At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to be reflected in gold, and that golden light formed a huge golden cocoon around the saber-toothed tiger king, enveloping the entire body inside.

This is the legendary race evolution, in some specific circumstances, some creatures can carry out deeper racial transformation, this transformation can trigger the baptism of heaven and earth divine power, just like the current saber-toothed tiger king.

Not only rare beasts, but even players of some rare races can also undergo racial evolution, such as Qin Yang’s Night Elf family, once his race evolves, not only will his basic qualifications be greatly improved, but also his talent ability will be advanced, and it is even possible to awaken new talents.

However, at present, Qin Yang is not very clear about how to evolve, it should not be so easy to think, and now he has just left the novice period, and it is a little premature to consider racial evolution at this time.

The changes in the valley quickly attracted the attention of other players, you must know that Flying Moon Canyon is an activity area for players above level 6, and the leveling here is generally leveled up by players of level 6-9, and there are not a few high-end players nearby, and they quickly rushed over after noticing the movement.

“This… This is?! ”

The players who arrived were stunned and startled by the huge golden cocoon in front of them.

“Could it be…”

A level 9 swordsman seemed to have thought of something, and an incredulous look appeared on his face.

More and more players heard the sound and rushed in, and within three minutes, the outside of the Tiger King Valley was full of people.

“Quick, contact the guild president and ask him to inform people to come quickly, something big has happened here!”

Race evolution, this is not a secret, many people see the cocoon, and then combine this is the territory of the saber-toothed tiger king, so you can quickly associate this with this.

Since it is a race evolution, it is incredible, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the rare beast is already extremely powerful, if it evolves again, it is difficult to imagine what it will become.

“Ahaha, I heard that after the successful evolution of the rare beast race, there will be a five-minute weakness period, and if you use the [Domestication] skill on him during this time, you will not be attacked, which is a great opportunity!”

A level 8 hunter laughed and stood up, staring hotly at the cocoon in front of him.

“No one is allowed to rob me, this rare beast belongs to our [Thousand Yang Guild]!”

Behind this hunter, more than ten people stood up, these are all members of the Thousand Yang Guild, they were originally brushing the level in the Flying Moon Canyon together, but they were suddenly attracted by the movement coming from this side, so they all rushed over!

“Thousand Suns Guild? Cut, it’s just a small guild, our Battle Banner Guild leader rushed over immediately, he is only a big god who can be promoted to level 10, just a few of you rookies, he can destroy you with one hand! Another player said with a sneer.

“Oh? Are you Battle Banner people so crazy? I am not convinced! ”

The Huya Guild is one of the top twenty large guilds in Huaxia, only stronger than the Tianhe Guild, and their leader is still a strong player on the Heavenly List, and he is one of the first players to advance to level 10.

Although the president of Huya is not in this novice village, their vice president is there, and the vice president of Huya is currently also level 10, and he is the number one big man in the entire Novice Village No. 10086.

Now that the number of players over level 10 has exceeded a hundred, it is not surprising that one or two level 10 players can appear in these large guilds.

More and more guilds heard the news and rushed to arrive, the movement here is not small, and someone deliberately spread the news from this side to the channel, in just a few minutes, almost half of the novice village knew what happened here.

“My God, the Saber-toothed Tiger King has evolved, and the Flying Moon Canyon is about to change the sky!”

“Many guilds have run over to make fun, and some large guilds are even more determined to win, it seems that there is a good show to watch!”


As soon as they heard the news, many players immediately gave up what they were doing and rushed to the Flying Moon Canyon non-stop.

There was already a flood around here, and dozens of guilds in the front stood up, saying that they wanted to fight for this rare beast.

Many of these guilds have players with domestication skills, so even if they risk offending other guilds, they should give it a try in case they are lucky!

“What, the evolved Saber-toothed Tiger King appeared? Go, immediately gather all the members of that novice village and snatch that rare beast for me at all costs! ”

Even though it was far away in other novice villages, many guild bosses still heard about it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no guild wants to miss!

“Whoever dares to fight with me is an enemy of our [Blue Dragon Guild]!”

“Joke, I’m afraid that you won’t make it!”


High-end players gathered a lot, and each side did not want to back down.

However, all of them focused on the cocoon, ignoring that there was actually another person next to the cocoon.

At this time, Qin Yang, who was a little impatient, finally couldn’t help but speak!

“Hey, are you really blind or pretending not to see? Is my presence that low? ”

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