"A stroke of 9999 billion, in fact, is not the highest output of the sword of the world, but only these HP is left in the bloody magic pupil, right?!"

Jiao Yuan sighed and shook his head.

It was a pity that I hadn't figured out the true output limit of this skill.

No way, who said that the bloody magic pupil can't stand it anymore!

But ignoring this point, he also has a preliminary understanding of his peak combat power state——

In the state of full firepower, it is enough to compete with Lv401 enemies.

But as long as you release the [God Forbidden Domain], you can crush enemies of this level within 60 seconds!

Realizing this, Jiao Yuan nodded quite contentedly.

"The creatures between Lv401~Lv499 also have strength gaps,"

"Although I don't know if I can kill that mysterious enemy at Lv'499, I wonder if the gap should be small, right?"

"But after one death, even if it can be resurrected on the spot with resurrection coins, the reason for the [Domination Quest] will cause the body to burst with the dominator equipment."

"Can't afford to gamble, you must be sure of it!"

Jiao Yuan's first thought was to take the initiative to meet the mysterious enemy who was also equipped with three dominator equipment.

But after careful consideration, I gave up temporarily.

Because if it wasn't an opponent, then he couldn't bear the heavy loss of losing the dominant equipment.

To be safe, we still have to develop for a while.

Anyway, you can perceive the opponent's location, so don't worry.

With my own growth rate, it is estimated that I don't need to wait too long.

He must complete the title of Cosmos Domination with the concept of "the supreme existence of the universe".

After relaxing his mind, Jiao Yuan looked at the series of system prompts that had just appeared.

"Um... good experience, it made me directly promoted to a level."

"The first kill reward is actually given in percentage? The 1% basic four-dimensional attribute bonus is quite generous!"

"Full server announcement? Of course I chose not to hide the ID!"

"It's this task...is it to be funny? Killing the other nine desolate beast kings shouldn't be a big problem. It will only take a while to develop at most, but the Lv500 god level... temporarily can't provoke it!"


He has not yet fully grasped the level of Lv499 enemies.

The task is directly to do the Lv500 god level ultimate boss.

System, are you sure you are mocking me?

Jiao Yuan shook his head helplessly, with a blow.

In fact, the Bloody Demon Eye knows by looking at his level that he is a low-end existence among the Wild Beast King, and his output and defense are also very monotonous, and he is perfectly restrained by himself.

Killing it is really not worth swelling.

Regardless of the strength of the remaining desolate beast kings revealed in the mission, this Lv500 god-level desolate beast is definitely not something he can deal with at the moment.

So there is still a long way to go.

"Fortunately, the mission period is one year. Maybe I can successfully become the master of the universe during this period, and it will not be impossible by then!"

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, but chose to accept it.

The rewards for completion are bound to be very generous, and even if it is not completed within a year, there is no loss.

A fool would not accept it.


[Full server announcement: Player Lv322 Qianye (advanced dungeon lord), first kill Lv414 desolate beast king "Blood Demon Eye", get the first kill reward, hereby announce! 】

[Full server announcement: Player Lv322 Qianye (advanced dungeon lord), first kill Lv414 desolate beast king "Blood Demon Eye", get the first kill reward, hereby announce! 】

[Full server announcement: players...]

Three cold reminders resounded in every corner of the whole server, and the players were all boiling!

"The first kill, the first kill again, Dad Qianye is really awesome!"

"This is the point? Upstairs you didn't see Dad Qianye turned into a little golden man just now, with a 999 billion horror output?"

"Fuck, there is this kind of thing? I admit that Dad Qianye is already pretty good, but it's too unimaginable. Are you kidding me?"

"Is the village just connected to the Internet? Didn't you see it just now in Qianye's dad's live broadcast room?"

"...I didn't see something just now. Now that the facts have been confirmed, I just want to say one thing, I'm completely convinced!"

"It's terrible, that man's output is simply outrageous!"

"A reward of 10,000 gold is offered, and I ask, where is there a way to become a little golden man of the same style as Dad Qianye?"

Jiao Yuan successfully killed the Lv414-level Bloodbath Demon Eye, successfully arousing the enthusiasm of countless players.

Almost every new post on the forum is related to this content.

In addition to Jiao Yuan's first kill, which shocked the players, another point, his last sword of 99,900 million damage, also made players talk about it for a long time.

No player can remain calm under this output number.

Many people are thinking that if our ordinary players hurt more than 10,000 in a second, they are already considered high-end players. If you hurt 99,900 million in a thousand nights, wouldn’t it be comparable to or even more than one-tenth of our full server players combined. Output?

In fact, it is no different from what they guessed.

However, the output also depends on the target. If the skills of ordinary players hit the bloody magic pupil, it is estimated that they can only hit a little HP at most.

From this point of view, even if the players on all servers add up, they are actually far worse than Jiao Yuan.

Some quick-thinking players were speechless when they thought of this.

In their eyes, Qianye is completely super god!


After accepting the task of [Don't Persuade, Just Do], Jiao Yuan didn't waste any time and returned to the dungeon from the land of nothingness.

He actually wanted to wait for the other Desolate Beast Kings to come over and complete the progress of the task first.

It’s just that if you continue to kill other desolate beast kings, it may cause the Lv'500 god-level desolate beast to chase down. Before you are sure to deal with this level of BOSS, it is too troublesome to hold back the opponent’s hatred. , It is very likely to drag one's own developmental rhythm.

Secondly, why can I kill the bloody magic pupil? The answer is obviously because of the [God Forbidden Domain] skills.

After all, before entering this state, he even felt that he still couldn't deal with the bloody magic pupil.

In other words, without the skills of [God Forbidden Domain], Jiao Yuan couldn't kill the other Desolate Beast Emperor.

And the duration of this skill is only 60 seconds, and now the duration has long since disappeared.

The cooling time is seven days.

It means that Jiao Yuan will have the capital to continue to fight against the Wild Beast Emperor after at least seven days have passed.

Therefore, he decided to avoid his edge first, and do not rush the task in the future.

After returning to the dungeon, Jiao Yuan entered a rhythm similar to his usual life.

While practicing the level, while taking the time to occasionally bring the members of the King's Landing Guild to download the book, the other side also continued to pay attention to the status of the 130 and 112 star NPCs.

Generally speaking, life is very plain.

But on this day, when he checked the location of the mysterious Lv499 enemy on a whim, his expression suddenly changed.

"This guy is so close to Seablue Star?!!!"

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