Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 360 Killing (Blood Demon)

"Hi! The boss seems to be going crazy!

"Just now the boss in white was able to come and go with the boss, and it was 50-50. Now the boss is going crazy, it is estimated that the boss in white is hanging up!"

Seeing the changes in [Blood Demon], fools can guess at this time, the boss is now ready to output with all his strength, and kill Qin Feng in seconds!

On Qin Feng's side, looking at the boss who was constantly approaching at this time, not only did he not mean to avoid it.

He even gave up the attack.

"Big brother, is this resignation?"

"Looks like you are waiting for death!"

When encountering "Such a boss, I am afraid I can only wait to die!"

"Oh, see you next id."

See Qin Feng when facing the boss charge, not only does not dodge or dodge, but also does not attack.

Everyone thinks that Qin Feng is giving up resistance and preparing to wait-dead!

Of course, Qin Feng is not waiting for death. At this moment, he quietly watched the rushing boss, and muttered silently.




With the end of his meditation, the huge body of [Blood Demon] is now infinitely close to Qin Feng.

Almost, it is about to come into contact with Qin Feng's body!

And at the moment when [Blood Demon] was about to directly use his huge body to directly crush Qin Feng's forbearance.

He was stunned.

Afterwards, I saw him listen to Qin Feng with great pain.

Roar with exhaustion!


Seeing this scene, all players were stunned.

"Under what circumstances, how did the boss stop?"

Could it be "Is the boss frightened by the domineering spirit of my white-clothed boss?"

"It's shameless. Just now you said that the white man was waiting for death.

All players, whether they are from China or the U.S. region, are very puzzled at this time.

Why did this boss stop suddenly?

You know, the boss's state just now has been completely mad, how can it stop if Qin Feng is not torn up?

And the next moment, these players who were originally stunned, are even more terrible.

I saw that in front of Qin Feng, on the huge body of [Blood Demon], cracks visible to the naked eye began to slowly appear.

And with the appearance of these cracks, the huge body of [Blood Demon] began to slowly disintegrate at this moment.

"How can this be?"

Until the body completely disintegrated, 【The blood demon said this incredible sentence.

Of course, although his body was disintegrated, Qin Feng still didn't hear the killing sound of [Blood Demon] in his ears.

"Not dead yet?"

Worthy of being an extraordinary boss, even for this purpose, he hasn't been judged dead by the system.

Despicable "Humans, I don't know what you did to me, but no matter what, it's impossible to kill me!"

Although the body has completely turned into a pile of blood and scattered in front of Qin Feng.

But this does not affect the "Blood Demon" continuing to speak harshly to Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng automatically filtered these and ignored it. Instead, he focused on the heart-like thing in the middle of the pool of blood.


Seeing this something similar to the heart, Qin Feng asked rhetorically.

Controlling the Judger war robot at the moment, he took the heart-like thing in front of Qin Feng.

This heart-like thing was covered by blood before.

If it hadn't been for Qin Feng's eyes to search for something here, this thing would not be found.

And just now [Blood Demon] kept talking ruthlessly, also to distract Qin Feng's attention, so that Qin Feng ignores the existence of this thing.

"No, don't kill me."

When Qin Feng got the heart, "Blood Demon" immediately said.

Naturally, Qin Feng would not bother [Blood Demon] begging for mercy.

Although I used some methods, the opponent's body could not condense in a short time.

However, once this time has passed, the opponent's body can condense again.

Qin Feng can't do things that don't take good rewards and have nothing to do.

"Wait, even if you want to kill me, you have to let me die, right?"

Seeing Qin Feng's eyes, [Blood Demon] also knew that the other party would not let him go.

Now speak again.

At this moment, the players who have been looking at this side through the light curtain, at this moment, are all looking forward to this side.

They also wanted to know at this time, what kind of method Qin Feng used to make the body of (Blood Demon) disintegrate on its own!

Qin Feng doesn't have any hobbies to be a teacher. It may be that when he says this, the other party will be able to gather his body.

Qin Feng is not that boring yet.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on successfully killing the extraordinary boss (Blood Demon)!

"System prompt: The player [white clothes] successfully killed the extraordinary boss [血魔"!"

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on getting the reward, gold coins * 2.5 billion."

"Dingdong! Congratulations on your reward, *2.5 billion points.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on obtaining the item [Blood Demon Heart]!"

"[Blood Demon Heart]

Introduction: The heart of "Blood Demon", one of the keys to the ultimate stage of the Nordic Secret Realm!"

As Qin Feng pierced through the heart in his hand, the system prompt sounded immediately!

As for how he prevented [Blood Demon]'s body from continuing to condense, it was actually quite simple.

That is to use "poison"!

Of course, the "poison" used by Qin Feng on "Blood Demon" is not poison in the traditional sense.

After all, the body of the "Blood Demon" is made up of blood.

What is poisonous to blood is naturally the highest poison against "Blood Demon".

And Qin Feng is a mechanic.

You can make a lot of all kinds of heavy metals.

And his previous attacks were to enter these heavy metals into the body of [Blood Demon] step by step.

The blood is poisoned, and the body of "Blood Demon" will naturally not be able to condense.

Although this method did not cause any substantial harm to [Blood Demon].

However, the opponent's body could not continue to condense, and he could always kill him.

No, I found the [Blood Demon Heart]!

At this time, the players who listened to the system's prompts were still bewildered.

"How did you kill the boss!"

"Big brother's world, we still don't want to guess.

These people are naturally not as smart as Qin Feng.

But the stunned return to the stunned, at this time all the players in the US began to hesitate.

"Even the extraordinary boss was killed by her, shall we go to crusade him?"

"Yes, aren't we going to die?"

Even if they insist on some super buffs, these American players still panic in their hearts.

Qin Feng, it is too fierce.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded immediately.

"System prompt: Player [white] coordinates (233,777) have been locked!" mouth.

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