The time of epiphany determines the efficiency of epiphany, the longer the time, the deeper the baptism of the Dao rune, and the greater the final harvest, after all, epiphany is a magical state that is created with heaven and earth, and you can feel your own ability through the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

That is to say, the skills of the epiphany are unique, according to different pets, different states, different personalities, and even the surrounding fantasy factors can affect the epiphany, so the epiphany is their own skills, equivalent to self-creation!

Therefore, when having an epiphany, you must pay great attention, you must not be disturbed by anything, you must keep absolutely quiet around, a little wind and grass may interrupt the epiphany, or nothing at all, serious and even go crazy, their own reaction, although not necessarily dead, but the root bone will also be severely damaged!!!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there must be someone around to guard the epiphany, in case of an unexpected situation, it is not good!

“You guys go out first!”

Qin Yang said to Honghong and the others!

Although they didn’t know what happened, they didn’t dare to obey Qin Yang’s order, and soon they tiptoed out and guarded at the door of the dungeon, because they were afraid that there would be goblins who slipped through the net, they didn’t dare to go far, so they could only stay outside obediently!

“Have a volcanic fantasy and help him!”

Qin Yang said to Saint Blue Flower Ji!

After the Holy Blue Flower Ji nodded, she stretched out her slender jade finger to look around, and a large amount of blue pollen was permeated in the Holy Blue Flower, and under the influence of the fantasy pollen, the surrounding scenery began to change!

Qin Yang looked down and saw that a volcano had become under his feet, and he and the lava tiger king were located in the position of the crater, the ground was covered with solidified magma, and the entire volcano was shining with a dark red luster!

The crater is still smoking, the magma below is bubbling, and a stone falls from time to time on the surrounding walls, and then it is engulfed by magma, turning into a black smoke and rising!

Even if it was just an illusion, Qin Yang could feel the scalding hotness, and his whole body began to sweat!

“It works!”

He turned his head to look at the lava tiger king, under the background of the illusion, the lava tiger king’s body stretched a little, he was born a spirit in the volcano, attached to the volcano and born, the volcano is equivalent to home for him, just as the lava tiger king generally appears in the magma sea in the crater, in the volcanic fantasy, the lava tiger king instinctively feels a lot closer!

Of course, this is the reason why the fire element is strong, for most of the pets related to the element, they can get attribute bonuses in the corresponding elements, which can be seen in Qin Yang, and there is a double agility bonus in the dark!


The runes on the body of the Lava Tiger King became thicker and thicker, originally just relatively transparent illusory runes, now it looks as if it has an entity, shining, this is an unprecedented scene, even a very advanced epiphany can not reach this level!

First, the Lava Tiger King, as a mutant rare beast, its own qualifications are much higher than ordinary Warcraft, naturally it is also unlimited potential, his wisdom is higher than many Warcraft, just the epiphany is related to wisdom, the smarter the Warcraft Epiphany effect is more obvious!

Second, the volcano has an affinity for the Lava Tiger King, and it is also very helpful to his epiphany!

In this way, the effect of the epiphany is several times better!


Time passed little by little, lasting about ten minutes, Qin Yang also sat down cross-legged, guarding the Lava Tiger King’s side, looking at the flying Dao runes, he was actually a little fascinated!


Gradually, those Dao runes became brighter, Qin Yang did not dare to make a sound at all, and the air seemed to be static!!

At this time, Qin Yang was actually attracted by the Dao Rune beside the Lava Tiger King, he was originally just paying attention to the changes in the Lava Tiger King, but this rune revealed a special attraction, attracting his gaze to death!

In this avenue rune, he felt a vast and unfathomable aura, in front of the avenue, Qin Yang was like a lonely boat in Wang Yang, a wisp of dust in the starry river… It’s so small!


The surroundings are extremely quiet, and the sound of runes vibrating gently can be faintly heard, which gives people a unique feeling, as if it can penetrate deep into the mind and awaken the soul!

Qin Yang was fascinated, his pupils were motionless, and began to be a little dilated, his pupils were originally very deep black, now the color has become much lighter, and gradually it has actually turned into gray, a dull gray!



At the same time, a strange thing happened in the outside world!

It was already late afternoon, close to sunset, but dark clouds began to condense in the sky, and in an instant, black clouds rolled in, covering the entire sky in a few breaths!

“Fa … What happened? ”

Everyone in Koma Town was shocked, not only here, but also the entire Misty Forest and even several forests near the Dorus Mountain Range were all shocked by this sudden scene at this moment!

“My God, look at the sky…”

In an instant, the sky darkened, as if the end of the world!

Everyone was looking at the sky, black clouds covered all light, and the heaven and earth were completely darkened in that instant, and they couldn’t see their fingers!

And at this time, a pair of eyes appeared in the sky, and the only two remaining rays of light appeared between the layers of dark clouds, which looked like mysterious eyes, the light seemed to penetrate the eternal years, penetrating the river of time, looking at it from the endless ancient floods, and also exuding a strange aura!

But after only a second of existence, this vision disappeared, and there were still black clouds rolling in the sky, and there were demon winds everywhere, and everything seemed so unusual!

“What the hell? How could it suddenly become like this!?? ”

Old Kings hurriedly walked out of the house and came outside, but the dim old eyes became exceptionally bright at this moment, and the whole person swept away the old state before, as if he had changed a person!

He looked at the vision in the sky, and there was an uproar in his mind!


“After such a long time, the master hasn’t come out, shouldn’t there be any accidents?” Qingqing has always been unobtrusive, and after saying this, she was glared at by Hong Hong, and immediately shut up!

“The master Jiren has his own natural appearance, rest assured!”

After speaking, Hong Hong took the lead and sat down, no matter how long she waited, she would also stay here, because Qin Yang’s words were an order that she must absolutely obey!


And at this time, in the dungeon, Qin Yang’s whole person sat cross-kneeled, breathing slowly, the treasure was solemn, his eyes were closed, and the appearance of those avenue runes around the Lava Tiger King constantly appeared in his mind, and these runes were also constantly evolving and condensing in his mind!


When the rune in his mind evolved to a certain extent, suddenly, a complete rune… Flew out of his eyebrows! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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