Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 59 Alid’s request triggers the main mission

"Although I am Alid, a member of the Human Race Royal Family, I don't usually have a good reputation. Do you know me?"

Seeing that Jiao Yuan's expression was different, Alid asked hesitantly.

"Yes!" Jiao Yuan explained quickly: "I am a Destroyer class. This time I came to Yunmeng Marsh to find you a mentor and help me break through the boundaries of Rank 2!"


Alid's eyes widened in surprise, carefully observing Jiao Yuan.

An impenetrable white light flashed, and in the dimness, Jiao Yuan felt that all his attributes were invisible under the eyes of the NPC in front of him.

"It's really!" Alid was happy like a child, and then suddenly burst into tears, "I thought that the God of War career would be cut off with me. Unexpectedly, the future generations will be able to produce a genius like you!"

"The sky has eyes! At this time when the world is about to be turbulent, my human race has a talented arrogant!"

Alid stared closely at Jiao Yuan, reluctant to move away for a while.

Being stared at by a man like this, Jiao Yuan felt uncomfortable.

If it weren't for him to make himself understand, this gaze contained rejoicing and appreciation, Jiao Yuan could not help but curse.

"Senior Elid, what's your situation now?" Jiao Yuan asked, suppressing the discomfort in his heart.

Alid had only one face now, and he was in trouble at first glance.

Jiao Yuan didn't care about the life and death of an NPC, he just reminded him in disguised form to help him change jobs quickly.

"Oh~" Alid sighed and explained briefly: "When I was fighting with Demon King Doze a thousand years ago, I was lost and killed by it, but fortunately, my soul was not Mie, has been trapped in this body, using the same body with Duoze."

"Over the past millennium, we have been fighting for control of the body almost every day, but the body is Duoze's own after all, and I gradually fell into a disadvantage. In the end, I could only sign a contract with him to release the wind once a month."

"Fortunately, when he is in control of the body, I can also see the outside world through his eyes, so when I see you, I will not hesitate to spend a huge price, break the agreement, and fight for ten minutes!"

"I have an important task to hand to you!"

Alid's brief words let Jiao Yuan know that he is involuntarily, and only has ten minutes to control himself.

The so-called huge cost, it is estimated that there must be an extremely important thing, and it has to be done.

Players can usually understand the behavior of NPC in the game as-the task appears!

Jiao Yuan settled down patiently and listened decisively to Alid's continued narration.

As for the second job?

Ten minutes is enough!

"Then I'll make a long story short, what I ask you to do is..."

With Alid's endless narration, new prompts appeared on Jiao Yuan's panel!

[System reminder: The member of the Terran Royal Family Alid has sent you a main mission! 】

[Task name: The recovery of ancient creatures. 】

[Task description: Alid, trapped in the Demon King's body for a thousand years, discovered the abnormal condition of the Demon Clan, and confirmed that the dark creatures that died in the ancient times are constantly recovering. A conspiracy against the Human Race, the Elves, and the Celestial Race is underway. In the brewing process, please behead the Demon King Duoze, take his head to the Human Race Imperial City, look for NPC Li Chungang, and inform the matter! 】

【Duration: 30 days】

[Punishment for mission failure: none]

[Reward for completing the task segment: 10,000 reputation, 10,000 free attribute points, and epic treasure chest X1 that meets your own level]

[Task Remarks: This task is a part of the main task]

[Do you accept the task? 】

The main mission in "Original"!

What does the main mission represent?

The leader of reputation, profit, and game progress!

Jiao Yuan chose to accept the task without hesitation!

After accepting it, he thought about the mission statement.

This mission seems to indicate that the future will involve camp wars...

Jiao Yuan was shocked.

In the background story of "The Original", three thousand years ago, a great battle broke out in the mainland, involving all the creatures in the world.

Now the creatures in mythology are beginning to recover, which also means that there will be gods participating in the war in the future.

Of course, the main task is a series of gradual processes, which is equivalent to the time for players to grow.

Strength is the foundation of everything!

Jiao Yuan felt that if he wanted to survive in this war, or even control the direction of the war, he must increase his combat power faster!

On the other side, it seemed that he knew that Jiao Yuan had accepted his request, and Alid looked at him gently.

"Young juniors, dealing with epic bosses is not a simple matter. In order to ensure that you complete the task, I can give you a reward in advance!"

[System reminder: Alid uses the skill "Inheritance" on you, and you get the skill "Warrior's Profound Strength and Infinite Power"]

[Skills: Warrior's Profound Strength and Infinite Power]

[Quality: Legend]

[Passive skills, effect: In battle, every 5 seconds, increase all attributes by 10%, stack up to 10 layers, every 10% reduction in blood volume, all attributes increase by 10%, and gain 2% of life steal! 】

"This skill..."

Jiao Yuan was shocked.

So far, this is the most powerful skill he has seen.

During the battle, the attributes will continue to increase over time and the blood volume decreases, up to 200%!

And the most important thing is that this is a passive skill with no cooling time.

After possessing this skill, he can be like a god of war, fighting more and more bravery!

"It's worthy of the warrior's profound meaning..."

Jiao Yuan exhaled a long breath, calming the waves in his heart.

"It's almost time, what else do you want to ask?" Alid said at this moment.

"What is the second rank condition of the Destroyer?" Jiao Yuan asked quickly.

Alid slapped his forehead.

"Sorry, I have been trapped in the devil for a long time, and my memory is a bit bad!"

"The profession after the Destroyer advances is called the Trainee God of War..."

[System reminder: Alid sends you a second turn task]

[Task Name: Legendary Hunter]

[Quest content: kill legendary BOSS above Lv50 (0/10)]

[Task Reward: Trainee Ares Transfer Voucher]

"Does the second turn only need to kill ten legendary bosses? It's so easy!"

Jiao Yuan's heart loosened.

This task is simply difficult for other players, and it is not difficult for him.

Legendary BOSS of Lv50~90, using the Sword of Destruction skills are all in seconds.

"By the way, do you know a girl named Li Ling'er? She disappeared in Yunmeng Marsh three years ago." Jiao Yuan said again.

He didn't have a clue about the mission issued by Scarlet Moon City Lord.

Just take the opportunity to ask.

Thinking of what Elid said earlier, although he was trapped in the Demon King's body, he could perceive what was happening outside.

So Jiao Yuan was looking forward to it.

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