Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 169 is hanging up! (5/7)

Chapter 169 is hanging up! (5/7)

At the moment Void Dragon was flying out, Neil and Kaohsiung Dian had already started to clear the field.

Under the terrifying firepower coverage, basically several skill coverage can kill a large piece of mecha in seconds.

At this moment, after the Void Dragon flew out, it was directly exposed to the fire of many Demon Race Mechas.

However, the dragon race's high physical magic immunity directly prevents these demons' mechas from dealing much damage.

After resisting the damage, the Void Dragon sprayed the dragon's breath directly, and instantly killed a large piece of demonic mecha.

Next, I saw the Void Dragon instantly fell into the Mozu mecha group.




In an instant, the Mozu mecha group in front of them was instantly lost.

In the next moment, the Void Dragon directly launched the war trampling skills.





The claws of the dragon trampled the ground. Within 500x500, the ground shattered, and countless mechas were instantly covered by aoe damage in the terrifying range.

Although there is no strong range of Kaohsiung Kwai, the damage in this range is already very strong.

At this time, many Mozu mechas turned into white light and exploded a lot of things. 083

The remaining Mozu mecha reacted quickly and began to counterattack.

Qin Feng didn't participate in the war at this time. At this time, he opened his backpack directly, and then picked out all the materials, and began to prepare the electromagnetic interference device.

The previous electromagnetic interference device was level 35, and could only work on Mozu mechas below level 35.

In the immediate war, it is natural to produce higher-level electromagnetic interference devices.

At this time, many players saw it. Qin Feng put away the Titan Mecha, took out a lot of materials on the spot and started making things.

Seeing this scene, all players were a little confused.

"???What's happening here???"

"Temporary production of mechanical equipment? Is the white guy so silly?"

"Hahahaha, I just want to know what the big guy in white is making."

"I feel that I should be making equipment for the mechas in front of me. Don't force them. Let's continue to make up the swords. These are epic monsters in front of me. If you make up for one, you will earn blood!!!"

"Brothers, Ollie gives it!!! I want to make a wave today!"


At this moment, many players only paid attention to Qin for a moment, and then cast their sights on the battlefield in front of them.

Although Qin Feng's mechanical army has killed many demons mechas, there are still many slippery fish approaching under the city wall.

After these mechas arrived under the city wall, they directly began to attack the city wall.






Misses floated up one by one, occasionally mixed with a 1 point damage number.

Seeing this scene, all players were once again shocked by the terrible territories.

But soon, these players reacted and quickly attacked the demonic mecha below.

Next, as time passed, ten minutes passed quickly.

At this time, the Mozu long-range attack device kept shooting towards the city wall.

Under the covering attack of the demon race, the blood volume of the rune wall slowly dropped.

But after dropping for a while, the long-range firepower temporarily stopped for one minute, and at this time, the blood volume of the rune wall was restored.

At this time, Qin Feng also successfully produced a 40-level electromagnetic interference device.

At this moment, after making this device, Qin Feng named it the second-generation electromagnetic interference device.

After the naming was successful, a series of system prompts sounded again soon.

"Ding Dong. The player "White Clothes" has no teacher, and successfully produced (Second Generation Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Level)]. The machine is preliminarily determined to be an SSS-class machine. Special rewards for players: 1. [Random Treasure Box (God Level)] ."

"Ding Dong~ You have successfully produced [Second-Generation Electromagnetic Interference Device (God-level)]. Due to the talent bonus, the second-generation electromagnetic interference device (God-Class) you made has been upgraded to [God-level fourth-order”, One additional item feature is added. For detailed equipment effects, please click on the item panel to view. "

"Ding Dong~ Because you have the [Advanced Created Drawings] skill, you have obtained [Second Generation Electromagnetic Interference Device (God Grade)]."

At this time, after hearing these three system prompts, Qin Feng felt lucky.

The second-generation electromagnetic interference device produced this time was immediately upgraded to the fourth-level of the god level, and it was still very comfortable.

Qin Feng glanced at the properties of the second-generation electromagnetic interference device and found that compared with the previous generation device, this device not only has a higher level of application, but also its range has changed from 1000x1000 to 3000x3000.

The increase in the scope of this terror directly makes the second-generation electromagnetic interference device in front of you more than ten times stronger.

In the battlefield in front of them, tens of thousands of demons came out, and they were already approaching the city.

If Qin Feng turns on the electromagnetic interference device in front of him, at least 50% of the opponent's mechas and mechanical devices can be difficult to disease.

This is still the case that the other party has an anti-electromagnetic interference device. If the other party does not predict that Qin Feng has an electromagnetic interference device, and therefore uses anti-electromagnetic interference devices in a targeted manner, I am afraid that at least 80% of the Mozu mecha will be completely paralyzed.

At that time, it was really a massacre.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng did not hesitate to summon the Titan Mech.

Afterwards, he quickly turned on the electromagnetic interference device.

At the moment Qin Feng turned on the electromagnetic interference device, with Qin Feng as the center, all the demons within the 3000x3000 range were paralyzed instantly.

At this time, Qin Feng jumped directly from the city wall and ran towards the distant magic cave passage.

Qin Feng's current goal is to kill all the Mozu mechas that come out of the tunnel, including their long-range arms.

Therefore, he must immediately kill the most threatening long-range arms.

As long as he kills the Demon's long-range arms, Qin Feng will be able to slowly kill the paralyzed Demon Mechas one by one.

At this moment, the players on the city wall saw Qin Feng jump off the city wall, and originally thought it was nothing.

However, when they saw that most of the Mozu mecha next to Qin Feng were suffering from illness, they were instantly stunned.

What the hell is this??? Where did you go, a large number of Demon Race mechas nearby were all paralyzed???

I'm damned, is this fucking hanging up on my own???

ps: There are two more!!!! Red duck!!!!

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