Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 175 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

One hundred and seventieth chapters make no loss of blood! Buy residential shops to buy land! (4/5)

One hundred and seventieth chapters make no loss of blood! Buy residential shops to buy land! (4/5)

At the moment, we think here in the Qin Feng, he felt himself .... seems to make a big ???

You know, the Empress is the actual control of those storms empire, if this woman of their favorability of 100%.

Qin Feng then the next thing to do may easier.

There are support female emperor, coupled with the pope, as well as a Duke Lin Wei, Qin Feng launch a follow-up whether it is national war, or also for the whole empire for restructuring will be very smooth.

Think of this, Qin Feng directly turn off the task at hand - panel.

Next, Qin Feng directly toward a side of the room went, he need to do now is to start production of electromagnetic interference devices.

Once you have enough electromagnetic interference, AC in the military, but also earn a lot of gold coins, is not comfortable?

Soon, Qin Feng walk into a room, people will make the military transported over material after they started work on electromagnetic interference devices.

And in Qin Feng making the electromagnetic interference device when a road in the world notices the sound of ringing non-stop.

"World Notice: The United States of Region holy month of empire destroyed the country, The United States of Region fortunes -20%."

"World Notice: The United States of Region Association (Pantheon" forces destroyed the den, United States of fortunes to 3%. "

World "Notice: The current rate of 30% of the players killed, all players get an extra buff fight to the death [reclaim] (Effect: + 10% extra attack power)."

"World Notice: stick Region National Day systems were destroyed Empire State, national fortunes stick -10%.

At this point, after a road system warning tone, many players have noticed, basically in addition to the China region, the situation in other countries have become extremely critical.

Almost every region of the country has destroyed things happen.

And in addition to the destroyed country, after a lot of forces are destroyed, will result in reducing the fortunes of the results of the region.

One of the most unfortunate of course, is the sub-region of the country to God guild.

Guild nearby territory, good Sibu Si direct refresh the ten snare channel.

In addition, these channels den flush out world-class boss is actually ninety darkness Tarrasque.

A long interest, originally guarding the Society territory of all players directly back to the resurrection point.

And the next, the Society core is destroyed Tiamat, the Association directly be destroyed, a process down, Son of God cried.

You know, he is the Association funds invested, converted into US dollars, at least a dozen billion.

Guild destroyed, on behalf of more than one billion coins all failed to be implemented.

This is obviously for the Son of God is already devastating blow.

But God did not let him go so fast.

This time the invasion of the den, he just raised, will be chasing the other end Tarrasque kill.

Whether he conform to that of a city, will basically lead to the piece of Tiamat.

Finally, died three or four times, finally can not stand the Son of God, the direct selection off the assembly line, even battle rewards have not had.

We can say that the Son of God suffered, is simply bad luck thoroughly.

And he obviously did not know him in this position, and as far away as China Qin Feng is a large area.

Now, with the passage of time, the situation across the continent gradually fell into a stalemate.

The demons have established no less than two hundred strongholds on the Era Continent. Except for a few large strongholds that are building void altars, the other strongholds are constraining the forces of the major regions of the Era Continent.

It can be said that the deployment of the demons is to enable themselves to successfully open up the void channel.

As long as the void channel was opened up to summon the Void Demon Legion from the distant starry sky, as long as they could open a void channel, then their goal would be achieved.

At this moment, just after the stalemate was over, Qin Feng also produced the first batch of electromagnetic interference devices.

After making this batch of electromagnetic interference devices, Qin Feng immediately looked to the military procurement department official aside.

"Come here and quickly send this batch of electromagnetic interference devices to the military." Qin Feng said directly to the pair of officials.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the officials of the purchasing department walked over with a smile and began to count the devices in front of them.

But just a moment, he finished the count.

After counting the electromagnetic interference devices in front of him, he said to Qin Feng: "Master in white, we have accepted all the Titan Mechas you made before. In addition, we need to pay for your Titan Mecha purchase costs. 2.1 billion gold coins, if you add the current batch of electromagnetic interference devices, the price can just reach 4 billion gold coins."

"Very well, give the money." Qin Feng said unceremoniously.


Hearing Qin Feng's words, the officials of the purchasing department said with a smile: "My lord in white clothes, the imperial financial secretary is currently short of finances. Can you make an IOU first or use other things to deduct it?"

Hearing the words of the purchasing department official, Qin Feng suddenly understood.

The usual financial ability of the Stormwind Empire to sustain military expenditures is already very impressive.

But now encountering a large-scale war such as the invasion of the Devil's Cave, it is naturally extremely financially difficult.

I am afraid that the empress is also worried about this matter now.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said directly to the procurement officials in front of him: "Are you sure I can exchange money for other things?"

"Of course." The official of the purchasing department said directly.

When Qin Feng heard his answer, he immediately understood. This must be the meaning of the empress.


The female emperor was embarrassed to tell Qin Feng directly to check the accounts, so she could only send this official over to let Qin Feng choose for herself by means of IOUs and deductions.

However, Qin Feng will definitely not choose IOU.

At this time, Qin Feng did not hesitate to directly speak to the officials of the purchasing department: “I need a few pieces of land, and I also need to buy top shops and residences in the center of several major core cities.”

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the procurement officials nodded and said: "You can tell me which area of ​​land you need, I will immediately allocate it to the adults. In addition to shops and houses, I have several owners here. The map of the city, you will circle what you need, and I will also hand over the contracts for shops and houses to the adults."

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Give me the map.

"Yes." The purchasing department official agreed and directly took out a very detailed map and handed it to Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng took the map, he began to choose.

According to market prices, Qin Feng selected all the way and almost bought the core shops and residences in several major cities with great development potential in the future.

After doing this, Qin Feng chose several plots of land with rare resources.

After the selection, he said to the officials of the purchasing department: "Okay, you can take care of the next thing."

"It's an adult. Within today, I will definitely help the adults get it right." An official of the Procurement Department said categorically.

"Yeah." Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

Hearing what Qin Feng said, the official quickly left here. mouth.

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