Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 179 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

One hundred and seventieth IX first generation Rune robot! (2/5)

One hundred and seventieth IX first generation Rune robot! (2/5)

At this point, the Pope destroyed the west wall, just as the era of continental army made a breakthrough.

So this time, Titan mechs open, with the soldiers among the countless era mainland, direct rushed toward the west wall.

And this time, Qin Feng silk no hurry to sell.

In siege warfare, the very beginning of the siege, as a party to the siege, the loss is extremely serious nature.

At this point in time, is the first use of natural striker Army consume each other's wave of troops, and then put the top branches of a breakthrough.

At this time, Qin Feng thought of it after they began with Rafael and wait again.

Of course, while waiting, Qin Feng was released dark matter rail guns, began to keep output toward the distant.

Anyway, harvesting and war experience is integral moment can not stop.

After all, the war points at the end of the battle, you can buy a lot of precious things in Points Mall.

Now that integral, that time may worthless.

Just Qin Feng manipulation of the time against the distant dark matter railgun stop outputting.

Titan Mechs on the battlefield like gangbusters, direct scored the other side of the walls of the break.

And this time, many inferno machine 083 armor appeared in the gap at the start of the Titan armor hit toward the distant cluster attack.

Titan armor can in an instant group approaching, many inferno armor directly into a failed state.

Qin Feng looking at the inferno armor group, going to the toilet quickly determine the number of failures.

About 40% of the population caught in the inferno armor failure, while 60% have not affected in any way.

See here, Qin Feng suddenly realize that absolutely inferno area is equipped with the appropriate anti-electromagnetic interference devices.

Otherwise, definitely more than this demon mech affected.

However, Qin Feng nor the slightest accident, the huge number of inferno Corps, the magic 40% off the blow.

At this point, Titan mechs group with a horrible inferno speed toward the defense mech onrush.

Due to the huge role played by this time electromagnetic interference devices.

Defensive armor inferno low-end, almost all killed.

And this time, Titan mechs group with imperial troops storm in a very horrible speed instantly rushed to the inferno armor face (cfdj) group.

From here, you can see Titan mech fighting just how strong.


"Da da da.


A Road terrorist gunfire kept ringing.

In these gunfire in, mingled with the magician throw a lot of high-order group attack magic.

In addition, also entered the top assassin hidden state, wandering over the battlefield soldiers frantically harvesting the inferno.

Seeing this, Qin Feng soon look to the depths of the Nile fortress.

At the moment, almost inferno showing a one-sided driven, if Qin Feng did not guess wrong, the other party will definitely send a more powerful arms to assist the defense.

Just think of Qin Feng here, far from the inferno corps behind, there is a growing number of high-grade giant robot war came out.

The war robots and Qin Feng produced much larger Titan armor.

Moreover, in those war robots, also bears a Road bloody runes.

The war robot, is produced in the first generation Rune Mechanical Technology product inferno, with mechanical core, a powerful symbol of literature increase in weapons of war.

The first generation of robot soldiers Rune battle 50-80 level range, usually acting on the core war, Paladin comparable to light the Holy See (below the Knights Templar).

In this case, after these first generation Rune war soldiers appeared, standing beside Rafael against Qin Feng Qin Feng said directly: "Do not look, we set off."

"Ah." Qin Feng nodded, quickly put aside the dark matter rail gun close up.

Just Qin Feng promise down, Rafael against the Knights Templar Legion directly behind himself, said: "All other efforts to kill the demon mech empty goal altar!!

Then, on Halloween knight behind him and hundreds of Templars are holding a sword, issued a deafening roar.


Suddenly a voice landing, Rafael directly led the way toward the distant Nile fortress kill.

Qin Feng see the behind the scenes, directly into the side of Neil and Kaohsiung Fan said: "Follow me.

Neil and Kaohsiung Kwai hear the words of Qin Feng, Qin Feng directly followed quickly ran toward the interior of the Nile fortress.

And there was a cardinals join in the war, the battlefield situation, and instantly reversed over.

Between figure flashing, passing a red seat, dozens of first generation Rune robot instantly chop into two halves.

Qin Feng see this scene, directly in front of a dozen dead yet through runes robot attack.







Neil and Kaohsiung are all basically Fan shot.

Only a short moment of time, it took a lot of first generation direct Rune robot.

And this time, Qin Feng ears sounded a series of system beep.

"Ding-dong ~ your robot [Neil] kill (first generation Rune robot (epic), you get the experience 30w, 1000 war integration."

"Ding-dong ~ your robot (Kaohsiung award] kill the [first generation Rune robot (epic)], you gain experience 30W, 1000 war points.

"Ding-dong ~ your robot (Kaohsiung sunflower) struck the first generation [Rune robot (epic)], you get the experience 30w, 1000 war points.

At the moment, Qin Feng ears when the series system beep, Qin Feng far appeared hundreds of first generation Rune robot.

These runes instantly see robots, tens of thousands of Paladin direct welling up, and began to fight each other directly.

After Paladin and played against each other, Qin Feng began to make direct Neil and Kaohsiung ban mad up the knife.

As long as there is residual blood, to make up a knife.

Face is greater than their level 20 Rune than the first generation robot, make up a knife is war by integrating the quickest way to brush.

So at the moment, Qin Feng directly into the sound up a knife into the state.

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