Since slime is a pet ration, it is still quite difficult to obtain degrees, and Qin Yang has not been able to get the second one for a long time!

However, with the stimulation of the slime, the lava tiger king suddenly became energetic, and would rather risk injury to speed up the speed of fighting monsters, several times he rushed up, carrying the goblin’s attack and not willing to speak, burning the slime alive, but his blood volume also fell into crisis, so that Qin Yang had to spend several bottles of life potions to heal his injuries, and also took out some of the recovery props he got before, such as the peaches obtained in Taoyuan Wonderland, etc., which were a little better than life potions!

“Green Slime… It seems to be a little lower level than the blue slime! ”

Blue slime is an upgraded version of green slime, the effect is better, and green slime is basically the lowest level slime, the epiphany effect is minimal!


The Lava Tiger King wagged his tail and looked excited!

“Stupid dog, get out of here!”

Qin Yang kicked him, and immediately turned to look at Saint Blue Flower Ji, Saint Blue Flower Ji is also a pet, this thing can also work for her!

“You… Do you want to try it?! ”

Saint Blue Flower Ji hesitated, and then shook her head!

Indeed, even Qin Yang didn’t want to give this disgusting thing to Saint Blue Flower Ji to eat, but he just thought that there was an epiphany effect, so he asked!

“Then I’m helping you find something else that can be enlightened, well!” Qin Yang touched Saint Blue Flower Ji’s face, and Saint Blue Flower Ji made a look of enjoyment!

“Take it and eat it, stupid dog!”

Qin Yang threw the green slime to the Lava Tiger King!

However, the result is still unresponsive, it seems that you have to find some more advanced dog food to improve the chance of epiphany!

All the way down, it has taken nearly an hour, Qin Yang has passed this copy less than halfway, looking up, the goblin tribe still has a long way to go, and it is necessary to kill the shaman and leader near the goblin altar in the deepest part of the tribe to clear the level!

Level 25 legendary boss, it should not be easy to think about!

“Huh? What kind of breed is this group? It doesn’t look simple! ”

There is a relatively large building in front of it, which looks a bit like a goblin’s warehouse, and near the warehouse there is a group of more special goblins, they are armed with silver-level large knives captured from the elves, wearing silver armor, much larger than ordinary goblins, and full of explosive muscles!

【Hob Goblin】

“I’ll go, Brother Hob has appeared!”

Hob goblins, are the higher goblins in the goblins, they have undergone a racial evolution, the overall strength has been multiplied, not only powerful, but also has a berserk talent, once mad, they can ignore all pain, like mad dogs to attack, quacks said… Hob brother

Hob goblins have long fangs, hideous faces, and some scars, just this shape can scare off many players!

“Actually used the four-headed hob brother to guard a warehouse, there must be treasures in it!” Qin Yang’s eyes suddenly lit up!

The four-headed hob goblins guard the four directions separately, and once you drag one end, the other end next to you will also be alarmed, so there is no way to break it alone, at least you have to face two hob goblins at the same time!

“Drag it out and fight!”

Only this method is easier, once you rush over, you will definitely face the four heads, and if you drag it out, you only have to face the two heads, which is easier to fight!

Qin Yang went around to a dead end, and as soon as his hand flipped, three scorpion needles appeared in his hand, and immediately shot out at the same time, aiming at the back of one of the goblins!


Three critical hits, plus the scorpion needle with a poisoning effect, can stack toxins, the more poisoning, the more HP is lost per second!


The hob goblin roared in pain, and immediately turned his head to find Qin Yang’s location, at this time Qin Yang deliberately showed up and attracted the goblin over!


At the same time, a hob goblin next to him also noticed a little movement, turned to look at the one who rushed out, and after hesitating, he also followed!

Qin Yang grinned and immediately started fighting!

As soon as the dark field came out, the two-headed hob goblins were stunned, all the surrounding light was distorted, except for the three-meter range around him, everything was invisible!


They roared in panic!

At this time, one of them suddenly felt a chill behind him, and then his heart hurt violently!


Before the hob goblin enters the rage, the painful effect of the heart can still work, and after the pain, the goblin covers his heart and screams, and he has no time to fight back!

But at this time, the hob goblin next to him sensed Qin Yang, and he rushed over angrily, the big knife in his hand flashing with cold!

The corner of Qin Yang’s mouth hooked a sneer, and the extreme ghost in his hand waved, and a slash knocked them all down!

At the same time, a talisman was also affixed!

The Lava Tiger King pounced like crazy for his slime, and the purgatory talent was instantly stimulated, and a large amount of magma covered the ground!

At the same time, with a wave of the Holy Blue Flower Ji’s hand, the chains formed by countless petals stretched out from the ground, tying the two goblins at the same time!

Although Brother Hob is not easy to mess with, in front of Qin Yang, no matter how big his temper is, it is only a matter of dozens of knives!


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