Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 308 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 309th chapter demons serial number s-0 war giant soldiers!!!

Chapter 309 Demon Race Number S-0 War Giant God Soldier!!!

At this moment, just after Lydia had eliminated all the demon failures around her, her level had also increased by one level.

After his level was upgraded, Qin Feng set his sights on the battlefield in front of him.

In the battlefield in front of them, countless Mozu soldiers rushed towards the gap in the west wall like sharks smelling fishy smell.

Although the players and NPCs in the Dongying area struggled to block, they were unable to block the opponent's offensive like a tide.

Demon’s mechas and long-range guided paving guns fell on players and NPCs in the Eastern Region like raindrops.

Every time the explosion sputtered the fire, it would surely be able to take away many players and NPCs in the Eastern Region.

Looking at the battle in front of him, Qin Feng guessed it a little and knew that the NPC corps in the Dongying Region would soon be unable to hold it this time.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately began to wait.

At the same time, on the entire battlefield of Hanyu's main city, ten powerhouses of the Demon King level shot at the same time.

Not only that, even the most powerful Demon Lord also faced a top powerhouse in Dongying Region.

In just a moment, the entire West City Wall was completely opened up by the Demon Race. Countless Demon Race troops rushed into the city frantically, swallowing everything they saw like a colony of ants.

At this time, countless 160 players in Dongying Region were directly slaughtered by the Demon Legion.

"Damn demon, go to hell!!!"

"Priest milk me!!!

"These demons are dogs, right? Can't beat them, they can't beat them, they slipped away."

"What about the front row??? What's wrong with this group of NPCs? Can't even defeat the mecha of the Demon Race??? What's the matter?"

"I took it. I stopped fighting. I was offline. The fucking NPC couldn't even beat us.

"Help me!!! Who the hell come over and pull me, I am a little slow.

At this moment, many players in Dongying Region wailed.

Under the iron hooves of the demon army, the main city of Hanyu immediately fell into chaos.

From the battle in front of us, we can see that there is still a big gap between the strength of the Era Continent and the Devil's Cave.

If there is no protection from the players and the gods of the region, I am afraid that the era continent will also become a colony of the magic cave civilization.

And then, as time passed, an hour passed quickly.

During this hour's war, the situation on the entire battlefield tilted sideways to the devil's cave.

The dark cave army surged like a tide, and the players in the Eastern Region (cfdj) killed were almost wiped out.

Only a lot of elite NPC corps in the East Ying Region are still struggling to support them, desperately guarding the heart of the empire in the capital.

Standing in the distance, Qin Feng saw this scene and immediately knew that his opportunity had come.

After thinking of this, Qin Feng said directly to Lydia Neal and the others: "You come with me."

"Yes!" Neil and Kaohsiungkui agreed, and they soon protected Lydia from running away.

At the same time, Qin Feng directly controlled the Athena VI mech and rushed towards the demon legion outside the city.

After he was about to rush to the demon army, Qin Feng waved his hand suddenly.

In an instant, three terrifying dragons appeared out of thin air, making terrifying roars.

At the moment when the three-headed dragon appeared, 500 Decepticons war robots also appeared.

After the densely packed second-generation Decepticon war robots appeared, they directly followed Qin Feng and quickly approached the Demon Cave Legion in the distance.

In addition, a huge behemoth in the sky slowly descended from the clouds.

After the hideous and huge figure of the Sky Mothership emerged, it immediately enveloped the Demon Legion like a cloud.

After summoning his own mechanical legion, Qin Feng also rushed to the front of the cave legion.

At this time, the Demon Cavern Army had been guarding Qin Feng long ago.

Seeing Qin Feng approaching, they directly controlled the cave mech and the long-range destruction cannon to attack Qin Feng.

But at this moment, the Sky Mothership in the sky exploded directly, sending a wave of devastating attacks towards the long-range attack device in the Demon Cavern Legion.







In an instant, the long-range attack device in a large area of ​​magic cave was completely destroyed.

After these remote devices were destroyed, three terrifying fleshy dragons swept across the air, and the sprayed dragon's breath instantly flooded countless demons soldiers, burning them into masses of ashes and scattered on the ground.

After a wave of lethal blows to the Demon's Cave Legion, Qin Feng's Mechanical Legion quickly pressed on it.







Under the terrorist attack of the Decepticons War Robot Army, the counterattack army of the first echelon of the Demon Cavern Army was directly destroyed.

After the destruction of the first echelon counter-attack legion, the commander of the Mozu legion who was attacking the city in the Dongying region suddenly reacted and quickly sent several legions of his own to block Qin Feng.

But at this time, Qin Feng didn't care about that much, and just pushed it all the way.

Behind Qin Feng, Lydia's level rose rapidly like riding a rocket.

In just a short moment, Lydia immediately rose to level 10.

After the level was upgraded to level 10, his body of Heavenly Punishment directly began to play a terrifying effect.

On the entire battlefield, a wave of thunder smashed down, and countless soldiers in the Demon Cave were killed before they could react.

And this is Lydia's terrifying strength.

After Lydia broke out of her strength, Qin Feng felt that she had nothing to do now, as long as she lay down and waited for the end of the national war.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, a huge Demon Mecha in the distance flew towards him.

This mecha looks dark green and is about the same size as Qin Feng's Athena VI mecha. It looks like a giant war weapon specially made by the Mozu.

After Qin Feng thought of this, he directly cast an exploration technique on the mecha in front of him.

[Serial Number S-0 War Giant Soldier (Holy Rank 7))

Level: 90

Rank: Holy Rank Seventh Rank

HP: 5 billion: 5 billion

Attack: 5000W-5052W

Defense: 2000W

Skills: [High-speed advance] [Adaptive to harsh environments] [High-level energy shield] [Anti-electromagnetic interference] [High-level swordsmanship] [High-level shooting accuracy] [Advanced mecha dodge bonus] [Destroy nine consecutive shots] [ High-level self-destruction]

Introduction: Demon Cave Civilization specially made the giant soldier mech for war. It has extremely terrifying attack power and is an epoch-making work of Mozu mecha

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