Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 349 The third stage of the world copy!!!

Chapter 349 The third stage of the world copy!!!

"What do you say, everyone? I'll ask you if you can do him?"

"1000% of the real damage, even if he is strong, it is impossible to stop us!"

"Yes, as long as we are organized, we can even kill him in seconds!"

"Hiss! Kill the bastard in white in a flash, just thinking about it makes people happy!"

At this time, all the American players who were desperate had an extremely excited look on their faces!

It's as if their lives are glowing with the second spring!

For them, Qin Feng is definitely the enemy of a lifetime!

After all, Qin Feng has invaded them to come to the country, and he continues to provoke them!

They can't bear it!

Originally, after seeing Qin Feng's strength, their hearts had already begun to retreat.

But now!

They feel that they can do it again!

1000% of the real damage, even the most advanced boss, they can all kill in seconds!

After all, their number is too much!

"Since the Nordic Secret Realm has given us this opportunity, we can't miss it anymore!"

"Yes, this time you must plan well, and you can't let that bastard in white run away!"

"For 1000% of the real damage, I can beat him at least 20,000 to 30,000, right?"

"More than two to thirty thousand, 193? That's real damage, ignoring defense!"

For the American players, the more they think about it, the more excited they are. It seems that Qin Feng has already died in front of them at this moment!

"Fuck, ruthless!"

"1000% of the real damage, even the white-clothed boss may not be able to withstand it, right?

"It's just a copy of the world, as for?"

"Don't force it, protect our boss in white, please!"

At this time, the players in the China region, after hearing the system prompt, all looked a little bitter.

Players in other regions have received such an awesome buff at once, who can stand it!

"Don't delay, gather to protect our boss in white clothes!!

That's right, "It doesn't matter if we are dead, the big man in white clothes can't go wrong!"

After all, Qin Feng's status in the hearts of players in China is still very high!

At this time, even if they themselves are attacked, they will add 1000% real damage.

But they still decided to join forces to protect Qin Feng.

After all, judging from the actions of the US region just now.

There was no such buff blessing before, and they (cfdj) were able to organize an assassination of tens of thousands of people!

With such a brutal buff this time, it is not surprising that there are dozens of millions at once!

Fortunately, the number of people in the China region is still quite large, and they are not afraid of the US region-there are so many people coming down!

As for Qin Feng, after hearing the system prompt, the whole person's mood improved.

Originally, he was still worried about how to attract others to assassinate himself.

After all, in the dungeon, killing other players will be rewarded with rich rewards!

The more you kill, the more gold coins you get!

And now that the dungeon has entered the third stage, the hostile forces have obtained such a strong buff?

Even if they were extremely ferocious just now, they would definitely not be able to help but come to assassinate themselves!

Qin Feng knows players in other regions too well.

Give any buff that looks awesome, and they will think they can!


This buff looks pretty awesome, but there is a prerequisite.

That is, you have to hit me before you can trigger this buff!

This kind of trash fish has a chance to meet Qin Feng?

Qin Feng can dodge even the boss's attack. The attacks of these little fish and shrimps can't afford to play like a child's house?

For Qin Feng, they have no threat at all!

Even if there is such a powerful buff blessing, it is useless!

"I'm worried that they won't come here because they are afraid to deliver it by themselves. Now it's fine.

Qin Feng was full of joy in his heart, and did not feel that the world copy was aimed at him!

He even hoped that the bonus of this buff would be stronger.

It's best to get a super reward after killing him.

In that case, not only the players in the US region, I am afraid that in addition to the players in the China region, other players will come to kill themselves.

In that way, it will be even more beautiful!

On the other side, at this time, the American players have already been separated by millions of teams.

Moreover, this was only one of the teams that came to kill him.

At this moment, except for some special U.S. players, almost all U.S. players are gathering quickly.

Give more time, I am afraid that teams of hundreds of millions may be assembled by them!

The same on the Chinese side is also quickly gathering teams.

Although the opponent has this abnormal buff blessing, if you and others go to stop it.

The loss is absolutely impossible to estimate!

However, they are supporting the white clothes at the moment!

For the white clothes, death is worth it!

After all, white clothes represent the entire China region.

You can't let others team up to bully!

Of course, Qin Feng was really anxious that the other party would come and die.

After squeezing these players dry, he could finish this instance quickly.

"The players in the U.S. region are worth hundreds of millions."

"If you surround them in this place, it will be a little troublesome."

"So I have to find a smaller place to wait for them."

Qin Feng was on the snow in the north at this time. The terrain here is flat and there is almost no shelter.

Moreover, these places are the easiest to gather people.

Although Qin Feng is not afraid of these small fishes and shrimps.

However, if hundreds of millions of people appeared directly at once, he would not be able to do so in seconds.

"Empire of Wind and Snow!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly determined the next goal.

Since it is an empire, his main city is definitely a place with an excellent geographical location.

Moreover, according to the general city-building routines, too many people should not be able to gather in the periphery of the main city.

At most, hundreds of thousands can be assembled!

In this way, it will be easier to kill yourself.

"I remember there should be a big boss in the north, it should be the king of this snow empire."

Qin Feng's previous life has only a rough understanding of this copy, and he can think of it at this moment.

"The boss can only be brushed by the way.

Qin Feng thought in his mind, while controlling the Judge War Robot, it moved quickly.

If you want to fight the boss, you have to find the boss first!

After all, it is an empire, even if the northern part is huge.

But according to Qin Feng's experience, he soon discovered the location of the Snow Wind Empire!

At this time, after Qin Feng passed through a narrow ropeway, a city filled with ice and snow slowly appeared in Qin Feng's field of vision.

Snow Empire-Snow City!

And at this moment, with the advent of Snowstorm, a system reminder came to the ears of all players.

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