The rare beast is the dream pet of all players, and it is very difficult to domesticate, and among the currently known players, only one lucky person seems to have tamed a chocobo.

This lucky man is a level 6 hunter, he originally had the attitude of giving it a try, but he expected that Ou Huang possessed the body, and he was successful in one domestication, becoming the first player in the full service to capture the rare beast.

Chocobos are mounted rare beasts, the combat effectiveness is not high, but the movement speed is very fast, but also can give the owner blessing speed BUFF, the location of the chocobose is located on the hillside not far behind the boar forest, is one of the four rare beasts in the novice area.

As for other players, even if they racked their brains to domesticate the rare beast, almost all failed, not only because of the low and pitiful domestication success rate, but more importantly, once the first domestication failed, the rare beast would attack, which greatly increased the difficulty of domestication.

And the player can’t fight back, once you attack the rare beast, it will reduce the favorability value of the rare beast to you.

When Qin Yang came to the Flying Moon Canyon, he encountered a large number of level 7 saber-toothed tigers on the road, saber-toothed tigers are very suitable for brush-level wild monsters, and the experience points dropped are relatively high, but it must be noted that this wild monster has a very high attack power, and if you don’t pay attention, you will be killed by the saber-toothed tiger.

Most of the nearby players have reached level 6 or above, and most of them are in teams, and it is difficult to quickly brush the saber-toothed tiger if you do not team up.

Bypassing this area, Qin Yang came to the place where the Saber-toothed Tiger King was, which was a closed valley with only one passage to enter, surrounded by hillsides, but it was empty enough for the Saber-toothed Tiger King’s huge body to move.


Far away, Qin Yang heard a trace of movement, and there was a roar of the Saber-toothed Tiger King.

He jumped, jumped over several large stones in a row, and came to a relatively high place, and when he looked around, he saw that the saber-toothed tiger king was roaring up to the sky, and his huge body was terrifying.

Beside the Saber-toothed Tiger King, several figures flashed, three players were responsible for pulling hatred, and one player was performing a taming skill on the side.

It seems that he also came to domesticate the saber-toothed tiger king.

Qin Yang quietly approached, the four players cooperated quite well, it should have been planned in advance, the players who performed the taming skill had reached level 8, while the other three had uneven levels, and the lowest was only level 5.

“It seems familiar!”

When he approached, Qin Yang suddenly realized that these four people… Looks like I’ve seen it somewhere!

“By the way, the four-person team I met in the Boar Forest last night.”

He set his eyes on the level 8 elf hunter, he was quite impressed by this person, last night this hunter’s level was only level 6, and now it has reached level 8, among civilian players, this level of upgrading is quite fast.

The other three are responsible for pinning down the saber-toothed tiger king, while the elf hunter unleashes the taming skill on the side, and every time he fails, the saber-toothed tiger king will put hatred on the elf hunter, and at this time, the three players on the side will take the initiative to attack and attract hatred.

Although this method is troublesome, at least half a minute later, the hatred is pulled away before it has a chance to perform a second domestication, but it is the only feasible method at the moment.

Once…… Fail!

Twice…… Fail!

Three times…… Still fail!


From the beginning to now, it has failed dozens of times, and the elf hunter has drunk several bottles of magic potions in a row, even so, the magic power is still not enough!

“Forget it, let’s give up, this guy is really not so easy to domesticate!”

They wanted to try their luck, but it turned out that not everyone had the luck of domesticating the chocobo.

These four players gave up, turned around and ran, they definitely couldn’t fight, and if they couldn’t domesticate, they had to run.

“Last night threatened me… It seems to be you! ”

Qin Yang grinned and set his gaze on the orc warrior.

[Shadow Doppelganger].

On the way to escape, the shadow of the orc warrior suddenly broke away and turned into an identical person, and under Qin Yang’s control, the shadow of the orc warrior actually ran back and took the initiative to meet the mad saber-toothed tiger king.


The orc warrior was stunned, he only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, and then he switched places with the shadow, and in front of him, the murderous saber-toothed tiger king slapped over, frightening his whole person stiff.


Then, the orc warrior was pressed to the ground and rubbed!

“I lean, what are you doing? Why go back? The elf hunter cursed.

“I… I don’t know what’s going on, ah, help! ”

In the end, the orc warrior was sent back to the Tower of Life and died, he didn’t even know what was going on!


“Just the four weak chickens of you still dare to tease the saber-toothed tiger king, don’t measure yourself!”

After they left, Qin Yang walked out silently, and next, it was his turn to perform!

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