“Froststorm” skill book: Summon powerful ice elements, inflict three blizzard blows on targets within range, and the last blizzard causes a [Freeze] effect, imprisoned for 3 seconds, consumes 110 mana points, and cooldown 2 minutes.


[Titan Boxing Set]: Attack +63, Strength +1, Side Effect: Critical +5%, Suitable Class: Boxer, Silver Medium.


“Forging Drawings of the Solid Ring”: Collect materials to create a gold ring [Solid Ring].


[Yanhuang Collar]: Magic Attack +103, Health +950, Incidental Skills: Get a magic shield every three minutes, which can absorb 10% of your own health magic attack, wearing requirements: pet, gold lower grade.

“It’s actually a gold-level pet collar!” Qin Yang’s eyes lit up.

Characters have equipment, pets naturally also have, pet equipment includes collars, ankle rings, animal armor, nose rings, headbands, etc., and like character equipment, pet equipment can also come with powerful equipment attributes.

Qin Yang’s luck is very good, actually encountered the collar of the gold lower grade, and it is a collar that increases the magic attack, the biggest feature of the lava tiger king is the burning effect, the burning caused by magic damage, with the Yanhuang collar, the output ability of the lava tiger king will be greatly improved.

The accompanying passivity is also very powerful, a shield for three minutes, which greatly guarantees survivability!


“Green Lotus Sword Song” skill book: Transform into sword qi, quickly shuttle to the target to swing 5 sword slashes, each sword qi causes physical damage, can not be selected and attacked when releasing skills, consumes mana: 90, cooldown time 1 minute, suitable for classes: swordsman, ghost swordsman, spirit swordsman, warrior…


[Nine Turns Jindan]: You can be resurrected once in place!


【Tyrannosaurus Rex Recipe】: Collecting materials allows the chef to cook the food that Tyrannosaurus rex likes to eat, increase the favorability by 10 points, and increase the chance of domestication!


“Dark Weapon Mastery” talent book: After learning, you can master the assassin talent [Dark Weapon Mastery], and be able to use any dark weapon proficiently.

Presumably this is the assassin talent mentioned by the goblin merchant before, the dark weapon is also a major feature of the assassin, can be attacked from a distance, the damage will be accompanied by the attribute bonus carried by the dark weapon itself, similar to the archer’s archery mastery, are the long-range output means of physical flow.

Unlike archery mastery, archers must use bow and arrow weapons to perform archery, while dark weapon mastery is much less limited, a stone and a leaf can be fired as a dark weapon, but the power will be much reduced.

As for the production of dark weapons, it is necessary to obtain dark weapon forging drawings, there are many types of dark weapons, the more common are throwing knives, flying needles, shurikens, etc.

In addition, there are more advanced dark weapons, and some of the beta players have obtained the forging drawings of the top dark weapon [Buddha Nu Tang Lian], but unfortunately, the materials required for the top dark weapon are very rare and almost difficult to collect.

“The lowest-level throwing knife concealer seems to be able to be crafted in a blacksmith shop, and the level of throwing knives is only whiteboard, so it should be easy to get your hands on.”

With the talent of dark weapon mastery, Qin Yang’s fighting style will also change greatly, and the kite-style fighting style will become more flexible!

The last rare item is a beast bone!

[Decaying Ancient Keel]: The keel that fell in the abandoned land, eroded by the years, lost a lot of essence, and only the decaying half-truncated keel remained, which is a rare refining material, purple-gold grade material.

“Lying groove, all decayed, can it still reach the level of purple-gold grade materials?”

Qin Yang was a little unbelievable, the purple-gold grade material was more advanced than gold, and if it was used for refining, it could definitely raise the bronze-level quenching dagger by three or four segments.

“No, no, you have to keep it, and use it again when you have a more advanced weapon!” Qin Yang suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Whether it is the Titan Fist Suit or the Yanhuang collar just got, it is more advanced than the Quenching Dagger, and now Qin Yang is no longer satisfied with bronze weapons, and no matter how he says it, he can’t be compared by his own pets.

Bronze weapons will always be eliminated, and if the keel is used now, it will be wasted!

Qin Yang decisively put away this half of the keel.

Ten rare items, each of which is the best, can be used except for the fist sleeve and swordsman skill.

In addition, there were a lot of gold and silver coins scattered in the backpack, roughly counted, there were 7 gold and 59 silver, this black-hearted merchant was really fat and flowing oil.

Get rich overnight!

This word is suitable to describe Qin Yang now!

“I don’t know if the dog-headed miner is gone, the superb materials on his body are also very rare props, if you can steal some, maybe the materials of the [Solid Ring] will fall!” Qin Yang’s eyes glowed with thieves.

“Ahem, how can it be called stealing, I am upright!”

He came to the abandoned mine again, and went down the dark crypt, not knowing where it led.

It seemed that he had left, and Qin Yang followed the crypt for seven or eight minutes, and finally gave up decisively.

The dog-headed man is a natural burrower, and the speed of digging is very fast, and most of the day is enough to dig through several mountains.

“Huh? Why does there seem to be light here? ”

Just as he was about to walk back, suddenly, there was a forked cave in the crypt that attracted Qin Yang’s attention, this branch cave should have been dug when the dog-headed people came, and most of it had collapsed, but there was a faint light.

After approaching, Qin Yang’s eyes suddenly widened.

“Lying trough, no wonder it collapses, it turns out that there is a basement above the crypt, here … Wouldn’t it be the treasure trove of Black Wind Village? ”

Breathing heavily, he pushed part of the dirt away with his hand, and a passage above his head was exposed, and after turning up, it was an empty area.

“Silver Chest!”

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