Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 164: Players' shock!! (8/8)

Chapter 164: Players' shock!! (8/8)

At this moment, just when Qin Feng thought of this, his mechanical army was outputting wildly.

With the range of damage superimposed, the terrifying output directly hit the monster group in front of him.

At this time, the monster in front of him rushed towards Qin Feng as if it had been possessed, and didn't care about the casualties.







A series of damage numbers became familiar, and a large number of monsters in front of them instantly turned into white light and disappeared in place.

At this moment, many players appeared on the city wall.

After these players appeared here, they all looked at Qin Feng not far away in a daze.

When they saw Qin Feng controlling the mechanical legion to slaughter the waste group in front of them, the group of players was immediately shocked.

"What the fuck am I???"

"This is the white man?? My goodness, the white man is so strong and invincible."

"A person against the Demon Legion is awesome! I'll take it.

"Hahahahaha, I saw the machinist in the white coat, I think I played with him, maybe not the same game, I was too difficult.

"That's right, I am also a mechanic, and I didn't realize that this profession is so strong. I played the same game with the white man, is it really the same game???"

"The most disgusting thing about mechanics is probably the super money burn. If Laozi didn't rely on buying black business gold coins to make mechanical equipment, I'm afraid it is still in Xinshou Village, which is really uncomfortable."

"Does the white man carry his own hatred? Why did the monsters coming out of the magic cave ran toward him automatically?"

At this moment, many players stared at Qin Feng and discussed.

At this time, Erica took Arnold and others standing in the distance and looked at Qin Feng.

Now she only feels that Qin Feng's growth rate is a bit scary.

It only took a long time before he grew up to the strength of one person, enough to suppress the army of monsters surging out of the several cave passages in front of him.

Thinking of this, Erica was a little lost.

At this time, she only felt that the gap between herself and Qin Feng seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

When Erica thought about this, a Templar on the side said directly to Erica: "Miss Erica, this place is too dangerous, please let us protect you back to the temple headquarters."

"No!" Erica directly refused. Then, she stared at Qin Feng's back and said, "I'm going to stay here.

Erica "Miss, the Pope has ordered us to protect your safety, please don't make us embarrassed." The Templar said directly.

At this time, Erica heard the words of the Templars and said directly: "I am the safest here."

After speaking, several Templar knights glanced at each other, all a little helpless.

They can't change Erica's decision. All they can do is to do their best to ensure Erica's safety.

At this time, Erica quickly boarded the city wall, picked up the longbow and came to Qin Feng's side to help Qin Feng defend the city together.

In the surroundings, Arnold and the newly expanded garrison also began to assist Qin Feng in defending the city.

Of course, they basically killed some fish that slipped through the net.

Most of the monsters that came out of the tunnels of the magic cave were killed by Qin Feng's mechanical army.

In addition, the rest of the players also began to frantically attack the monsters that rushed to the bottom of the city wall with the NPC defenders.

At this time, smart players are basically looking for monsters with only a little blood left to make up their swords. Only some silly and silly players will throw skills casually and rely on luck to make up for the sword.

Qin Feng looked at the players not far away frantically making up the knife, and he didn't think there was anything.

For players, this time the Devil's Invasion version is an opportunity for them to leapfrog their level. (cfdj)

Double experience blessing, coupled with the almost endless monsters, as long as it is not particularly unlucky, you can basically increase 7-15 levels after the invasion of the devil cave.

However, for Qin Feng, upgrades are secondary, and gains are the most important.

At this moment, he directly clicked on the world war points rankings.

【World War Points Ranking (Magic Cave Invasion War)

1. [White Clothes (China Region)] (Junlin Guild)

S: 112341.

2. [Qing Wu Feiyang (China Region)] (Junlin Guild)


3. [Ask you how worried you are (China Region)] (Junlin Guild)


4. [Hatano checkout (Eastern Kingdom) (none)

Points: 1141.

5. [Professor Rand (U.S. Region)] (Temples)

Points: 1127.

6. [Bauhinia Queen (U.S. Region) (Temples)

Points: 1111.

At this moment, Qin Feng glanced at the rankings and found that with the exception of Qin Feng, the top ten are basically all occupied by China, the United States, Dongying, and Bangziguo.

Among them, the China region occupies the most positions, with all the top three being taken over.

After reading this ranking, Qin Feng quickly set his sights on the ids of the second and third people.

These two people are actually players in their own guild?

You know, these two people in the previous life are both well-known big-time figures in China.

Q. How worried is it that you are a professional retired player, who has won many championships in world competitive events.

In the previous life, this brother just ran into the era of the service after retiring, so he bought a helmet for the first time and started the game.

Later, with the amazing game operation and the consciousness of being against the sky, he gradually formed his own forces in the game, and finally became one of the ten most powerful gods in China.

It can be said that this brother is the real Optimus Prime in the later period of the national war battlefield, and one person can hold up a war zone.

At this time, when he was turned into his own guild, Qin Feng felt a little bit of a treasure.

As for the other person named Qing Wu Feiyang, Qin Feng, he was also impressed.

In the previous life, Qingwu Feiyang emerged in the early stages of the game, relying on a hidden professional element mage to upgrade wildly, occupying the China region ranking list all year round in the game.

Even the U.S. Burning Money Master [Son of God), in terms of level, did not rise as fast as Qingwu.

The only thing Qin Feng feels is that in the middle of the game, for unknown reasons, Qing Wu Feiyang suddenly disappeared in the game.

Since then, Qin Feng has never seen Qing Wu flying again.

ps: A new day, rush!!!

Eight shifts are too difficult, I choose seven shifts today.

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