Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 456: What, Undead? It's all too one case?

Faced with the oppression of NPCs of the True Element Realm (Lv101~Lv200), the players are naturally dissatisfied.

Regardless of their lower level than the opponent, but not to the point where they can't break the defense, at the same time the number of people occupies an absolute advantage.

More importantly, they are all immortal players!

If we are dead, we can fight again after resurrection. Anyway, now that we have the [Relief of Weakness], there is basically no cost after death.

As a result, the top players immediately shifted their firepower, and the scene suddenly changed from "players PK each other" to "players teaming up against humanoid BOSS".

On the other side, more than a dozen native NPCs in the True Essence Realm, seeing the opponent so fierce, couldn't help but burst into anger, and gradually turned their heads.

Over time, hundreds of players died on the scene.

However, the number of people besieging them has not decreased but increased instead-because they were originally not interested in it, and players who came back slowly and consciously did not hope to receive event rewards. Seeing that their family members were bullied by NPCs, how could they remain indifferent? So they also joined the battle!

So the result of this is that after a dozen True Primal Realm powerhouses have killed thousands of players, the feeling of fear gradually arises in their hearts.

"Dammit, is there no one who is afraid of death in this ruler of the world?" A one-eyed dragon couldn't help complaining.

By now, he has consumed more than half of his physical strength.

However, the players are still as fierce as they were at the beginning.

So at this time, he thought of retreating in his heart.

The rest of the True Primal Realm natives also frowned.

"This group of people is very wrong! @"

"Yes, by now they should understand that facing us is just to die in vain, why are they not afraid at all?"

"Could it be that this King's Landing power high-level brainwashing skills are super strong, so that the children in the sect are not afraid of death?"

"What kind of crazy will this really is!"

Originally, what they were thinking about was to kill a few members of the opposing party, so as to achieve the purpose of killing chickens and monkeys.

But now, facing the opponent's suicidal attack, they already feel difficult to ride a tiger.

Keep going, it seems that your group has been killed off, and don't want to make the other person feel scared.

If you slip away, so many peers around you watch, wouldn't it appear that you are very shameless and have been beaten away by the scum of the Iron Slashing Realm?

So we can't evacuate, we can only check out, expecting the other side to suffer heavy casualties, I'm scared!

The group of people who made up their minds unanimously began to silently take drugs, preparing for a protracted battle.

At this time, the panic sound of one of them completely stunned them——

"Look, everyone, was that guy over there just beheaded by us? I watched him die with my own eyes. Why did he appear again?"


Is there such a thing?

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and they were immediately impressed.

"Yes, this man wore a green weird hat on top of his head. I remember clearly that he did die just now!"

"Why do people who died reappear? Are they twin brothers? This is a coincidence, right?"

"Something's wrong, please take a closer look. Are there other people who died under our hands just now and reappeared? The twin brothers are a coincidence. Are they all twins? I don't believe it!"

"Gosh? It really is the group of people who were killed by our own hands just now!"

"Damn, they seem to have some kind of immortality!"

The powerhouse of a line of True Primal Realm suddenly turned dark, and his eyes revealed a look of suspicion of life.

The so-called bystander clear, the surrounding members of the major forces, discovered this earlier than them.

But it is also impossible to conceal the inner shock!

"A person can be resurrected after he dies. If someone else tells me this kind of thing, I don't believe it!"

"But seeing it with my own eyes, I can't calm down!"

"Isn't this the equivalent of immortality?"

"A group of people will never die... Just ask, who can be an enemy?"

A middle-aged female swordsman murmured, her eyes were dull, her heart was filled with incomprehension and shock, she couldn't understand whether this scene was an illusion or real.

The people around her nodded after listening.

Looking around, the members of the major forces in the Eastern Desolation Region are all in the same mood.

Can't understand.

It's so evil!

At this time, the group of True Essence Realm powerhouses who had reacted, couldn't think of fighting anymore in panic, and were ready to slip away.

And a fantasy scene also appeared-a group of people in the realm of iron slashing, yelling "Don't run", "Dog thieves stay behind" and other unbearable insults, actively chasing more than a dozen states The powerhouse of the true element realm who is still good!

If this is the case, it would just make the members of the major forces watching around dumbfounded.

But as some S2 players roared, "I want to represent us too, and wipe out your dozen or so rajis", everyone suddenly couldn't sit still!

"What? Too much? I heard it right?"

"Aren't these people who have the ability to'immortality' come from King's Landing?"

"Why is it related to Tai Yizong?"

Some players heard these people's words, and kindly explained: "Since we are kings over the world, we are also too one sect at the same time. Well, the main identity on this planet is too an inner disciple!"

It doesn't matter if the players don't explain. Once an explanation is made, the members of the surrounding forces can no longer calm down!

"It's really too much!"

"Oh my god, it is actually the invincible powerhouse sect who is suspected of being too high in the legend!"

"This news is too shocking. It turns out that Taiyi Sect is a group of immortal strong men? No, I have to report this news to the Sect Master as soon as possible, so that when he goes to Taiyi Sect, his attitude should be more respectful!"

"Similarly, I have to go back and report to the leader!"

If you asked them which sect of Taiyi was before today, most of them would answer with disdain. They have never heard of it, it is estimated that it is a terrible power!

But starting today, the ancestor Taiyizong, who has refreshed the [Endless Trial] secret record, appears in the eyes of the world, and no one can ignore this power!

Although the strong of the Supreme Realm has been extinct for tens of thousands of years, according to the historical records of the major sects, it can be known that this is synonymous with invincibility!

If a strong man in the upper realm made a full shot, destroying the Eastern Desolation would only be done easily.

Two super-superior realm powerhouses fought each other alive, and the battle fluctuations could even crush the entire Eastern Emperor!

In the ancient times, if there weren't other strong men guarding the Eastern Emperor's star, the planet would have been destroyed long ago.

Therefore, when contacting the Lair of the Demon Sect, which was suddenly razed to the ground, many people guessed that it was the ancestor of Taiyizong named Qianye who did it.

Today, the three words Taiyizong have become "absolutely unprovokable" in the eyes of everyone from all major forces!

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