Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 316 (Yazhi Mirror (Sacred Artifact of Town Country))!!!

Chapter 316 Yazhi Mirror (Sacred Artifacts of Town Country)]!!!

"Ding Dong~ You used (Lv14 Advanced Mechanical Reorganization) on [Athena VI Mecha (Sacred Artifact of Town). The current mechanical reorganization is successful, the mechanical performance is reduced by 20%, and the durability is permanently reduced by 50%."

Hearing this system prompt, the HP of the Athena mecha on Qin Feng returned to its full value.

This skill was acquired by Qin Feng before, and has never been used. Now... it is actually used.

At this moment, just after Qin Feng reorganized the mecha, he directly went to kill Susano Man in the distance.

Susano's blood "one seven seven" is now only 10% left. It can be said that as long as Qin Feng continues to output, even if he can't be killed, he can be forced away.

Just when Qin Feng thought of this, Susano directly rushed towards Qin Feng.

Beside him, the huge mirror still burst out with white light, shooting at Qin Feng quickly.

Qin Feng avoided these attacks again and again, while attacking Susanoo in front of him.

At this time, Qin Feng heard another system tone.

"Hint: The hidden effect of your goddess of doom sculpture is triggered, and the hatred of the god Susano will rise to its full value (immortality), please kill it as soon as possible!"

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng suddenly smiled.

He was already ready to let go of the Susano in front of him, but once the hidden effect in front of him was triggered, Susano would be cold.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly continued to attack Susanoo in front of him.

A series of terrifying injuries fell on Susanoo.







Susanoo, who has been severely weakened, has almost fallen into a desperate situation.

Qin Feng kept using the kite-flying method to consume the opponent's last HP.




After attacking for a few minutes, Susano's blood volume immediately bottomed out.

At this time, after the blood emperor bottomed out, Susano suddenly let out a roar.

"You will be cursed from the gods.

When the words fell, Susanoo immediately exploded, instantly razing a surrounding city wall to the ground.

At this time, Qin Feng also received the damage, and the Athena Mecha's blood volume immediately consumed 20%.

But these are no longer important to Qin Feng.

Because he killed Susanoo.

At this time, after Qin Feng killed Susanoo, a series of system prompts suddenly sounded.

"World" notice: The player [white clothes] successfully killed the guardian beast of the East Ying Region [Suzano (Holy Ninth Tier)), special rewards to the player, [God (Holy Ninth Tier)), reputation value +1000W, national warfare Points plus 100 million points."

"World Announcement: Player [White Clothes] successfully killed the guardian beast [Suzanoo (Holy Ninth Tier)) in the Eastern Region, and received 1 billion gold coins as a reward. "

"World Announcement: Due to the death of the guardian beast of the Dongying Region (Suzanoo (Holy Ninth Tier)), the Dongying Region's national fortune is -30%, the China Region is for +30%, and the Stormwind Empire's treasury is +10 billion gold coins."

"World Announcement: The storm player in the China region successfully hunted down the guardian deity of the Dongying region (Suzanoo (Holy Ninth Tier)), special rewards for the first player in the national battle list, extra bonus level +6 (extra points for national warfare) 3 times), the second player's extra +4 (the national war points are extra 2 times), the third player's extra level +3 (the national war points are extra 1 times)

, The rest of the top ten players will each receive a level +2 reward..."

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been improved. The current level is: Ly74.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been improved. The current level is: Lv75.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been improved. The current level is: Lv76.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased, and the current level is: Lv80.

"Dingdong~You have got a new job transfer task [transfer job (professional eighth rank)."

"Ding Dong~ You have 60 free attribute points."

Hearing this series of system prompts, Qin Feng directly added all the free attribute points to intelligence.

After that, Qin Feng quickly ran towards the place where Susanoo died.

After a while, Qin Feng arrived at the place where Susanoo died.

After the death of Susao 3.9, several items broke out.

After Qin Feng saw these items, he waved his hand and put them all into the backpack in an instant.

And after putting it into the backpack, a series of system prompts sounded suddenly.

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Yatara Mirror (Sacred Artifact of Town Country)]."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained [Godship (Holy Order))."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained [Letter from Mysterious Civilization."

"Ding Dong~ You got 1 billion gold coins."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Pet Egg Gift Pack (Holy Ninth Tier))."

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