Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 127 The Great Role of Electromagnetic Interference Devices!!! (1/8)

Chapter 127 The Great Role of Electromagnetic Interference Devices!!! (1/8)

At this moment, when Qin Feng looked at the group of mechas on the periphery, one of the dark green mechas slowly walked out and said to Qin Feng: "Let go of our general, otherwise, I will kill you myself. ."

After hearing these words, Qin Feng smiled and took out a device directly from his backpack.

Everyone saw him pull out a device... suddenly a little weird.

What is this person going to do? Take out a device to detonate? And then die with his group?

Thinking of this, all the demons are like enemies.

At this time, Qin Feng didn't talk nonsense, and directly activated the electromagnetic interference device in front of him.

"Ding Dong~ You have activated the [Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Tier 3)) and conducted electromagnetic interference on the enemy’s [G-3 Demon Mech (Legendary). The current EMI judgment is: Success! Enemy! The mech enters a malfunctioning state for 10 seconds.

"Ding Dong~ You have activated (Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Tier 3)), and conducted electromagnetic interference on the enemy's [D-71 Logistics Mech (Legendary)). The current electromagnetic interference judgment is: Success! Enemy The mech enters a malfunctioning state for 10 seconds."

25" Dingdong~ [Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Tier 3)) was activated, the equipment special effects were triggered, and the enemy mecha defense was reduced by 20%.

"Ding Dong~ You have activated (Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Tier 3)), and conducted electromagnetic interference on the enemy's [G-7 Demon Auxiliary Mech (Legendary Level)). The current electromagnetic interference judgment is: Success! The enemy mech goes into a malfunctioning state for 10 seconds."

"Ding Dong~ The [Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Tier 3)) was activated, the equipment special effects were triggered, and the enemy mecha lost 50% of its HP."

At this moment, a series of system prompts sounded instantaneously, and the next moment, Qin Feng directly summoned seventy destruction cannons and began to shoot non-stop.

He disguised himself as a demon's mecha assault and entered the headquarters. The ultimate goal was not to capture the opponent's generals, but to use the generals to attract all the opponent's mecha groups here.

As long as these mecha groups are attracted together, once the electromagnetic interference device is triggered, the opponent's mecha units can be paralyzed instantly.

Losing the most powerful sword, relying on other Demon soldiers, wanting to compete with money-burning players like Qin Feng, there is no chance at all.

At this moment, seventy destruction cannons were madly attacking the mecha in front of them.

Almost every gun can hit the opponent's cockpit.

Without the protection of the mecha energy shield, these mechas are almost like paper, and almost one can be destroyed in a few shots.

In this way, ten minutes later, Qin Feng's ear suddenly sounded a system alert.

"Dingdong~ Your mission [Destroy the Demon Mecha Unit (recommended mission level is 50)] has been completed."

"Dingdong~Your mission [sniping the demon army (recommended mission level is 40)] has been completed.

"Ding Dong~ You have got 100 million experience points and 5000W merit points as a task reward."

"Ding Dong~ You have received 5000w experience points and 2500w merit points for the mission."

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased, and the current level is: Lv37.

"Ding Dong~ You have got 10 free attribute points."

Hearing this series of sounds, a golden light suddenly appeared on Qin Feng's body.

At this time, Qin Feng basically completely destroyed the entire mecha unit.

I have to say that the electromagnetic interference device produced is really awesome.

If there is a normal operation in front of him, I am afraid that Qin Feng will have to lose at least 50 or 60 sentry robots to destroy these mecha units.

And... it's very possible that the generals of the command headquarters will escape the battlefield first.

So fortunately, Qin Feng pretended to be a wave, otherwise he would really suffer a bit of blood loss.

At this moment, after killing these Mozu mecha units, the rest of the Mozu soldiers almost all fled.

Qin Feng saw the soldiers fleeing frantically, but did not chase them.

These soldiers didn't have much experience for him, so just let them go.

At this moment, after thinking of this, Qin Feng directly put away the destruction cannon behind him.

Next, he went straight back to the command camp.

After seeing Qin Feng, Fujisaki suddenly showed an ugly smile, and handed Qin Feng the distribution map of the Mozu stronghold that he had just written.

After Qin Feng took the distribution map of the Mozu stronghold, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Devil's Cave Military Base Defense Map]."

After hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng picked up the map and glanced at it casually.

When he found that there was no major problem, he put away the map.

"Your Excellency has got everything you want, do you think you should let me go?" Fujisaki asked Qin Feng with a smile.

Hearing what Fujisaki said, Qin Feng said with a smile: "It should be so."

When the voice fell to the ground, a cold light flashed.

In an instant, Fujisaki's head fell to the ground, blood splattered...

Qin Feng stared at Fujisaki with a smile and said, "I want to let you go, but why do I hit me with a knife with my neck? Hey, it's really hard to be a good person."

Just when Qin Feng finished saying this, Fujisaki's eyes quickly became bloodshot, as if he was out of anger.

But it didn't last long, and 703 his life passed quickly.

At this time, Qin Feng also heard a system alert sound.

"Dingdong~You killed a demon general-level NPC, and the current NPC's future potential is judged to be S-level. Players are specially rewarded with 5000w experience points, 2500W merit points, and [random treasure chest (epic level)]."

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng didn't care about that much, and directly said to Neil on the side: "Let's go, go back to the stronghold.

"Yeah." Neil nodded and followed Qin Feng well.

At the moment, inside the stronghold.

Li Qingyun stared at the entrance of the stronghold somewhat as if facing an enemy.

What she fears most now is that Qin Feng encounters danger

After all, the opponent entered the Mozu's army alone, and any difference that occurred would be difficult for the gods to save.

Just now, when she heard the loud noise coming from a distance, she even had the idea of ​​rushing out of the stronghold to help Qin Feng desperately.

But in the end, she was forced down.

Because she knew that if she rushed to make a move, she might be unhelpful.

At this moment, while she was waiting anxiously, two figures slowly appeared at the door of the stronghold.

When Li Qingyun saw one of the figures, she immediately rushed towards the other side.

ps: Set a small goal, eight changes today, rush!!!.

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