Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 110 The Past of Norton!! New Mission!! (1/7)

Chapter 110 The Past of Norton!! New Mission!! (1/7)

As time passed, an hour soon passed.

At this time, Norton walked down with a drawing and a small medicine bottle.

When he walked down, he directly handed the small medicine bottle and the drawing to Qin Feng and said: "This is the antidote and the drawing, please accept it, Your Excellency Baiyihou.

Hearing Norton's words, Qin Feng suddenly placed his eyes on the medicine bottle and drawings in his hand.

I have to say that Norton is indeed very accomplished in pharmacy.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng seemed that he could take Norton into his own territory and become a master of pharmacy?

At this moment, Qin Feng's thoughts passed, and soon he showed a smile and took the medicine and the drawing.

After Qin Feng got the drawing and the potion, a series of system prompts sounded suddenly.

"Dingdong~Your task is complete.

"Ding Dong~ You have gained 5000W experience points, 5000W empire merit points, [Pet Position Widening Scroll (God-Level)]*1.

"Ding Dong~ You have completed the stage mission (Black Death Antidote), do you accept the final mission [Relieve the Black Death Crisis]!"

Hearing these system prompts, Qin Feng directly took over the task of the final stage.

After accepting the task, he did not open the task panel to see the final task, but raised his head and stared at Norton in front of him.

At this moment, Qin Feng smiled and took out Dracaena and handed it to Norton, saying, "This is Dracaena, I think... Your Excellency Norton should be able to use it."

Norton saw the dracaena that Qin Feng handed over, and he didn't pretend to accept the dracaena directly.

After accepting the dracaena, Norton smiled and said: "Thank you for the reward of Baiyihou. Does Baiyihou need other medicine? I have a lot of finished products here, maybe you will need it or maybe."

"Your Excellency Norton, with your pharmacy learning ability, are you interested in coming to my territory to help?" Qin Feng asked Norton with a smile.

Norton heard what Qin Feng said, without any hesitation, and said directly: "It is a great honor for Norton to be appreciated by the white clothes. I am willing to go to the territory of Lord Marquis to assist in the construction of the territory."

"Very good." Qin Feng nodded and said: "I will prepare the best pharmacy laboratory for you. In addition, you can directly mention what you need. I will be satisfied if I can satisfy you."

"Yes." Norton nodded and agreed directly.

At this time, Police Qin Feng glanced at Norton, hesitated for a moment and asked: "Your Excellency Norton, I want to ask you a question."

"Sir, please speak." Norton said directly.

"You and I have never seen each other, why would you help me like this?" Qin Feng said slowly.

He and Norton have never met, but Qin Feng is sure that even if he doesn't take out Dracaena, Norton will help him make an antidote.

Not only that, he invited the other party to his territory without any promise.

Compared with the broad prospects in the royal capital, it is obviously an unwise choice to develop in a marquis's territory.

So Qin Feng was a little curious, what prompted Norton's decision.

At this moment, after Norton heard this, he took a deep breath and said to Qin Feng slowly: ``My son and wife were all captured by the X organization. They did not hesitate to force me to work for them. Use the lives of my wife and son to threaten me, but in the end, because I didn't promise in the first time, they killed my son and insulted me


"Sorry." Qin Feng stretched out his hand and patted Norton on the shoulder, and sighed slightly.

Norton’s choice was not wrong.

It is the X organization that is wrong, and it is also this era.

Many people at the top of the empire are secretly supporting the X organization, not only that, but the X organization is just one of the behemoths.

The force hidden in the dark, like an iceberg under the water, is a real behemoth.

These forces are extremely mixed and have different goals.

But... the only certainty is that their existence is itself a mistake.

At this time, Qin Feng can be considered to understand why Norton is so enthusiastic about him.

Qin Feng severely inflicted the × organization, so he was promoted to the Marquis by virtue of his massive merits.

It can be said that he barely avenged Norton, and because of this, he wanted to repay Qin Feng.

Norton's way of repaying Qin Feng is also very simple. Join Qin Feng's territory and work for him.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a deep breath and said to Norton: "Your Excellency Norton, the Pope has already ordered the Templars to start cleaning up the X organization. I think there will be good news soon, so I invite you. Wait patiently."

...For flowers...

"Thank you, Lord Marquis." Norton knelt to the ground quickly and knocked Qin Feng a few heads.

He is a smart man, how can he not know why the Pope is targeting Organization X?

Qin Feng rescued Erica, so the Pope was furious and attacked the X organization.

It can be said that if there is no Qin Feng, I am afraid that everything is difficult to say.

At this moment, Qin Feng saw this, just reached out his hand to help Norton up.

Next, Qin Feng said calmly: "Your Excellency Norton can start preparing now, I will wait for your arrival in the territory."

"Okay." Norton nodded, and soon began to order his servant to pack his things.

As for Qin Feng, he retired at this moment and left here soon.

After leaving Norton's house, Qin Feng directly used the newly obtained [Pet Position Widening Scroll (God Level)].

The next moment, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding Dong~ You have used [Pet Position Widening Scroll (God Level)] to widen the position of the pet space. The current pet position is: 2.

After using one scroll, Qin Feng's pet position has also become two.

It’s just a pity that he still doesn’t have a pet that he can handle.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng shook his head, and quickly clicked on the task he had just obtained.

[Relieve the Black Death crisis]

Level: God level

Mission introduction: The Black Death has spread all over the mainland, and countless people die every second. Officials in many areas of the empire deliberately concealed the truth, resulting in a complete outbreak of the Black Death, which has caused unpredictable consequences. Please also Players will give the antidote to the Black Death as soon as possible to Her Majesty the Empress of the Stormwind Empire, so that she can send people to quickly produce the antidote and reverse the situation.

mission target:

1. See Her Majesty the Empress of Stormwind. (01)

2. Give [Black Death Antidote] to Her Majesty. (0/1)

mission rewards:

1. 5000W experience value.

2. 5000W imperial merit.

3. [Building Level Up Scroll (God Level)]*1

Mission restrictions; none

Introduction: Players are requested to complete this task as soon as possible.

ps: A new day has begun again!! Red duck!!! Three.

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