Su He tried his best to explode his hand speed, and the long series of damage numbers appeared instantly like a swipe..

The two people watching were even more stunned.I can't believe that one person can actually play such a difficult technique in front of such a big BOSS!

"How long does it take to summon the younger brother's skills?" Su He asked as he attacked.

"7 minutes!" Qingming replied immediately.

"You're stupid, it's obviously 10 minutes." He Tuxun scolded "Seven Eight Seven".

"But I remember it was 7 minutes." Qingming said dullly.

"Listen to me, it's definitely 10 minutes, his brain is not good enough, the wild beast will not listen to him." Hetu said.

"I'm dizzy, how many minutes is it?" Su He was dumbfounded by these two strange things.

"10 minutes." The two said in unison.


Su He shook his head, entangled with the boss intently.

The guardian ant king in front of him is a boss-level boss, but after all, he is not a giant like pyrite.

After 5 minutes, its life bar was not long after Su He's continuous attacks, and it slipped to about 80%!

During this period of time, Su He continuously evaded it and issued several impact skills, evading non-stop attacks.

About 6 minutes later, Su He was preparing to wait for its impact ability to activate again!

In a moment, he suddenly discovered that the BOSS's ability to activate this time was completely different from before.

I saw the guardian ant king standing on six legs, black light looming on the huge body!


In the tearing cry of the heart, I saw three lights and shadows peeled away from the huge body of the guardian ant king.

Immediately afterwards, there appeared three little ant kings with the same appearance beside the BOSS, except that their bodies were only three little ant kings of the same size!

f*ck, didn't these two guys say that the boss will summon the mobs after 10 minutes?

Only a few minutes passed?

Su He was suspicious, but looking at the life bar of the boss, he understood

It turns out that guarding the life of the ant king will only activate the second guardian skill when it is below 80%!

"Hurry up, pull away!" Su He shouted in the team channel.

"Know it." The two leopards replied, rushing forward like the wind.


The two attacked at the same time, and immediately took the two little ant kings quickly to the side, found a corner without monsters, and entangled the two little monsters tightly.

Su He stared at two monsters, one large and one small, now he has to fight them twice as hard as he can.


Su He immediately activated his skills, passed the mobs in an instant, and rushed towards the big monsters behind.

Hiss, ..

The two monsters screamed and rushed at him at the same time!

Su He has only big bosses in his eyes, and has no interest in the small ones. He knows that this monster summoned is just to waste the player's time.

After making up his mind, he waved his claws and walked between the two monsters, picking and guarding the ant king’s waist or attacking areas that were not covered by hard armor.

After a few days of training, Su He's dodge skills are almost like ghosts. While dodge the monster 1.1, he can still have more energy to attack continuously!

As time passed, the life bar guarding the ant king continued to drop

Although there is a bodyguard next to it, it can only chase Su He's agile figure.

The two Qingminghetu who killed the two little ant kings, ran over again and took away the last little monster. Su He suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, so he launched an attack even more recklessly.

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