Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 331 Support from China Region!!!

Chapter 331 Support from China Region!!!

Qin Feng is sleeping happily here, while the people in the US region are all in distress at this time.

Winterfell, even if they were all from the entire U.S. region, they tried their best to search for it, but they couldn't find it.

"This bastard!

These American players always feel mad.

Come and occupy a city, and then hide in a special way.

This is not just provocation, it's aggression!

If you relax Qin Feng like this, maybe someday their main city will disappear on the map.

As a chain reaction, when they come to the National District, they will be like the Dongying District.

We "are not as rubbish as the Dongying Region!"

"Go out if you are scattered, you can't find it on the map, just go on site inspection, I can't, he can hide!"

Qin Feng hasn't done anything yet, while the US side of playing "One Seven Seven" has already treated it like a big enemy.

From this we can see how brutal Qin Feng's deterrence is!

Naturally, Qin Feng would not know this, because he was still resting happily.

When Qin Feng reappears in Linfeng, Lindong City has produced enough resources to upgrade the atmosphere of China.

When he came to the main hall of the city, Qin Feng placed his hands on the soft light cluster in the center.

"Should I immediately spend 500*wood and 300* iron ore to upgrade the atmosphere of China?"

upgrade immediately!"

"Ding Dong! Congratulations, you have successfully upgraded the Chinese atmosphere.

"Name: China Light Group.

Level: 2 (minimum resources can be called from the China region)

Introduction: The breath of China peeled from the patron saint of the China region can establish a direct connection between the China region and the European and American regions. "

After reading the basic attributes of China breath, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is only a small amount of resources from the China region.

But this alone is enough.

The geographical location of this main city is excellent. The reason why the output of resources is so small is entirely because the productivity in the city is not good.

They are all old and weak, women and children, even if Qin Feng arranges them perfectly, the output cannot be increased.

What Qin Feng has to do now is to increase productivity!

Those inhabitants (npc) in the city can't count on it.

As the saying goes, technology is the primary productive force.

And he does this.

Using resources from China, he is manufacturing robots specifically for production.

Just using the breath of China to establish contact with China, the voice of the patron saint of China came.

"Young man, with a level 2 China atmosphere, are you eager to let me help you navigate the U.S. region?"

Hearing the words of the patron saint of China, Qin Feng was speechless for a while.

Who is so anxious that there is really no point in forcing the count?

Of course, with the benefits of the last time the Dongying region was attacked, it is normal for the patron saint of the China region to quickly attack the US region.

After all, it is absolutely huge to gain benefits as the patron saint of a large area by attacking a large area.

After all, this is tantamount to plundering an entire area of ​​sacrifices!

"Help me call some basic materials."

Qin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to the patron saint of the region, who was still in a state of excitement, but went straight to the subject.

Although the coordinates of Winterfell City were completely erased.

But Qin Feng knows that with the temperament of those playing in the US, they will never give up looking for themselves.

There are a large number of players in the U.S. region.

Although the location selected by Qin Feng is very good, it is always found.

Although the coordinates are gone, the city still exists after all.

On site inspection, you can always find it.

Given the list of materials that the patron saint of China has already needed, Qin Feng is waiting for the delivery.

Although the guardian spirit of the China region looks a bit frizzy, it is still very efficient.

And with this batch of support from China in place.

The passage established through the breath of China slowly collapsed.

Qin Feng glanced, but didn't care too much.

The current China's breath level is too low, and the use of these resources is already its limit.

Now, it is estimated that it will take some time to reply before it can be used.

It's more skillful, and there is a cooling time.

"Although they are all ordinary materials, I have turned eight now. It is not a big problem to make some advanced production robots."

Thinking of this, Qin Feng began to get busy.

The production robot is not as sophisticated as the Judger War Robot, but within half an hour, Qin Feng manufactured the first production robot.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on your successful production of a god-level robot, please name this robot...

Although the most basic materials are used, after Qin Feng is finished, the robot is still god-level.

If you let those players know that Qin Feng used some of the lowest-level materials to make god-level robots.

I don't know what they will think.


It's abnormal!

"Technology is the primary productive force, so call it Toolman No.1.

Qin Feng opened the mouth casually, and then, a golden light fell on the almost human-looking Toolman One.

Then, a series of system prompts sounded immediately.

"Ding Dong~ Player [White Clothes] has no teacher, and successfully produced "Toolman No.1 (God Tier 3)). The machine is preliminarily determined to be an SSS machine. Players are specially rewarded: 1. [Equipment Step Stone (God) Order)).

"Dingdong~ You have successfully produced "Tool Man No. 1 (God Rank 2)). Due to the talent bonus, the level of your "Tool Man No. 1 (God Rank 2)) has been upgraded to [God Rank] Tier 5), 2 additional item characteristics are added. For detailed equipment effects, please click on the item panel to view.

"Ding Dong~ Because you have the [Advanced Created Drawings] skill, you have obtained the "Tool Man No. 1 Production Drawing (God Rank 2)].

This tool person number one is the tool person who helps Qin Feng quickly obtain basic resources.

【Tool Man No. 1】

Level: 80

Equal rank; God level fifth rank

HP: 100W/100W

Defense: 23w

Magic/Physical Attack: 3.923333-33333

Additional features:

1. Never wear out

2. Get an additional 30% of resources during production

3. There is no need to supplement energy and cannot be advanced.

Durability: 00

Energy: 0

Introduction: The first generation of production tool man created by the player [White Clothes] has extremely strong production capacity without any energy consumption.

After reading the introduction, Qin Feng started the production of the next Toolman One.

Lindong City conditions do not need its own territory factory, and naturally it is impossible to achieve mass production on an assembly line.

Fortunately, with the drawings, Qin Feng only needs to increase the speed of Toolman No. 1 by 80%, which doesn't take too long.

On the other hand, Qin Feng is tinkering with tool people, and on the other side, players from all over the United States have been complaining.

They have been looking for Qin Feng one day, one night and one day.

It's really unbearable.

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