
With a stab down, the goblin holding a stone knife let out a terrifying scream, carrying a painful effect, and the severe pain made the goblin unbearable, and rolled on the ground in pain!

At this time, the other goblin guards on the side were alarmed, and the goblins who were still napping suddenly woke up, with an angry look on their faces!


They brandished their weapons and rushed towards Qin Yang, among them was a goblin archer, the archer stood on the tower on the side, saying that the tower was actually a grass stack, the terrain was relatively high, and it was aimed at Qin Yang condescendingly!

At this time, a surge of pollen suddenly turned into a three-foot-long large knife, and slashed at the goblin archer in the air! The goblin archer screamed and almost fell off the haystack, but when the big knife cut down, he found that the big knife was actually illusory, not a substance, but it confused his eyes and scared him to shoot an arrow.

【Phantom pollen】

Unlike the pollen that creates illusions, phantom pollen only confuses the target and conjures up various illusions out of thin air, which has no substantial attack effect, but can disturb the target!


At the moment of casting the dark realm, Qin Yang also cast a substitute technique, and several goblins rushed over and slashed at the tree root substitute, and Qin Yang had already disappeared!

At this time, several goblins were also stunned, although it was late before, they could still see clearly, but now, with the shrouded in the dark realm, the only remaining light around was distorted, and they couldn’t see anything!


Goblins are dancing with weapons in hand, but they hit the air!

In the dark, the lava tiger king also crawled and approached cautiously, and then suddenly pounced, a move [Chain Claw] grabbed a goblin fiercely, magma mixed with a bleeding effect, so that this goblin is dropping HP every second, physical damage magic damage appears together, even if the legendary goblin’s HP is very thick, it can’t last long!


As the lava tiger king raised his leg and collapsed, the purgatory talent was also added, even if he did not take the initiative to attack, these goblins continued to point blood, dozens of drops every second, and a thousand blood broke in one minute!

At the same time, Qin Yang also summoned his own shadow, and he would not easily use the talisman paper that had been drawn as a last resort, so he let the shadow draw the talisman, and soon, the shadow raised his hand and waved, and the weakened version of the frost storm hit out, but the damage was only secondary, the most important thing was the freezing effect!

As the three blizzards fell, when the magic group was injured, it caused a freezing effect after the last wave of blizzards!

Qin Yang’s eyes lit up, and a sneak attack approached a goblin by the way, wielding an extreme ghost to hit a [Ghost Attack], causing more than 10,000 blood!

Taking advantage of these three seconds, Qin Yang attacked again with a high attack speed, hitting more than twice the damage with one move and three consecutive strikes, and making up for another ordinary attack [Assassination]!

When the freezing effect was over, Qin Yang stepped back and shot out three scorpion needles and three rainstorm pear flower needles with both hands at the same time!


All three scorpion needles gather fire to attack the goblins with the least amount of health, while the rainstorm pear needles scatter their attacks, causing extensive damage!

At this time, there was a sound of breaking behind him, and the goblin archer launched a sneak attack!

【Bloom Fanghua】

Saint Blue Flower Ji was shocked, and immediately relied on the illusion pollen to conjure up a shield behind Qin Yang!

Although phantom pollen is not substance, there is no way to really have the characteristics of shield blocking, but fortunately, Saint Blue Flower Ji has the Bloom Fanghua skill, which can detonate illusions and cause magical damage!

When the arrow shot by the goblin shooter was about to hit Qin Yang, the shield blocking behind Qin Yang exploded, forcibly reversing the trajectory of the wooden arrow, and finally hit the ground!

Qin Yang grinned, in fact, even if Saint Blue Flower Ji did not make a move, he was completely sure to dodge, because he had a spatial mysteries, he could twist the space at will, and there was no problem at all in leading this wooden arrow to another place!

“Reward you with a big sausage in a moment!”

Qin Yang hooked the corner of his mouth at Saint Blue Flower Ji!

After that, he stepped out in one step and disappeared into the space tunnel through the whole person!

When he reappeared, he had already come behind the Goblin Archer, and the trickiest thing here was the back row output, as long as the second was in the back row, the other Goblins were not a threat to him even if they had more HP!


A knife stabbed out nearly six thousand blood, and the painful goblin archer kept screaming!

Turning around and flashing to open the distance, Shadow Dance Leaf pulled back, instantly close, kicked the archer, after entering the floating state, Qin Yang launched a light-speed strike, Li Lianhua caused more than twenty damage, the number of damage was affected by its own attack speed, because it is now the dark night illusion of [Bright Moon on the Sea], Qin Yang’s night walker was stimulated, coupled with the 20 agility bonus that comes with the illusion, Qin Yang’s attack speed has reached a terrifying point!


After Li Lianhua’s light-speed strike ended, Qin Yang framed the goblin shooter’s body, and then unfolded a death rotation, hitting the ground in a high-speed rotation state, and smashed the back of the goblin shooter’s head towards the ground!

The damage of Lianhua is affected by the total damage of Lilianhua, the more attacks Lilianhua, the higher the damage, then Lianhua will cause equal damage, which is equivalent to two Lianhua, and the damage explodes instantly!

How strong is Rirenka?

Lightspeed strikes can deal 30 damage per segment, a frontal section, a back section, that is to say, every other section will cause a back critical hit, twenty Lianhua’s words, there are ten 30 normal damage, plus ten 30 critical damage!

Twice Lianhua came down, the crispy archer was directly killed in seconds!

Archers, like mages, are back-row crispy outputs, and once targeted by assassins, they are basically GG!

“Ding, kill the Goblin archer, get bonus XP +3000, Silver +80.”

“Dropped items: Wooden Arrow +300, Green Eye +1”


After killing the Goblin Archer, the Goblin Guard below roared!

Qin Yang raised his hand and fingered, and once again relied on the transfiguration to instantly move into the pile of people!


Taking advantage of it, after a set of violent output, Qin Yang cleverly relied on the substitute technique to get out, and at the same time, the frost storm drawn by the shadow hit again!


In nearly ten minutes, these eight legendary goblins with a blood volume comparable to ordinary bosses finally fell!

“Ding, kill the goblins, get rewards: XP +2000, Silver +50!”

“Ding, kill goblins, rewards: XP +2000, Credits +60, Drop Items: Fujiki Axe +1”

“Ding, kill the goblins, get rewards: XP +2000, Silver +50!”

“Ding, kill the goblins, get rewards: XP +2000, Silver +50!”

“…… Drops: Poison Dragon Diamond Skill Book +1, Green Eye +2! ”


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