Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 372 Turbulence in China

After all the rewards that are helpful for improving his strength are used up, Qin Feng's strength is more powerful than before!

After using the rewards, Qin Feng set his sights on [the rich resources in the Nordic Secret Realm.

Although the resources of "Nordic Secret Land" are abundant, all of them are used to upgrade the atmosphere of China, and the income generated is too low. "

Qin Feng checked the amount of resources in [Nordic Secret Realm], and made plans in his mind.

With so many resources, for the atmosphere of China, it is actually not a lot.

After all, the higher the China breath level, the more resources are needed to upgrade.

Therefore, if all resources are used to upgrade the atmosphere of China, the benefits are not very high.

Right now, what Qin Feng has to do is to use these resources to continuously expand his power.

Then, achieve an efficient and sustainable development!

In this way, compared with a brain draining all resources on the breath of China, from a long-term perspective, the income is more than a little bit higher!

"First 25 build factories to produce more tool people, and then use these tool people to continuously expand the scale of various production!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly settled his attention!

"Using the resources in the Nordic Secret Realm, the tool Man No.1 that can be produced cannot be estimated by numbers.

Once Toolman No. 1 has enough data, Qin Feng can send them to open up wasteland.

In this way, it is still possible to quickly obtain resources without revealing the location!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly set aside a vacant land in Lindong Zhongcheng as a land for the construction of a manufacturing plant.

After all, it is Toolman No.1, and can do anything.

Qin Feng confessed the drawings of the factory, as well as the drawings of the assembly line production robot and the drawings of Toolman No.1.

Everything, you don’t need Qin Feng to take care of it.

Right now, it takes time to build a factory, so Qin Feng puts his sights on other places.

Everything has just started, naturally there are still many areas that need to be planned by Qin Feng.

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly received a letter from the Empress.

Qin Feng received it directly, and the phantom of the empress soon appeared in front of Qin Feng.

Originally, Qin Feng thought that the empress was here to report to him about the Dongying Region.

After all, before, Qin Feng asked the Empress to help deal with the follow-up matters in the Dongying Region.

However, looking at the empress’s expression and calculating the time, Qin Feng knew that the empress was not here to report to him on the Dongying area.

More likely, something went wrong with Stormwind Empire.

After all, although the three major cities of the Dongying Region have been breached, the main combat effectiveness has basically been wiped out.

However, the Dongying area is an entire area.

The remaining small cities, even if they don't have any resistance, are just pushed straight and flat, and it will take a long time to win.

If the Empress speaks soon, Qin Feng's guess will be formally confirmed.

Xilin’s "Empire and Lordan Empire suddenly launched a surprise attack on our Stormwind Empire last night. Now, three cities have been breached by them.

The female emperor spoke anxiously, but Qin Feng's side, but it was as calm as ever.

The female emperor led the fleet to the Dongying Region to clean up the mess. The interior of the Stormwind Empire was naturally empty after all.

At this time, it is normal for the Storm Empire to attack the Storm Empire against the alliance between the Lin Empire and the Lordin Empire.

"What's the situation now?"

Qin Feng wanted to know this before asking.

Xilin "The alliance forces of the Empire and the Lordan Empire are still marching towards our inner region."

This is trying to win the rhythm of Stormwind Empire in one fell swoop!

Qin Feng didn't expect the other party's ambition to be so big.

Instead of cleaning them up on their own side, they took the initiative to attack.

"How many troops can be mobilized in the Stormwind Empire now?"

In addition to "the garrisons in various cities, only the imperial troops in the royal city can be mobilized."

The female emperor replied, and then spoke again.

"The fleet I brought here has now been scattered to various places in the Dongying Region. When the fleet is assembled on my side, they may have already breached the Royal City.

The female emperor said worriedly.

On Qin Feng's side, at this time, he spoke calmly.

"You don't need to assemble the fleet. You can clean up the mess in the Dongying Region with peace of mind, and I will go back to deal with the allied forces of the two countries.

If someone else said this to the empress, the empress would never believe it.

After all, there is basically no army that can be mobilized in the Storm Empire at this time.

However, the person who said this was Qin Feng, and the empress suddenly felt that she was still a little panicked, and she calmed down.


After the female emperor simply replied, she no longer worried about the storm empire, and concentrated on the finishing work of the Dongying Region.

Qin Feng's status in the Stormwind Empire naturally does not need to be said. Naturally, there is no need for the female emperor to give Qin Feng an extra name.

After finishing the communication with the Empress, Qin Feng did not continue to stay in Winter City.

Instead, he directly used the large wormhole transfer device and went directly to the royal city of the Stormwind Empire.

At this time, although the armies of the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire only occupied a few cities.

However, even if it was the royal city of the Stormwind Empire, everyone at this time gave Qin Feng a sense of panic.

After arriving in the Royal City, Qin Feng did not go directly to summon the army, but came to a building.

207 If just regaining the lost cities, Qin Feng doesn't need any army at all, it is enough to bring the mechanical army directly.

However, since the other party actively provoked, Qin Feng is not such a good-tempered person.

To regain the lost city is just Qin Feng's first purpose in returning to China.

Now that the other party has already provoked, Qin Feng is ready to do nothing and start a national war directly!

If you dare to beat my Stormwind Empire, I will kill you two completely!

"Ding Dong! The system prompts, do you spend gold to recruit soldiers?"

As Qin Feng approached, a system prompt sounded immediately.

"Recruit now!"

"Please select the number of recruits!"

"Expend 5 billion gold coins and recruit elite soldiers!"

"Please choose the gold coin payment channel."

"Personal warehouse.

To recruit soldiers, you can directly use the gold coins of the treasury.

However, the gold coins of the treasury are used together, which will affect the taxation of various cities.

In addition, Qin Feng has a wealth of wealth at this time, 5 billion gold coins, and directly choose to pay for it!

With the deduction of gold coins, all the cities of the Stormwind Empire appeared in conscription news in an instant!

After Qin Feng finished all this, he directly summoned the imperial army in the royal city and headed towards the border of the storm empire!

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