Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 192 Crazy Upgrading! (5/5)

Chapter 192 Crazy Upgrading! (5/5)

Qin Feng received the communication stone handed over by Charles and said: "Okay, new products will be developed in the future, I am sure to inform you as soon as possible.

"Okay." Charles nodded, and soon moved to the castle in the sky with everyone.

They will continue to stay in Qin Feng's territory for a few more days, and will not leave here until they get the first batch of products.

At this moment, after Charles and the others left, Qin Feng quickly clicked on the items he had purchased in the Orado trading group and looked at them.

[Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)]*5

[Triple Experience Potion (Holy Order)]*5

[Random Treasure Box (Holy Order)]*20

[Broken Star Stone (Holy Step))*1

[Perpetual Frozen Star Core (Holy Step))*1

In fact, there are a lot of things to buy, but most of them are prepared by Qin Feng to make level 50 holy mechanical equipment.

There are only a few items that are really useful now. 25

The first is [Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)), which can increase the upper limit of level additionally.

Of course, the chance of holy rank's level promotion scroll is only 10%.

You read that right, there is only a 10% chance that the skill level of the holy rank can be increased on the scroll.

In the game, the role of skills is great. Once the upper limit of the skill level is broken, the effect of the skills will be greatly improved.

It is precisely because of this that the success rate of this scroll is horribly low.

However, with Qin Feng's lucky value blessing close to 3000, it should be able to raise the upper limit of one or two levels.

At this time, after Qin Feng thought of this, he directly took out the 5 purchased scrolls and used them directly against his skills (Lv11 Advanced Mechanical Improvement).

"Ding Dong~ You used the [Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)) for [Lv11 Advanced Mechanical Improvement], and the current use is judged as; failed! (Hint: the skill level remains unchanged)

"Ding Dong~ You used (Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)) for [Lv11 Advanced Mechanical Improvement], and the current use is judged as: Success! (Hint: Skill level increased to Lv12)

"Ding Dong ~ You have used [Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)] for (Lv12 Advanced Mechanical Improvement", and the current use judgment is: Success! (Hint: Skill level increased to Lv13)

After using all 5 scrolls, Qin Feng directly succeeded 4 times.

At this time, his advanced mechanical improvement skill level also went directly from Lv11 to Lv15.

At this point, after using the five scrolls, Qin Feng directly clicked on the skill panel and looked at it.

(Lv15 advanced mechanical improvement)

Level: 15


1. After use, the machine can be improved to increase the basic attributes of the machine equipment and props by 200%.

2. After use, there is a 20% chance of +1 to the equipment characteristics of mechanical equipment.

Restrictions: A single piece of equipment can only be used once.

Proficiency: (MAX)

Introduction: High-level skills, after use, you can continue to increase the equipment items.

Seeing the effect of the skill in front of him, Qin Feng felt that the gold coin was worth it.

The 15th level advanced mechanical improvement has 80% more effect than the 11th level.

If this 80% effect is applied to 100 external mechanical equipment, it can directly increase Qin Feng's terrorist damage by tens of millions.

It can be said that this wave of reinforcement is still very profitable.

At this moment, after upgrading the skill level, Qin Feng directly looked at 20 [Random Treasure Boxes (Holy Rank)].

"Whether you can get rich overnight depends on these 20 random treasure chests.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately started unpacking.

"Ding Dong~ You opened [Random Treasure Box (Holy Rank)) and got [Building Level Up Scroll*1"

"Ding Dong~ You opened the [Random Treasure Box (Holy Step)) and obtained the [007 Type Armor Crafting Picture (Holy Step))*1"

"Ding Dong~ You opened [Random Treasure Box (Holy Step)) and obtained [Architectural Drawing of Ancient Medicine Alchemy Hall (Unique)]*1

Next, Qin Feng opened a series of 20 random treasure chests. Basically, the price of each treasure chest was over 100 million.

Of course, most of them are useless to Qin Feng.

But these things that are useless to Qin Feng, Qin Feng can directly sell them for gold coins.

At this time, Qin Feng looked directly at one of the architectural drawings.

【Architectural Picture of Ancient Medicine Alchemy Hall (Unique)】

Grade 1

Quality: unique

Effect: After use, the building of the ancient medicine hall can be built for the production of medicine.

Introduction: One of the extremely rare architectural drawings.

Seeing this drawing, Qin Feng only feels lucky.

This drawing simply adds to the industrial chain for him.

Originally, Qin Feng had not set foot in the field of refining medicine because of lack of skills in refining medicine.

But with the medicine refining hall in front of him, Qin Feng can directly put all the rare potions into the medicine refining hall for refining.

As long as the batch refining is successful, whether it is sold to players or NPCs, you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Just after Qin Feng thought of this, he directly used this blueprint and instantly consumed gold coins to start building the ancient medicine alchemy hall in the city center.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 100 million gold coins to build [Lv1 Ancient Medicine Alchemy Palace", please click on the building details to check the building properties.

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng directly began to upgrade the building in front of him.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 10 million gold coins to upgrade the current building level to 083. The current [Ancient Alchemy Yin] level is: Lv2."

"Ding Dong~ You spent 10 million gold coins to upgrade the current building level. The current level of the Ancient Medicine Alchemy Hall is: Lv3.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 10 million gold coins to upgrade the current building level. The current [Ancient Medicine Alchemy Hall] level is: Lv10.

After raising the building level to 10, Qin Feng directly clicked on the building attribute panel and looked at it.

【Lv10 Ancient Medicine Alchemy Hall (only)

Grade: LV10

Building function:

[Lv10 potion production)

Effect: Can produce medicines in batches, and the highest level of medicines that can be produced is God level.

Production speed: 1000 bottles/s

Additional building bonus attributes:

1. After the potion is made in the current potion hall, an additional +100% potion use effect will be added.

2. After the current potion is made in the potion hall, there is an 80% chance to upgrade the potion by 1-3 ranks.

3. There is an 80% chance to reduce the consumption of medicine materials by 90% when the medicine is made in the medicine hall.

The materials needed to upgrade the current building level are:

1. One hundred million gold coins.

2. [Building Level Up Scroll]*1

Items currently being produced: None

Introduction: This is a medicine refining hall that existed in the ancient times. If you upgrade to a high level, you may be able to make the best medicine.

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