Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 380: Fifty Million Army Gathering

Before, Qin Feng had already dispatched the remaining nine "Shen Demon Transport Ships".

At this time, the conscription across the Stormwind Empire has been going on for some time.

Qin Feng glanced at the data, although at this time, 50 million soldiers have been recruited!

After all, Qin Feng spent a lot of gold this time.

It is normal to recruit soldiers so quickly.

After all, the Stormwind Empire is already very strong!

As Qin Feng regained the rest of the city, the nine God and Demon transport ships have also begun to transport soldiers toward Qin Feng.

Although these fifty million troops are in various places in the Stormwind Empire.

However, Qin Feng's [Shen and Demon Transport Ships] have a total of nine ships.

Therefore, in almost all directions, there is a [God and Demon Transport Ship to transport soldiers!

On the other side, the people of the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire couldn't sit still at this time.

Finally, the five cities that were won were all taken back by the Stormwind Empire in less than two days!

Moreover, they have lost a full tens of millions of troops!

How could they accept such a result?

"Didn't it mean that the Empress took the fleet to Dongying Region? Why does the Storm Empire still have warships?"

At this time, the masterminds of the two countries, as well as a group of high-level officials, are discussing urgently.

This time, it was the Storm Empire that they provoked.

Moreover, as soon as he shot, he directly won five border cities.

The national war between the two sides has now been inevitable.

If, the two of them, before the Empress returns with the fleet, they have not completely destroyed the Stormwind Empire.

The losses of their two countries can be said to be very huge!

After all, the fleet in the hands of the Empress is too powerful.

Once the opponent still has the city as a counterattack base, it will definitely be very uncomfortable on my own side.

After all, even if the warships of the two countries are added together, there are not as many warships as the Stormwind Empire.

When the time comes to fight, it will naturally be a disadvantage on my own side!

"A letter from the front, the other party only has one transport ship!"

At this time, the people of the Xilin Empire and Lordan Empire also received news from the front.

"Transport ship? How could a transport ship have such a powerful combat effectiveness?

"It is said that a transport ship was used to transport bombs to bomb the city!"

Bombing with transport ships? This command of the Stormwind Empire is indeed an individual talent. "

Although these people have high evaluations of Qin Feng's methods.

But after learning that the other party was just a transport ship, everyone in the Xilin Empire and Lordan Empire calmed down.

The other party is just a transport ship, because it didn't know the other party's methods before.

The other party can achieve that effect by surprise,

But now it's different, they already know each other's methods.

It is just a transport ship without any attack capability.

Battleships, they also have them on their own side. Send two attack-type battleships over and get rid of the opponent's transport ships.

After all, the empress has not yet come back, and on her side, after solving the transport ship, she still has an advantage in all aspects.

During this period of time when everyone from the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire were discussing countermeasures, there have been one after another [God and Demon Transport Ships are back.

At this time, on the [God Demon Transport Ship] that came back, there were soldiers who had just been recruited slowly.

After arranging a part of the soldiers to guard Anyang City, the [Shen Devil Transport Ship] headed towards Hutou City.

The reason why Qin Feng is still in Anyang City is nothing more than to see if there is such an adventure as the mysterious business group in Toronto.

After all, my lucky value is very high now.

It is not a strange thing to encounter mystery store twice in a row.

However, until all the recruited soldiers were assembled in Tiger Head City, Qin Feng did not wait for such adventures as the mysterious store.

The soldiers have all assembled, and Qin Feng is not delaying.

Directly used the large-scale wormhole transmission device to come to Tiger Head City.

After all, it is a military fortress, even if there is an army of almost 50 million in it at the moment.

However, this Tiger City still looks not too crowded!

Of course, there is also a part of the reason for this, because Qin Feng previously blew up the entire Tiger Head City.

So, it looks very empty here!

After Qin Feng came to Tiger Head City, he didn't write any ink, after simply checking the attributes of these newly recruited soldiers.

Then gave the order to start!

After all, when Qin Feng recruited soldiers before, he had already put forward a condition.

……For flowers,

Therefore, these soldiers, although the cost of recruiting is higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

However, all of them are elite and powerful.

There is no need for Qin Feng to waste time training.

Gold coins are still a good thing after all!


In Tiger Head City, there was a neat voice at this time. At the moment, the fifty million army, led by Qin Feng, walked out of Tiger Head City.

"Hey! The white man is too cruel, right? I don't know where these soldiers came from."

"Wow, brother, don't you know that? The first thing the white-clothed guy did when he returned to the China region was conscription!"

"I know, but the speed of conscription is not so fast, right?"

"Give more coins, speed is the problem?"

"How much did the white guy spend?"

"five billion!


Seeing the densely packed army coming out neatly from Tiger Head City, all the Chinese players who watched from a distance outside were shocked.

Although they are also people who have experienced the ultimate boss of the world copy.

However, now that these fifty million elite soldiers appeared neatly, they still couldn't help being shocked!

"Big man in white, this is the rhythm to counterattack!"

Seeing this, these Chinese players are excited one by one.

National warfare, this is considered to be in the main show!

On Qin Feng's side, on the ground at this time, fifty million troops marched towards the border of the Xilin Empire.

On the ground, five (God and Demon Cruise Ships) and ten (God and Demon Battleships) are also closely following the pace of the army, sailing in the sky!

Although, when attacking the city, Qin Feng would not use something that is too powerful.

However, he still had to defend against the warships sent by the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire!

After all, although he is not afraid of such things, he has spent a lot of gold to recruit elites.

In front of the warship, it was somewhat vulnerable.

These are all golden coins, and Qin Feng will not let the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire kill these soldiers casually.

On the other side, two attack-type warships named [Xilin II] and [Lordin II] are coming from the royal city of the Xilin Empire.

Thinking of sailing from the side of Stormwind Empire! Mouth,

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