Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 336 Chopping melons and vegetables, crazy slaughter!!!

Chapter 336 Chopping melons and vegetables, crazy slaughter!!!

These players from the US region, not long ago, clamored to form a group to beat Qin Feng.

However, after they really met Qin Feng and saw the strength of Qin Feng.

The previous arrogant arrogance is completely gone!

It was replaced by a panic on his face.

At this time, they didn't say that they had formed a group to fight back.

They don't even have the courage to turn around and run away!

The scene was so scary, they were terrified in their hearts.

Everyone was stunned, how could they want to run away?

Of course, they can't be blamed for these, but when the monsters were harvested just now, it was too shocking.

So that when Qin Feng rushed the butcher knife at them, they didn't have the courage to resist!

This is Qin Feng's invisibly deterrent to these American players. "One Seven Seven"

In front of such a humanoid monster, where do they still want to escape?

Can you escape?

"Dingdong~ Congratulations for helping to attack and kill the player [Owen]! Get 1111 gold coins on him."

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations for helping to attack and kill the player [Stephen"! Get 24 gold coins on him. "

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations for helping to attack and kill the player (Richard I! Get 2013 gold coins on him."

When these players were still in deep fear, Qin Feng's ears had already begun to sound continuously.

Although each player has a few thousand gold coins at most.

However, there are a lot of players here, and the accumulation of less will make more. This is also a lot of income.

Moreover, these players are just harvested easily!

Use the free time after harvesting monsters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mechanical army rushes to kill the forest player group, basically it is like cutting melons and vegetables.

In just a few breaths, the number of players around here has dropped sharply!


Those players who were killed had to quit the game.

Recalling the scene in the game just now, they couldn't help but yelled.

Just entered the world copy, if nothing is done, people are gone.

Who can stand this?

The most important thing is, forget it if you die.

They worked so hard for so long, and finally the gold coins they saved up were gone.

Moreover, it was snatched by Qin Feng.

In the future, this gold coin may become the starting capital for Qin Feng's invasion of the country.


Who can stand it?

However, in addition to anger, these players who have been killed have more fear in their hearts.

"This guy is a devil!"

Imagining the scene of cutting melons and vegetables just now, these players who have been killed feel a little afraid.

This is not an operation that humans can make at all!

Only the devil can be so cruel!

in the game.

At this time, after half of the players were killed, the remaining players around the snow finally raised a trace of courage.

"Brothers and sisters, we can't just sit and wait."

At this time, they all understood a truth, that is, if they did not resist, they would really have no chance at all!

It was as if they had a chance to resist.

Ever since, an even stranger scene appeared on the snow.

I saw a group of American players, the group was crazy.

Send to death!

On Qin Feng's side, he continued to harvest gold coins happily, while walking leisurely to the south.

This is just the point where Qin Feng enters the dungeon, and he can't stay in this place for too long, isn't it?

As for those players who finally remembered to resist, they are basically the same as when they did not resist.

"F*ck, how do you still play this?"

Forget it, "I won't resist, you come to me!"

"Can you grab twenty gold coins too? Can you discuss it, ah!

At this time, the few remaining players wailed.

When have they encountered such a situation!

Want to wait for death, can't help but want to resist.

Wanting to resist is no different from waiting to die.


They felt they had played a fake game at this time.

You know, each of these people is in the U.S. region, so they can be considered a little bit powerful.

However, it seems that what they played with Qin Feng is not a game at all.

On Qin Feng's side, naturally, he would not care about the players who kept howling behind him. At this time, he had already walked a certain distance.

He didn't pay attention to those people at all. Solving them was nothing more than smoothly.

This cutting of melons and vegetables has been going on for several minutes before it stops.

At this time, there are no other players besides Qin Feng around this snowy area in the north...

And with the end of this matter, the internal communication channel of the US region has been completely fried.

"What, that bastard killed so many of us?"

Such a large-scale slaughter, it is impossible for players in the U.S. region to get rid of the wind.

After all, this game has not yet come to reality.

Although the game character is dead, you can still exchange messages offline.

Now, news of Qin Feng killing thousands of players like cutting melons and vegetables has spread among players throughout the US.

It's hard to pass it.

After all, before entering the dungeon, these American players wanted to work together to hammer Qin Feng.

Now that there is such a thing again, the players in your national area have the same idea for the first time.

That is, unite, don't care about the copy, and kill Qin Feng first!

Of course, what they didn't know was that their consistent thinking saved a lot of things for Qin Feng in the future.

It also laid a big foreshadowing for their destruction in the future.

On Qin Feng's side, I don't want the group of American players to feel so excited at this time.

At this time, Qin Feng looked at the gold coins that had just been credited.

I was thinking about my next plan.

The reward for this world copy is naturally his, don't worry about it.

The important thing at the moment is to cut off those non-vegetables first.

Only then can we consider the final reward.

3.9 After all, the final reward is taken, this world copy is his.

Other players will naturally be forced to withdraw from the copy.

In this way, non-vegetable dishes are gone.

Therefore, we have to cut non-vegetables first.

That is to hammer those players first.

However, the copy of the world is too large, if one place is cut leek.

Not only is it strenuous, but there will also be fish slipping through the net.

You have to think of a way to bring these people together.

Then I used a map cannon and shot them all in seconds.

This saves trouble.

If it were other players, naturally they would not have such bold ideas.

But Qin Feng is different, these are basic operations.

"Just do it.

When Qin Feng thought of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a smile.

At the same time, a huge conspiracy was slowly brewing in Qin Feng's smile.

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