A touch of fish belly floats in the sky, dew hangs between the leaves, the air is still a little moist, with the first morning light tearing the dawn, symbolizing the next day… Come!

At 6 a.m., the world is back in business!

After time recovered, the town of Komar began to lively, and the NPCs who were originally stationary began to regain their mobility, they talked and laughed, and everything was so harmonious!

“Buns… Sell buns! ”

“Sugar gourd!”


All kinds of shouts also sounded, the prosperity of the town was revealed in an instant, some houses on the street opened their windows, poked their heads out, breathed fresh air, today is another day full of vitality!

As the indigenous inhabitants of the Oracle Continent, under the setting of the Heavenly Dao, they live the same life day after day, simple but not dull, at least much more peaceful here than the hustle and bustle of the earth!

At this time, a scream came from a two-story attic on East Street!


This is Emily’s voice, and the first time she woke up, she sensed that something was wrong, and there was a tearing pain below, and her legs were a little disobedient, and they were extremely soft!

Not only that, there is also a person lying beside her, even if she is stupid, it is impossible for her not to know what happened!

She got up and wanted to escape, but at this time, a hand grabbed her slender jade arm and pulled her back!

“Where do you want to go naked? Aren’t you afraid of being seen by outsiders? Qin Yang slowly opened his eyes!

Emily then found that the clothes on her body had long been gone!

“You… You…”

Her body was soft and couldn’t lift a trace of strength, and when she was pulled by Qin Yang like this, she leaned on Qin Yang’s body, feeling the hot breath, and somehow, she couldn’t even raise the slightest intention of wanting to escape!

This breath… So warm, so kind, so attractive, I want to lean on it all the time!

Emily’s brain was blank, even she felt incredible, she was actually fascinated by the breath of a strange man, it stands to reason that she should struggle to get up, and then slap the other party, but her body seems to be out of control, and she actually enjoys leaning on Qin Yang’s body very much, and has to separate!

Intimacies: 100

This is the power of full intimacy, you don’t recognize it, no matter how noble and holy your character is, as long as the intimacy is full, you can’t raise the slightest mind to resist, and your whole body is completely fallen into it, unable to extricate yourself!

“I am your brother-in-law, and you protect you!”

“Brother-in-law…” At the sound of this word, she trembled all over, reason overcame the impulse, and she sat up at once!

“Since you are a brother-in-law, then why are you…”

Hearing the words of her brother-in-law, Emily actually showed a sense of loss!

Qin Yang smiled evilly, and the corners of his mouth hooked a strange arc: “Before I was a brother-in-law, but now… I’m your man! ”

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yang turned over and pressed it down!

Emily’s brain buzzed, and the whole person seemed to be electrocuted!

I’m your man!

This sentence stimulated Emily’s nerves and made her lose her mind for a moment!

For a woman, this phrase means a lot, especially from the mouth of a man who is very special to her, everything is different!

She just wanted to scream, but then, she discovered… It doesn’t seem to hurt as much as expected!

Of course, this is due to Qin Yang’s development yesterday night, and Emily has long been adapted!


West Main Street!

In the innermost corner of the street, this is a gathering place for a group of gangsters, they are the most notorious group in the town, they run amok on weekdays, and the residents have been holding grudges against them for a long time, but they have nothing to do!

“Why hasn’t the old five and six come back yet?”

The boss of the gangsters is named [Along], his subordinates call him Long Ye, Aaron is not actually a forest elf, his body is a mountain elf, from the mountain range outside the Misty Forest, because the forest elf is beautiful in it, and Koma Town is relatively prosperous, he moved here with a group of his subordinates and became the leader of the West Street gangsters!

From the first ten or so people to now, their power has developed to fifty or sixty people, usually domineering, people dare to be angry with him and dare not speak, can only turn a blind eye, as long as they do not do too much, no one wants to be an enemy with them, so as not to cause fire!

Before when Elsa was there, they were still relatively restrained, once Elsa left, they began to let go of themselves, the key is that they are also very smart, never do the big bad things of anger and resentment, just do some small things in the open and in secret, as long as they are not caught, no one can help him!

“Say you went to spy on Emily’s little lady to take a bath, or should I send someone out to find it?” There are two people on the left and right arm of Along’s side, one is A Shui and the other is Huzi, they usually have Along’s support, and they don’t do less bad things.

“These two dog days melon babies, Lao Tzu has not seen the little ladies bathing, they actually dare to run to peep, I day their immortal plate, give me back, I will press them to the ground and rub!” Aaron slapped the table beside him to smithereens!

Ah Shui Huzi suddenly became excited, quickly nodded and said yes, and then took the dozen brothers to find someone!

“Turtle son of dog day, the women determined by Lao Tzu dare to peep, see if I don’t interrupt you guys!!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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