Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 132 Return to the Fortress of War! (6/8)

Chapter 132 Return to the Fortress of War! (6/8)

Next, Li Qingyun looked at the dark matter railgun in front of Qin Feng with a little shock.

She didn't expect that Qin Feng could control this dark matter railgun now!

You know, this dark matter railgun can only be controlled by a level 60 mechanic.

Generally, those who can make this kind of dark matter railgun are all 70-level top mechanic experts.

To put it simply, people who can be equipped with this equipment must be at least level 70 or above.

But the Qin Feng in front of him can easily control this dark matter railgun. There is only one possibility, that is, the equipment in front of him is unrestricted equipment.

The equipment without level restrictions is even rarer.

Anything that pops up will usher in a lot of competition from big bosses. After all, big forces have talents they need to train, and these unrestricted equipment is the best gift they can give to talents.

After thinking of this, 25 Li Qingyun stared at Qin Feng in front of her.

At this time, Qin Feng quietly entered the coordinates, and in an instant, the dark matter railgun in front of him immediately began to accumulate energy.

After the energy storage was over, a terrifying black light shot out instantly.


A terrifying loud noise came from a distance.

At this time, Li Qingyun looked at the place where the dark matter destroying cannon descended, only feeling shocked in her heart.

This terrifying range and power... have completely surpassed the military strength of this area.

And under Qin Feng's horrible attack, the Mozu military strongholds in this area will sooner or later be wiped out.

Next, with Qin Feng's attack, several nearby strongholds were all destroyed.

At this moment, after destroying these strongholds, Qin Feng's tasks have all been completed.

"Ding Dong~ You destroyed [Devil Stronghold Crystal] and gained 3721W experience points."

"Ding Dong~ You won the battle and successfully destroyed the Demon C3 area stronghold. Special rewards worth 4000W, "Perfect Strengthening Stone (Epic)]."

"Dingdong~Your mission (destroying Mozu No. 881 stronghold (recommended mission level 40)] has been completed."

"Ding Dong~ You have gained 5000w experience points and 2500w merit points.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased, and the current level is: Lv41."

"Dingdong, you got 10 free attribute points."

A series of system prompts sounded.

A golden light also appeared on Qin Feng.

After all the war missions were completed, Qin Feng perfectly ended this trip to the magic cave.

At this moment, Qin Feng directly turned off the dark matter orbital gun and instantly put it into the backpack. Then, I saw him say to Li Qingyun on the side: "Let's go back to the war fortress in ten minutes."

"The battlefield hasn't been cleaned yet... Are we leaving so soon?" Li Qingyun asked Qin Feng with some doubts.

"Yes, and it only takes 10 minutes." Qin Feng didn't hesitate to put away all the sentry robots scattered on the side, and quickly flew toward the outside of the stronghold.

At this time, Li Qingyun did not hesitate to follow Qin Feng directly.

At this moment, just a few minutes after the two of them left here, a terrifying light of destruction suddenly appeared above the sky and directly shot into the stronghold where Qin Feng had been before.

A terrifying mushroom cloud directly lifted into the sky.

At this moment, Li Qingyun, who had been rushing fast, trembled, suddenly looked behind her.

When she saw the terrifying light of destruction, she instantly understood why Qin Feng asked her to leave immediately instead of continuing to clean the battlefield.

If it is because of greed to continue to clean the battlefield and leave his life there, it would be a bit more than worthwhile.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly caught up with Qin Feng and asked: "Do you know that this kind of thing will happen?"

"Of course, the Demon Race will send powerhouses above level 80 to this area to clean up and retaliate. Next, the military may be under a little bit pressure." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Yeah." Li Qingyun nodded, and soon said: "The military department should have a response strategy, please rest assured, my lord.

Qin Feng nodded and started to concentrate on the journey.

Next, the three quickly returned to the fortress of the war.

After returning to the war fortress, a general appeared directly in front of Qin Feng.

At this time, the general respectfully said to Qin Feng: "My lord Marquis, I am the commander’s adjutant Baker. Your commander is having important matters and is inconvenient to leave, so I will welcome you back to the fortress of war. If the Lord Marquis has any needs, I can do anything for the Lord Marquis."

Qin Feng directly threw the previous task scroll to the opponent and said: "I have completed all these tasks. In addition, I will inform you the top executive officer to be ready to face the war at any time.

"Yes." The general agreed, and soon asked Qin Feng: "What else do you have to order?"

After Qin Feng heard this, he looked directly at Li Qingyun and said, "Arrange a good position for her and sharpen it."

When the general heard this, he quickly looked at Li Qingyun behind Qin Feng.

After he saw Li Qingyun, he immediately walked over to Li Qingyun and said, "The next official pays homage to Miss Qingyun."

"Don't be polite, Baker." Li Qingyun said with a smile.

At this time, Qin Feng was a little confused. According to the rank of the two, Li Qingyun was obviously 720 lower than the Baker, but the Baker adjutant was called Miss Qi.

It can be seen that Li Qingyun's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

Just when Qin Feng thought of this, Li Qingyun seemed to see Qin Feng's doubts, and smiled and said to Qin Feng: "Marquis in White, the commander of this war fortress is my sister."

"That's it." Qin Feng nodded.

Since this is the case, he doesn't have to speak for Li Qingyun.

Next, Qin Feng spoke directly to Li Qingyun and said: "I have things to do now, so I won't stay here for a long time. Say hello to your sister for me."

Li Qingyun nodded, and said a little bit reluctantly: "If I have time, I will go to you.

"Yeah." Qin Feng nodded and left the place directly.

For him, the goal of coming here has been achieved, there is no need to stay here to waste time.

So he didn't hesitate to come to the Wormhole Teleporter, and quickly chose to return to Stormwind City.

After Qin Feng left, Li Qingyun was a little lost.

At this moment, Adjutant Baker on the side saw this scene and smiled and said to her: "Miss... come with me, your commander is waiting for you."

"Okay." Li Qingyun withdrew her lost feelings, and soon followed Adjutant Baker towards the military headquarters.

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