao Yuan's level has only been upgraded from Lv200 to Lv279. It can be seen that as the level increases, subsequent upgrades will become more and more difficult.

However, after the race was sublimated, Jiao Yuan unlocked a new race skill every 30th level.

At present, he has unlocked two skills, namely [Void Shuttle] and [Void Slash].

Among them, the detailed attribute of [Void Shuttle] is-can use the racial talent ability to walk in the void, the maximum distance is 10 kilometers, the MP consumption is 0.5%, and the cooling time is 10 seconds!

It has to be said that this skill has greatly improved Jiao Yuan's ability to pursue and escape when fighting with the enemy.

The information attribute of [Void Slash] is-send out a powerful slash covering a range of 10 kilometers X 10 kilometers, 30,000% of the basic panel attack power, and a cooling time of 60 minutes!

The attack bonus of this skill is very powerful, and the range is not too small.

When playing BOSS, Jiao Yuan's explosive ability has been improved, which is quite good!

"A new skill is added every 30 levels. These two skills are all very powerful. I look forward to the new skills unlocked at Lv290 next time..."

Jiao Yuan murmured secretly.

At present, all the rewards for the [Racial Sublimation] task have been received, and there is nothing to do in the secondary dimension world, so he has returned to the 112 star domain.

As soon as I came out, I saw the NPCs of the special squad, who were surrounding a white-haired old man.

Jiao Yuan raised his brows.

"Yeah, is this a big man here?"


On the other side, Jiao Yuan's level rose to Lv79 in a blink of an eye, and the players who noticed the full server level rankings were all stunned!

"Fuck, what's the situation? Up to L279 in seconds?'

"From Lv200 seconds to Lv279? My eyes are not spent, right?"

"I try to play games every day, but the gap with Qianye's father is getting bigger and bigger!"

"What earth-shattering thing did Qianye Dad do? Really curious!"

"It's a pity that Qianye's father closed the live broadcast room, otherwise we might know how he did it."

Before Jiao Yuan Lv200 level, all players could only look up at his stalwart figure. Among them, the players with dreams tried their best to catch up.

I only look forward to reaching Jiaoyuan's height one day in the future!

After all, how do you say that sentence—the prince and general Xiangning is kind?

We are all players, how can we not reach or even exceed your focal point?

What's the difference between being a human being without a dream?

But now the second has risen to Lv279, I have to say that this incident has too much impact on players!

Before, Jiao Yuan had been stuck twice at Lv10 and Lv50, and it also happened that he was able to rise to several tens of levels per second. In theory, players should adapt.

But everyone couldn't understand why Jiao Yuan could still reach dozens of levels in a second at an ultra-high level of Lv200!

Throughout all games, the higher the level, the harder it is to improve. Isn’t this common sense?

Why is it not applicable to Jiao Yuan?

At this moment, many players with dreams could not help but feel a little frustrated.

Is this chasing a Mao?

Ordinary players, are there any comparisons with open players?

Forget it, what are you doing so hard, let's just be a salty fish and gossip!

In addition, in addition to these dreamy players, some people who had offended Jiao Yuan, such as the Emperor, Prince Bigil, were completely desperate at this moment.

Revenge on Jiao Yuan?

Forget it, this kind of thing is harder than going to the sky, the possibility is less than 0.00...1%!


In star field 112.

Facing the new white-haired old man NPC, Jiao Yuan showed some interest in his heart.

"Captain, don't you introduce me?"

Jiao Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked the captain of the special team.

However, no one has the will to answer his questions at this meeting.

Racial sublimation has greatly improved the focus, and the "deterrence" effect of the life level appears for the first time.

In the eyes of all the NPCs present, they only felt that the opponent was like a towering giant at this time, just standing by the side, and feeling a little panicked in their hearts.

Obviously, when facing each other before, it was not like this!

Why did he come back after disappearing for twelve hours, giving himself and the others such a powerful sense of oppression?

What happened during these twelve hours?

The team leader waited for the NPC's thoughts to think quickly, but after all, he couldn't understand the reason.

So after a while, they got used to the oppression that Jiao Yuan brought, and then their minds returned to the right track.

Facing Jiaoyuan’s question, the team leader raised his head proudly, and introduced: "Respected king of aliens, this great being standing in front of you is one of the three kings of our alliance. King of Longevity!"

"His old man heard that there will be two wild beast kings here soon, so he rushed over to destroy the two beasts!"

In just two sentences, not only introduced the identity of the white-haired old man, but also named why he appeared here.

Jiao Yuan nodded secretly.

It seems that the other party is still very sensible.

Knowing the information of the Wild Beast King, take the initiative to contribute a bit of strength.

"Hello, King of Longevity!"

Jiao Yuan greeted the other party with a smile.

Did not use the detective technique.

Because high-level NPCs have a sense of investigative skills, rash use in unfamiliar situations will arouse the opponent's disgust.

Jiao Yuan still wanted to have a good relationship with the other party's civilization, so he wouldn't make this kind of mistake.

"The strong from the Alien Star Territory, hello, sir!"

The King of Longevity also nodded, with a friendly attitude.

However, at the same time he said this sentence, his eyes flashed with shock.

You know, Jiao Yuan's "shocked" aura is not only the squad leader and other grandmaster-level NPCs, even he, the king-level NPC, can clearly feel the sense of oppression.

Before, he heard the team leader and others report to the high level of the alliance, saying that a young king-level powerhouse appeared in this starry sky, he still didn't believe it.

The king-level boss can't be reached casually.

How can a young man reach such a height?

The reason why I came this time is not only to deal with the two wild beast kings that may appear, and to prepare to eliminate them in advance, there is another reason, that is, I want to see this alien powerhouse with my own eyes.

But now that I saw it with my own eyes, the King of Longevity didn't believe it.

The universe is so big, there are indeed unimaginable young men of evildoers!

Own, it's true that I'm sitting on the well and watching the sky!

However, the King of Longevity has lived for thousands of years after all, and the experience is too rich, so he soon re-adjusted his emotions.

"Meeting is fate, I don't know how to call your Excellency yet."

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