Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 313 The Man of Suzuo!!!

Chapter 313 The Man of Suzuo!!!

Seeing this scene before him, Qin Feng directly looked at the patron saint of the region in front of him.

The guardian deity of the region in front of him is even taller than the huge city wall, and human beings can only be regarded as tiny ants in front of him.

Qin Feng driving an Athena mech can be compared with it.

And when Qin Feng thought of this, he directly cast an exploration technique on the guardian spirit of the region in front of him.

[Susanoo (Guardian deity of the region)]

Level: 100

Rank: Saint Rank Ninth Rank





Introduction: One of the patron saints of Dongying Region.

Seeing the attributes of Susanoo in front of him, Qin Feng quickly shook his head.

Sure enough, Qin Feng's current level can't see the opponent's attributes at all.

But for Qin Feng, it doesn't matter if you can't see the attributes, because as long as you kill the opponent, it's over.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly turned off the property panel in front of him.

Afterwards, he quickly controlled the Athena VI mech and took out his weapon and quickly aimed at the god Susanoo in front of him and began to attack.

A series of cannon fodder fell on the god Susano in an instant, exploding huge sparks.

At this time, when Qin Feng attacked the god Susano, the Demon Cavern Army was also constantly attacking the god in front of him.

Susanoo's head kept popping up a series of injuries.





When the number of injuries floated on top of Susano's head, Susano immediately ignored the people around him, and instead turned his attention to Qin Feng.

For Qin Feng, who has a sculpture of the goddess of doom, attracting hatred is simply commonplace.

At this moment, he was directly stared at by the god Susanoo in front of him.

But he didn't panic at all, and kept letting the long-range attack device behind him attack Susanoo.

A series of attacks on Luo Ziang Susano's body took away a lot of Susano's blood.

At this time, the mechanical corps beside Qin Feng kept outputting to Susanoo in front of him.

It's just that under the high immunity of the gods, all kinds of output just make Susanoo's blood volume drop a little.

After being madly outputted by a pass, Susano immediately stretched out his hand in the direction of Qin Feng.

A mirror-like object instantly appeared behind Susanoo.

After this mirror appeared, dozens of terrifying golden rays burst out and shot towards Qin Feng instantly.

After seeing this scene, Qin Feng dodged directly to the side.

With the high movement speed, evading these attacks is not a problem for Qin Feng at all.







After a series of immune damage signs rose from the top of Qin Feng's head, Qin Feng continued to attack Susanoo in front of him.

At this time, the Demon Lord of the Demon Race also killed the opponent's guard general.

At this moment, the Demon Lord directly turned into a terrifying figure and descended on the battlefield.

When the demon descended on the battlefield to fight fiercely with that god, Qin Feng suddenly relaxed.

Because at this time, Qin Feng can safely output later.

As the strongest in the Demon Cave Legion, the demon Lord naturally does not look at Sano O's slaughter of his legionnaires.

Therefore, it will inevitably be targeted at the patron saint of Dongying Region.

Qin Feng had already figured this out at the beginning.

At this time, Qin Feng directly controlled the Decepticons mechanical corps in front of him and madly output to Susanoo.

After the demon king joined the battlefield, the entire battlefield was immediately divided.

The ordinary soldiers of the Demon Cave continued to attack the imperial city, while the rest of the Dongying Region NPCs and players kept resisting the demon soldiers who were attacking in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng said directly to Lydia who was on the side: "Lydia, take Neil and Kaohsiung Kui to help the guards of the Dongying Region.

"Okay." Lydia agreed, and soon led Neil and Kaohsiung Fan towards the center of the battlefield.

The Decepticons War Legion, once again began to slaughter the Demon Legion.

And Qin Feng, while attacking at Susano, clicked on the task panel and looked at the task just obtained.

(Get Zhao Zhao) [Destroy the core of the empire (only)]

Grade: SS

Mission Objective: Destroy the core of the empire in the main city of Hanyu.

Current task completion degree: (0/1)

Mission success reward:

1. One hundred million national war points.

2. One billion gold coins.

3. [Optional gift box of rare war materials].

4. [Rare architectural drawings]*1.

Mission failure penalty; none

Mission limit: None

Introduction: After completing this task, you can get massive rewards.


Qin Feng suddenly smiled after seeing this task.

One hundred million war points is nothing. The most precious thing is of course the rare war materials of choice.

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