Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 352 Boss Boss!!!

Chapter 352 Boss Boss!!!

It's "My Turn!"

Qin Feng naturally didn't care about the incredible gaze in the boss's eyes. At this time, I saw Qin Feng's Judge War Robot raising his hand.

The muzzle of the laser cannon fired quickly at [King of the Snow].

[God-level mechanical power blessing!

At the same time, Qin Feng decisively started the skills he had just cooled down.

Almost in an instant, more than a dozen laser artillery shells fell on [King of Snow!

[Wind and Snow Shield]!

[King of Snow Wind] Although Qin Feng was a little surprised because he avoided his attack just now, his reaction did not decrease as a result!

Almost at the moment when the laser cannon was about to fall on him, a barrier composed of wind and snow energy formed in front of him!

If an ordinary attack hits his shield, it will naturally be easily blocked!

But Qin Feng this is not an ordinary attack, but an attack with the blessing of God-level mechanical power!




Immediately afterwards, a series of huge white damage numbers of 25 continued to surface on the top of [The Snow King's head.

The white numbers naturally represent Qin Feng's attack, and the damage caused is real damage.

And the huge amount of damage behind was also because of Qin Feng's attack, which produced a crit!

Don't look at the [Snow King] blood spray volume is very exaggerated, but under Qin Feng's series of attacks, his health bar was almost instantly knocked out by 10%!

"How can this be?"

[King of Snow] The whole body of [The Snow Shield is almost intact!

However, I was hurt! This shocked [King of Snow] once again.

With this method, even as the top Wind and Snow Magician, he couldn't understand such a thing.

How can someone directly cause harm to themselves without breaking their shield?

This is incredible!

On Qin Feng's side, at this time, after the first attack succeeded, he did not stop his attack.

Although he broke through the opponent's [wind and snow enveloped], the effect of [Death Extraction] still exists on him at this time.

If you don't end the battle quickly, as long as you have enough time, you may be directly drained.

The kind that never leaves!

Of course, this is not because Qin Feng is not strong enough.

"Even if the person facing this boss is the guardian deity of the region, they can't end the effect of this skill.

After all, this is a directly locked skill, unless the monster is killed, otherwise it will be directly drained!




Another series of laser cannons fired out!

And this time, [Snow King] did not continue to use the shield to harden it, but chose to avoid it!

However, at the moment his figure moved, [Snow King] was dumbfounded again!

I saw that the laser cannon shells that were shot at him changed their directions at the moment he moved!

It turned out to be chasing him again!

"What is this?"

[King of Snow Wind] I was horrified in my heart, and immediately condensed a few magic orbs, and blasted them toward the laser cannon shells!


The magic ball collided with the laser cannon, causing a powerful explosion!

The air wave caused by the collision of the two directly overturned the roof of the entire palace!


Just as [King of Snow Wind] breathed a sigh of relief because it blocked Qin Feng's attack, another dozen shells followed him!

The Judger war robot currently operated by Qin Feng is the latest battle robot category he has developed.

Although it is only an ordinary laser cannon attack, it still has some powerful tracking capabilities!







[The Snow King] who just stopped Qin Feng's attack, how can I expect that Qin Feng's next attack will come so soon?

This is simply faster than the speed at which he can condense the magic ball!

So not surprisingly, [The Snow King] once again lost 10% of his health.


Once again hit by Qin Feng's attack, even the always calm "King of Snow" came out of temper.

At the moment, I saw a huge annihilation ball quickly forming in front of him.

This magic ball, almost in the blink of an eye, is even bigger than the whole [Snow King] reminder!

Moreover, [The Snow King] is also using some special methods at this moment to constantly lock Qin Feng!

Not only Qin Feng can perform tracking attacks, he can also.


But the next moment there was a muffled noise, disrupting the original plan of the [Snow King]:

I saw that the Judger war robot controlled by Qin Feng used the laser cannon in his hand to emit a laser beam!

I saw this laser beam, like a white horse, falling straight on the annihilation orb of [Snow King]!

With a muffled sound, the Annihilation Orb, which is still condensing, completely shattered in an instant!





As the Orb of Annihilation shattered, a series of real damage figures appeared on the top of [King of Snow].

Moreover, the emergence of these damage numbers is very fast!

Almost a few times a second, the frequency quickly emerges!

It can be seen that this laser beam emitted by Qin Feng is causing huge damage to the [Snow King] every moment!


After this beam of light fell, [Snow King]'s blood bar was directly knocked out by 30%.

At this time, Qin Feng pursued the victory with a few more laser cannons at the boss.




With the fall of this attack, Qin Feng soon discovered a problem. 193

That is, my own damage to the boss seems to be reduced a lot!

And as Qin Feng's mind about this problem surfaced, a system prompt sounded again.

"Ding Dong! Boss [King of Snow Wind] has less than 50% health and entered a violent state!"

*Note: The boss will enter the second-level rage after five minutes, please kill the player as soon as possible!"

Note: The boss under the first level of rage will get an extra buff.


1. The boss gets an extra 50% damage-free effect!

2. Boss release speed increased by 100%.

3. Boss skill damage increased by 100%.

4. The boss gets a real damage shield of 10% of his maximum health every 30 seconds.

With the appearance of the system prompt, all players were stunned.

Even at this moment they are speeding up to Snow City.

But at this moment, they stopped uncontrollably.

"What a perverted buff!"

"It's better to just add an immortal buff to the boss, is this still playing snakes?"

"It looks like the big man in white is in a lot of trouble this time!"

Even on Qin Feng's side, after hearing the violent buffing effect at this time, he was a little speechless in his heart.

To be honest, it's a bit ridiculous.

But now that the boss has obtained such an effect blessing, he can no longer keep skills on his side.

Otherwise, waiting for the boss to be rage at two levels will waste time even more!

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