Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 397: Reappearance of prize pool missions, full server players are boiling

Jiao Yuan was promoted from a senior dungeon lord to a legendary level. The dungeon area on Seablue Star has expanded tenfold again, and now it almost covers the entire Seablue Star,

The vast majority of players from the Celestial Race, Elf Race, Demon Race, Dwarf Race, and Orc Race have moved from the newly-appearing tool-man NPCs in various places to the dungeon class.

Also, from the entrance of the new dungeon dungeon in each area, you can start to enjoy the enjoyable process of obtaining high-value experience and rewards.

Every corner of the whole server is filled with the enthusiastic smiles of the players.

At this moment, suddenly, a system prompt resounding across the continent of Arad appeared on the system panel of every player——

[System reminder: The legendary dungeon lord Lv322 Qianye has released a tiring prize pool mission! 】

[Task name: Join forces with No. 112 Star Territory soldiers to resist the invasion of wild beasts! 】

[Task content: The new wave of desolate beasts has already impacted the alliance civilization in star area 112, removing a small number of ultra-high-level desolate beasts, most of which (Lv50~Lv100), have caused heavy damage to the alliance civilized soldiers Casualties, please help the soldiers to resist the invasion of wild beasts! 】

[Task rules and conditions for participation: 1. Turn in 10 million experience points to participate; 2. Each time you kill a beast, you will get points. After the task is over, different rewards will be given according to the points ranking; 3. This task can allow up to 1,000 Ten thousand players participate (up to ten people can form a team to share points); 4. During the mission, the participating players will automatically get 5% of the experience value after killing the beasts and automatically transfer to the prize pool! 】

【Duration of the mission: 30 days! 】

[Task rewards: 1. Players with the bottom 20% of points will not receive any experience rewards; 2. Players with the top 20%~80% of points will gain 20 million experience; 3. Players who are in the top 20%~20% of points Players with 50% of the remaining prize pool experience will be divided equally; 4. Players with the top 1% to 5% of the points will split 30% of the experience in the prize pool equally; 5. Players with the top 10,000 points will be rewarded according to the specific ranking Different experience points! 】

[Remarks: After the agreed conditions of the legendary dungeon lord and the alliance civilization, the participating players can obtain high-level equipment, weapons, skills, etc. from the NPC, according to the number and level of the killed beasts. 】

[Do you accept this prize pool task? 】

I have to say, seeing this task appearing on the panel, the players were confused at first.

No one thought that after a few months, Jiao Yuan suddenly issued a prize pool task with extremely rich rewards!

And this task actually faces the entire group of players from Seablue Star.

Looking at the description of the task's content, rules, rewards, etc., players who responded quickly chose to accept it the first time.

And the slow-reacting players, when they want to take on the task, they get feedback from the system——

[System prompt: The player who accepts this task has reached the upper limit and cannot continue to claim it! 】

Suddenly, on the forum, the live broadcast rooms of major broadcasters, and every corner of the full server, players wailed heartbrokenly--

"Fuck, why should I hesitate, why!"

"Damn, my reaction was slow for three seconds, and the task quota was gone. You tentacle monsters are too abnormal!"

"Ten million places are gone in three seconds? Ah, I regret it!"

"I missed the opportunity to lead to interstellar civilization in advance? My mentality collapsed!"

"Brother, haven't you figured out the point yet? The point is the reward for the task, it's so generous!"

"According to my preliminary estimation, this prize pool task ranks in the top 5% of points, and it will rise by at least ten levels or more. It's incredible!"

"Daddy Qianye couldn't post this task, so why didn't he shout a few words on the World Channel in advance? Our slow-reacting player has already been crying..."

Two billion players only have 10 million!

The ratio is 200:1!

In other words, among the two hundred people, only one player can claim the task quickly.

The remaining one hundred and ninety-nine people can only regret it!

It can be seen how fierce the competitiveness is!

Compared with players who did not receive the task, those who received 10 million are obviously very happy!

"Hahaha, fortunately I reacted quickly and grabbed this opportunity!"

"Sweet, we are going to the interstellar to fight the wild beasts!"

"Following in the footsteps of Dad Qianye, is that the point! Hahaha, thigh, I'm coming!"

"Even if the score ranks the bottom 20% of the group, there is no reward for the task, it is very calculating, after all, you can get experience from the desolate beast, and you can get equipment items from the NPC. It's so cool!"

"Is there a strong boss C? Professional milk asks for a group!"

"Group me, the screenshots of the personal panel attributes are here, to ensure that your points are in the top 20%..."

On the forum, the player's posts are polarized.

I wailed in sorrow over and over again, as painful as losing a billion gold coins.

On the other side, a few people are proudly showing off, and many of them are keen players, starting to find a way to find strong teammates.

The last time Jiao Yuan released the prize pool task, but many players directly became the third grade of the game, only lower than Jiao Yuan's top spot, and Shuang Aoxue and others' second-year-old second.

But everyone is envious.

At this time, Jiao Yuan released another prize pool mission, which shows how boiling the player community is.

It's like a thousand aunts breaking into the vegetable market, but it's all a mess of discussions.

On the other hand, Jiao Yuan didn't expect that the task he had sent would cause such a fierce response.

The players who accepted the quest are not going to talk about it, anyway, they are full of enthusiasm, and they just wait for their order to go to the main star of the alliance.

But for the players who didn't take the task, Jiao Yuan didn't want to see them receive such a huge blow.

Otherwise, doesn't this affect the growth of your leek garden?

Fortunately, this kind of scene is very simple to deal with in the long term, and the world channel shouts a word and it is over.

[World Channel: Qianye (Lv322 Legendary Dungeon Lord): Players who have not received the prize pool quest need not worry, there should be a chance in a few days to send you other quests, and I will treat you equally! 】

[World Channel: Qianye (Lv322 legendary dungeon lord): I will reveal in advance that this mysterious mission that I said is also likely to be an alien creature. The rewards are also quite generous, and it is still guarding the seablue star base. Please stay tuned. expect! 】

The source of this mission revealed by Jiao Yuan was actually an enemy from Lv499.

If the opponent came alone, then he would fight with the opponent outside Seablue Star and it would be over.

However, 99.9% of the big guys who have developed the level of Lv499 cannot be lone rangers.

When he finally arrives, his little brothers will naturally be dealt with by the player.

The king is against the king, and the little brother is against the little brother.

Well, it's reasonable, isn't it? !

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