Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 356: Gatling in Blue Fire!!!

Chapter 356: Gatling in Blue Fire!!!

It has to be said that the execution power of players in the US region is still very high.

Therefore, at the moment when the first batch of millions of players were killed, outside the ropeway, there appeared a second row of American players who came to defeat Qin Feng.

Of course, mainly because the players in the US region are closer to Snow City.

"There seems to be no movement ahead!"

"We guess it was the first batch to come here.

"Brothers, the opportunity to kill Baiyi and become famous is here!"

At this time, the battle outside the Snowstorm had already ended.

And because of the snowstorm, there was a vast expanse of white outside the city of Snowstorm.

The corpse and the traces of the battle have already been completely covered by the snowstorm.

So at this moment, these second batch of American players who came to crusade against Qin Feng didn't notice any abnormality at all.

Moreover, their group of five million players in the "193" family, plus the blessing of additional buffs, they are not worthy of Qin Feng!

"Everyone charge! Kill the white clothes!"

With a roar, a team of five million people quickly embarked on the ropeway.

In Qin Feng's vision, at this time, the American players who kept coming to the outside of Snow City through the ropeway.

It's like a big river, the constant flow, it looks very shocking!

After all, it is a team of five million people marching at the same time, even if it does nothing, it is just on the road, the momentum is extraordinary!

Similarly, soon, a team of five million people gathered outside the Snow City.

However, this time, Qin Feng did not continue to make a public appearance, attracting the attention of these American players.

Instead, he looked at the U.S. players who had formed from a distance, and smiled at the corner of his mouth!


Afterwards, Qin Feng said casually, the next moment, the mechanical corps that had been arranged by Qin Feng in various positions, opened fire one after another.

For a time, various high-tech weapons such as laser guns, laser cannons, and laser cannons were launched one after another.

Da da da.


Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, the sound of countless weapons firing from all directions entered the ears of those American players.

"No, we were in an ambush by that bastard.

"Release all defensive skills. There are so many of us, that bastard is alone. No matter how well prepared, he can't be our opponent!"

With the roar of artillery fire, players in the US region also responded.

At this time, I saw that the five million American players either held up a shield, and then defended with a shield.

In short, one by one, they all made a defensive posture!

Although they were in the ambush of Qin Feng at this time, they didn't panic at all.

After all, Qin Feng has only one person.




In the next moment, all kinds of attacks such as radiation cannonballs fell among the U.S. players who had already taken defensive measures!

At this time, there was no place where the shells exploded, and hundreds of American players were directly blown out.

What kind of shields, shields and the like, under the bombardment of this shell, are completely useless!

This shell is almost killing these players one by one!

"Asshole, there is only one person on the other side, why is the firepower so fierce?"

"Fart, is this a movement made by someone violently? Certainly those Chinese players have come over in advance!"

At this time, just the first wave of shell attacks directly blasted a large number of U.S. players!

Moreover, the second wave and the third wave of bombing followed one after another!




As waves of bombing passed, the American players who originally had some defensive formations have completely messed up!

The other party has bombed his side for so long, but it is already here, but he hasn't even seen the shadow of Qin Feng!

"The big guy rushed directly into the city!"

"Yes, the terrain in the city is complicated, and there are bunkers. These ghosts can't hit us!"

The U.S. players went into chaos, but they quickly made the next step!

In the next moment, these U.S. players rushed towards the gate of Snow Wind City while holding the gunfire to the sky.

Fortunately, the gate of Snowstorm City was destroyed by Qin Feng a long time ago, and they don't need to work extra hard to break through the gate!

"Send a Q, what's in the row at the gate of the city?"

Until the distance was pulled in, these American players discovered another problem.

That is, although the city gate has been destroyed, where is the city gate, there seems to be a row of things at this time!

However, before these U.S. players can see clearly what those are, the next moment, a blue light flashes at the entrance of the city!

Da da da..…

Da da da.….

Da da.…

Immediately after that, a burst of fire was heard into the ears of these players, and the next moment, rushed to the front row of players...

Almost instantly, he was shot directly to the ground, and their blood bars were also emptied!

"Send a Q, the firepower at the gate of the city is even stronger!"

The next moment, players in the US region were dumbfounded again.

The gap at the gate was just that big, and their formation was changed slightly to keep the gate at random.

Therefore, although Qin Feng at the gate of the city only arranged more than a dozen robots, there were more than a dozen Gatlings who were blustering in blue fire.

Under the special terrain like the gate of the city, even if the opponent has 5 million people charging at the same time, they can all kill them.

After all, those Gatlings are not ordinary Gatlings, and they are blessed with some special attributes.

Gatling with blue fire!

The power is almost a U.S. player with a bullet.

Moreover, such high-tech, bullets are basically equivalent to infinite bullets.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to rush into the city!

At this time, there was a blue-fired Gatling guard at the gate of the city with such a powerful firepower.

And the bombardment of the rear laser cannons of American players continues!

Therefore, with this short charge, one-fifth of the five million teams from the country have been wiped out!

And the next moment, the magic of "Wind Thunder Scepter" was brewed successfully.

Under the gunfire at 3.9, slices of snow fell down.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blizzard overwhelming the sky!

At the same time, these American players, who were already flexible in their actions, will be dumbfounded again in the next moment.

They found that they suddenly seemed unable to move!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Da da da!

However, Gatling's strafing and laser cannon bombing did not stop because they stopped!

Moreover, at this moment, it is not only the sky of artillery that is harvesting their lives, even the strange-looking snowflakes, not a single piece, can directly kill their lives.

"Send Q, I knew I wouldn't be coming!"

"The bastard in white is too strong!"

"We are all going to be destroyed by the regiment, even others have not seen it!"

"I blame this dungeon, it's okay to add any buffs to me, it's all right now, I will start from scratch soon!"

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