Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 390: Lost? The release of the forbidden realm (six more)

Jiao Yuan once imagined how terrifying the combat power of the Desolate Beast King who was one level higher than the Desolate Beast King.

In his opinion, even if it explodes more than threefold, it should be.

Don't underestimate the triple gap.

We must know that the process of fighting is often very short, and the difference in combat effectiveness is very obvious.

For example, Lv20 silver bosses can easily crush Lv20 bronze bosses.

Conversely, Jiao Yuan was able to crush the Desolate Beast King from Lv301~Lv400, and felt that he should be not much different from the Desolate Beast King between Lv'401~Lv499, so he recently complained about why the Bloody Demon Eye didn't come to him.

But now I just came into contact, and I discovered the opponent’s terrorist power,

In terms of offense and defense, the gap is not very big, and he even squeezes the opposite side in attack.

But this blood volume is far worse.

When Jiao Yuan's passive BUFF is not full, he only has less than 2 billion HP.

Even if the stack is full, the maximum of six billion is terrible.

Comparing six billion with three trillion, the gap is far too big.

In the face of a BOSS with this kind of combat power, he cannot summon a pet, and uses the pet's HP to share with himself to help himself share the pressure-because the pet will also be killed by the bloody magic eye!

So this battle ultimately depends on him!

"One shot [headshot] only has an output of more than 10 million. It is too difficult to knock out the opponent's 3 trillion... But I don't plan to just give up like this!"

Jiao Yuan muttered silently.

Although the situation lies here, in fact, he also has the confidence to defeat the bloody pupil!

——For example, if the opponent's attack hits oneself, it doesn't hurt at all.

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan settled down, immersed himself in a long-range skill, while also approaching the other side!

"The Fist of Gagabo!"

"The seventh ghost!"

A huge steel fist suddenly appeared, bombarding the body of the bloody magic pupil from a distance. ,

Immediately after that, a fish head with black mist all over appeared, bit the bloody magic pupil, and then disappeared.

These two attacks are just openings.

Next, Jiao Yuan's skills were quickly thrown out like no money!

-21.26 million~!

-36.61 million! ~

-61.4 million!


A dense red crit number appeared from the top of the bloody magic pupil.

Although in the face of its nearly three trillion HP total, these numbers add up to not be enough.

But Jiao Yuan didn't intend to treat the opponent in the first place. These skills are not so much output, in fact, it is more important to release their various passive BUFFs by releasing them.

This is destined to be a protracted battle. The sooner the BUFF state is stacked, the more beneficial it will be for the battle!

On the other side, the bloody magic pupil was unwilling to be attacked, and continuously released various colorful beams of light.

-3.61 million!

-11.77 million!

-12.36 million!

These attacks hit Jiao Yuan, equally inconspicuous.

However, the victory was in multiple attacks, and the accumulation of less and more, also made Jiao Yuan gradually overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Jiao Yuan had already anticipated this. In the rhythm of releasing the skill attack, he slapped various recovery potions from time to time.

For a while, both sides were in good condition.

The battlefield is deadlocked!


Thirty minutes later.

"Come on, Dad Qianye!"

"Kill this big-eyed monster, come on!"

The hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room gradually became entangled.

The current battle is the strongest BOSS that Jiao Yuan has encountered head-on since he entered "Original".

Every player hopes that Jiao Yuan can win this victory.

But as the fighting time increased, their hearts sank bit by bit-Jiao Yuan was taking drugs, but the bloody magic pupil was as calm and indifferent as before!

This means that Jiao Yuan has fallen into a disadvantage!

But are the facts really as they thought?

Jiao Yuan didn't intend to stay the same-at present, this output is only a line faster than the recovery speed of the bloody magic pupil. If the stalemate continues, it is estimated that there will be no victory or defeat for three days and three nights!


Jiao Yuan is not willing to waste such a long time!

So much time to upgrade is great! @

After all, the Bloody Demon Eye is just a BOSS, and the enemy he really has to kill is the mysterious Lv'499-level boss.

If you upgrade yourself earlier, you can click to kill the opponent earlier, get the master equipment, and then transfer to the master of the universe as soon as possible.

This is the most important goal!

What is it like to waste such a long time with a boss?

Therefore, after Jiao Yuan initially figured out the opponent's attack skills, he took the initiative to break the deadlock!

Active BUFF release!

with full force!

In an instant, Jiao Yuan's combat effectiveness had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before the same attack fell on the bloody magic pupil, it could only hit tens of millions of output, but now it has nearly tripled!

Under the attack speed of a gust of wind and rain, the HP of the bloody magic pupil began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye!


At the end of the first round of active BUFF duration, Jiao Yuan hit an output of nearly 400 billion!

Due to the special function of [Chigo Monarch Luke] earrings, Jiao Yuan can use three rounds of active BUFF continuously.

He immediately started the second round without saying anything!

Soon after, the second round of output was completed, and the HP of the bloody magic pupil was reduced to 60%!

Just as Jiao Yuan was about to release the third round, a white shield suddenly appeared on the bloody magic pupil!

Jiao Yuan's skills hit this shield and disappeared like a stone sinking into a sea!

In this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly raised their throats!

"Danger, Dad Qianye is in danger!"

"Are you still going to have to make a difference after all?"

"With such a thick shield, Dad Qianye won't fight it, so I won't be wronged!"

"Yes, we won't be able to fight for a while, we will come again, then we will definitely be able to successfully kill this big-eyed monster!"

The audience sent out barrage one after another.

In their opinion, the end of the battle is very clear at this moment.

Jiao Yuan should finally end in failure.

the other side.

[Battle Information: The Bloodbath Demon Eye releases the skill "Ultimate Mental Power Shield". The shield lasts for 60 seconds and can absorb up to 30% of its HP! 】

30% HP, which is more than 900 billion!

Jiao Yuan took a moment to look at the panel, and his heart sank.

In a mere sixty seconds, he could drag it past.

But in such a long time, it is estimated that the recovery ability of the bloody magic pupil itself can at least recover more than 100 billion HP, right?

Who knows if there are other life-saving skills behind?

"At present, my output is still a little bit worse. I guess I won't be able to kill it this time!"

Jiao Yuan sighed.

Now he has used his active BUFF skill for two rounds, losing two-thirds of his continuous combat effectiveness.

But again, what's the point of wasting precious time here?

What is the original intention of looking for the bloody demon pupils to fight?

By the way, it is to verify your combat effectiveness!

So it doesn’t really matter whether you can kill the opponent, right?

Besides, what are the benefits of killing? The Desolate Beast doesn't explode any equipment.

A mere experience can also be obtained through other channels!

Jiao Yuan sighed and decided to make at most one wave of output before leaving!

"The Ring of Domination, [God Forbidden Domain], release!"

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