Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 377 Don't Play Cards According to Routines

When Qin Feng went online again, the entire Anyang City had basically returned to normal.

On the other side, at this time, the Xilin Empire and the Luodan Empire were discussing how to snatch Anyang City back.

Originally, they planned to directly charge an army of millions of troops directly against Anyang City.

However, when they saw that the heavy firepower weapons and equipment at the head of Anyang City were all in the hands of the soldiers of the Stormwind Empire.

They are all angry.

This kind of defense, even if millions of them charge together, under the terrain of Anyang City, it can only be given in vain.

Therefore, at the moment, we can't use the human sea tactics.

As for those warships, Qin Feng lifted them all up when they were off the assembly line.

Unless you fly up, you can't find it.

After all, these warships are now Qin Feng's secret weapons, and cannot be directly exposed to the enemy's vision.

And when the Xilin Empire was discussing countermeasures with the Lordan Empire, Qin Feng had already made the next step.

That is, take back Tiger Head City!

There are 25 reasons why Qin Feng chose to retake Tiger Head City first.

Tiger Head City was originally used by the Stormwind Empire to garrison troops.

At this time, soldiers have been recruited for a while, but it won't be long before these soldiers will rush to the border from various cities.

At that time, so many soldiers will naturally need a place to station.

And this Tiger Head City was originally used to station troops.

Taking this city back now can just solve this problem.

After all, when Qin Feng waited to snatch all the cities back, he would continue to attack.

Of course, there is another reason why Qin Feng chose Tiger Head City.

That is, Tiger Head City is a pure military fortress!

Qin Feng can use some special solutions when attacking Tiger Head City.

[God and Demon Transport Ship]!

Although, this [God Demon Transport Ship] does not have any means of attack, but he can slacken a lot of things!

After all, Tiger Head City is special. As a pure military fortress, there are basically no production facilities in the city.

There is no such thing as a tax.

Therefore, as long as the whole tiger's head is not flattened, and how Qin Feng comes, for Qin Feng and the Storm Empire, there will be no loss.

Under the operation of Qin Feng, a [Shen Demon Transport Ship] slowly landed in Anyang City.

"The big guy in white seems to have a new action!"

Qin Feng has just taken action here, and the Chinese players who have been following this side have noticed one after another.

"That's a transport ship. I guess it's the big man in white who is going to transport what supplies?"

Yesterday, these Chinese players had recognized these warships, so naturally they all did their homework.

Today, they could tell at a glance that it was the [God Demon Transport Ship] that landed in Anyang City.

A means of transportation without any means of attack!

If, at this time, it is [Shen Devil Cruise Ship] or [Shen Devil Battleship] landing in Anyang City, maybe these Chinese players will be very excited.

However, this is just a transport ship, and these Chinese players are still not interested.

Although it was here to watch the excitement, it wasn't any excitement, they would all watch it.

"I'll know where this [God and Demon Transport Ship] will fly later."

In Anyang City, at this time Qin Feng is organizing the Forbidden Army in Anyang City to move a trace of bombs to the [God Demon Transport Ship].

These are all ammunition for heavy firepower weapons and equipment. Of course, they should be taken out separately and modified a little bit.

Even if you don't use those heavy fire weapons as a medium, these shells can still exert a fairly powerful power!

Soon, almost a few million units of shells were loaded onto the "Shen Devil Transport Ship".

It's just to attack a tiger's head city, so many shells are enough.

With a team of people, Qin Feng boarded the [Shen Devil Transport Ship].

This time, Qin Feng's central idea was unexpected when attacking Hutou City.

Therefore, he did not bring many imperial troops, only a few thousand.

Others were left by Qin Feng to continue to guard Anyang City.

After all, although this city was taken back. But if you hold on, that's your own.

[Shen Demon Transport Ship] Under the control of Qin Feng, it slowly lifted into the air, and then flew straight towards Tiger Head City.

"Huh, why did you fly outside?"

At this time, watching the [God and Demon Transport Ship take off, the Chinese players who have been paying attention to this side have been stunned.

If it is to transport materials, it stands to reason that it should be flying inside the Stormwind Empire.

After all, the city outside had already been captured by the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire.

There can be no supplies over there.

"If you fly in this direction, Tiger Head City should be the first to arrive!"

"Hutou City was captured in the first place, isn't it?"

"Could it be that the big man in white is coming with a transport ship to attack the city?"

Thinking of this, these Chinese players are all a little confused.

They have already done their homework before, except for the powerful transportation capabilities of [Shen Devil Transport Ship].

There is absolutely no means of attack!

If it's someone else, look at such a [Shen Demon Transport Ship] without any combat capability to attack other people's cities.

They will definitely yell at this man for stupid!

But. The person doing this now is Qin Feng.

It's a big man in white.

Although they were very puzzled in their hearts, they never believed that Qin Feng gave this to 207 for nothing.

Now that Qin Feng drives the [Shen Demon Transport Ship] this type of transport warship to attack the city.

Then he must have some of his own methods in it!

No way, Qin Feng has always been synonymous with invincibility in the hearts of these Chinese players.

They don't believe that Qin Feng will do anything stupid for nothing.

All this is just because they are on the first floor and cannot see through Qin Feng on the fifth floor!

"The big man in white has never played his cards according to his routine, this time there must be a unique skill!"

"I also want to see how the big man in white used a transport ship to take down a city.

"Moreover, it is still a city like a military fortress, and it is more difficult than other cities!"

"Don't tell me, I have to hurry, and maybe I won't have a good show when I am late!"

After thinking about various reasons, these Chinese players moved quickly towards Tiger Head City.

at this time. In mid-air, Qin Feng leisurely controls the [God and Demon Transport Ship].

After all, Tiger Head City is there and can't run away, so Qin Feng didn't use the special item of "Sail of Gods and Demons" to accelerate.

In this way, after a long while leisurely, the [God and Demon Transport Ship] finally came to the sky above Tiger Head City.

However, due to height reasons, no one noticed the arrival of Qin Feng!

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