Ding,.. System: You get the [drug repellent] x1!

Ding...System: You get 78 copper coins!

The monsters here can really explode jewelry equipment...

Su He looked at a jade-like prop in the package and was immediately excited.

Sapphire jade pendant [white board equipment]

Equipment Level: 20

Equipment Type: Jewelry

Physical defense: 15

Magic defense: 15

Life limit increased by 10 points

Although it is only a whiteboard equipment, but with so many additional double defenses, it is also a good equipment.

Equipped with the sapphire jade pendant, Su He looked at the next item, a small green bottle!

Antidote: System props, within half an hour after use, can resist the poisonous attack of poisonous ant engineers.

I was dizzy, it turned out that detoxification stuff can also be hit here.

Su He shook his head and was speechless, but light energy detoxifies has a hairy effect, and the magical attacks of poisonous ants can't be easily held..

A few poisonous ants are okay, but they are still terrible when there are more!

Su He immediately used this bottle of detoxifier, and a beneficial state icon appeared on the top of his head, indicating that the attack of the toxic state can be eliminated within half an hour.

After he was ready, he immediately rushed out of the grotto outside!


-5 2!

-5 6!

Su He just rushed out of the hole, and immediately entered the guard range of several poisonous ants.A few green water jets spurted out and instantly landed on his back!

Fortunately, the role of the antidote was exerted, and his body was not turned green anymore.

Up to level 23 increases the attributes, and the sapphire jade pendant on the equipment increases the magic defense, which greatly enhances Su He's resistance to poisonous ants' magic attacks.

A series of attacks knocked down his life bar by a quarter, but Su He also found a cave that looked wider and quickly rushed in.

Su He speeded up amid the roar of the wind, and soon threw the poisonous ant colony behind him without a trace.

But when he turned his head to look ahead, he was stunned.

The entrance of this cave is completely different from the cave that I went into indiscriminately last time!

This wider cave is almost twice the size of the original cave, and when looking into the distance, there is another big cave in front of it!

The large grotto in front is similar to the scene outside, and there are pairs of small blue eyes twinkling in the dark.

These monsters are the same, they are groups of poisonous ant engineers!


Su He knew that the road he was looking for must be the main road in the poisonous ant den. As long as you walk along the road, you will definitely find the next different kind of monster stretch.

He quickly rushed into this lair, and in the process of running fast, he looked around the environment in the grotto,

In this grotto, many players can already be seen fighting monsters and leveling, but they are all teams of more than a dozen people, each occupying a corner of the grotto and brushing poisonous ants.

This is normal. With the large poisonous ant colony, how can there be no players leveling.

Su He thought in his heart, and immediately ran towards the middle of the several small teams in the leveling, using the safety zone formed by them to attract the monsters, and continued to find a (king's) spacious hole to rush into it.

Passing through similar grottoes, the endless space inside makes Su He feel incredible, but the more you go inside, the more players there are!

Su He can't remember how many grottoes he crossed, but in each grotto, he chose the cave that seemed to have the largest entrance and ran in.

After running to the most haze, he finally couldn't see the figure of the team players leveling, but now he doesn't even know where he ran to.

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