Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 181 The Son of the Demon God-Duolun!!! (4/5)

Chapter 181 The Son of the Demon God-Duolun!!! (4/5)

At this moment, after Qin Feng saw the blood volume and defensive power of the Void Altar, he ran directly towards the Void Altar.

Before the high-level group disguise time has disappeared, Qin Feng must destroy the void altar in front of him as soon as possible.

The HP of the Void Altar is not high Qin Feng only needs a wave of attacks to directly destroy it.

It just needs to be close enough.

And as long as he destroys the two-thirds of the void altar in front of him, then his task will be completed.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, he took Neil and Kaohsiung Kui directly through the blockade of the 60th-generation rune robot.

Now all the high-end combat power of the demons is basically restrained by the front lines. These 60-level first-generation rune robots can't break Qin Feng's group of advanced camouflage skills of "zero eighty-three" at all.

So just for a moment, Qin Feng quickly came to the Void Altar.

When arriving in front of the Void Altar, Qin Feng did not hesitate to summon the Titan Mecha to put on it.

After that, he was instantly controlling more than ninety floating warrior cannons behind him, and he began to attack the void altar in front of him.







In an instant, countless damage figures rose from the void altar in front of them.

In an instant, the blood volume of the void altar in front of him was directly reduced by 4800W.

At this time, the Kaohsiung pad on the side shot instantly and slashed directly.



In an instant, the blood volume of the void altar in front of him was instantly cleared.

At this time, a golden light suddenly appeared on Qin Feng's body.

At the same time, several system prompts sounded.

"Ding Dong~ You destroyed [Void Altar under construction (unfinished)] and gained 300 million experience points and 100W war points."

"Dingdong~Your mission [Destroy the Demon Altar (only)] has been completed!

"Ding Dong~ You have won the task reward [hereditary duke title, 100 million experience points, 100W war points, [random treasure chest (holy rank)].

"Dingdong~The female emperor's favorability for you +20%, the current NPC favorability is: 100%.

"Ding Dong. The favorability of all NPCs in the Stormwind Empire is +30%.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased, and the current level is: Lv46.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased, and the current level is: Lv47.

In an instant, Qin Feng directly soared two levels, reaching level 47.

After the level was raised to 47, Qin Feng did not hesitate, and directly began to attack the surrounding rune robots.

What Qin Feng has to do now is to escape from here as soon as possible.

After all, this place is not absolutely safe in front of you.

If you encounter a powerhouse at the level of the devil, Qin Feng will be here too.

At this moment, just as Qin Feng was about to leave, the hundreds of first-generation rune robots in front of him rushed towards Qin Feng.

When these rune robots rushed over, Neil and Kaohsiung Kui beside Qin Feng kept attacking the surrounding robots.







Neil and Kaohsiung are forbidden to directly empty a piece of Mozu rune robots.

After doing this, Qin Feng directly led the two of them to rush towards the outside.

But just after Qin Feng took two steps, a figure instantly attacked Qin Feng.

In an instant, Qin Feng flew upside down.

At this time, the Titan Mecha on Qin Feng was directly shattered.

Fortunately, the automatic defensive shield of the Titan Mecha has suffered a huge amount of damage for Qin Feng, so Qin Feng's blood volume has only dropped by 14W, which is not a major problem.

At this time, after the Titan Mecha was crushed, Qin Feng instantly took out another Titan Mecha from his backpack to directly replace the original Mecha.

Afterwards, he raised his head and looked at the person who attacked him.

That figure is no different than ordinary human beings.

The only difference is that his pupils are golden.

Qin Feng was a little stunned when he saw the golden pupils.

Because the golden pupils represent the pure blood of the demons.

And the only people who can have the pure blood of the demon clan are the royal clan among the demon clan and a few top prince families...

This kind of existence with the blood of the demon race, as long as you kill one, you can get a super rich reward!!!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng decided that no matter what, he must kill the demons in front of him, even if he lost experience points last time.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, the demons in front of him directly said to Qin Feng coldly: "You are very good, but you are destined to die here."

After speaking, he rushed towards Qin Feng directly and quickly.

At this time, Qin Feng directly cast an exploration technique on the demons in front of him.

In the next moment, Neil and Kaohsiung Kui greeted them instantly and fought with each other.

When Neal and Kaohsiung Kui were fighting the Mozu people, Qin Feng also appeared in front of the Mozu people's attribute panel.

[Son of the Demon God-Duolun]

Level: 70

Class; god class

HP: 500 million, 500 million



Skills: [Advanced Sunder Armor] [Dark Mana Control] [Destruction Power (Passive) 1 Advanced Swordsmanship] [Advanced Skill Combo 11

Introduction: The twelfth son of the Demon God, was exiled under the Royal Dragon's command because he angered the Demon King's crown...

Seeing the attribute panel in front of him, countless memories flashed in Qin Feng's mind.

In the middle of the game, the previous demons completed an unprecedented unification.

3.9 The key to the unification of the major forces that split the demons is because of one person.

As for that person, it was Duolun, the son of the Demon God in front of Qin.

Duolun is a truly powerful son of destiny among the demons in the previous life.

As the twelfth son of the Demon King, he was born as a maid of the Demon King Linxing.

To put it simply, Duolun has a humble background.

And it is precisely because of this that his bloodline is impure, which is regarded as unknown by the Demon King, and he is disgusted by it.

But...just in this situation where grandma doesn't care for grandpa, she abruptly accumulates strength secretly by virtue of her amazing luck.

In the end, he won the support of several top powerhouses in the demon cave. His father seized the throne, and then he led the army abruptly, and completely unified the entire demon clan.

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