Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 384: Long Drive Straight In

"Hey! The Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire are also the best!

"Just send two warships over? Look down on me in white?"

"Speaking of which, not only was it crushed in quantity, but also in strength!"

"That's right, it's obviously a bombardment. Only the opponent's battleship was shot down. The difference is not a little bit!"

At this time, seeing the wreckage of the battleship falling from the sky, the Chinese players who have been paying attention here are a bit speechless.

On Qin Feng's side, there are a total of fifteen attack-type warships!

And the other party, who only sent two ships, wanted to block Qin Feng, isn't this a joke?

Could it be that before the war, neither the Xilin Empire nor the Lordan Empire had a clear understanding of the situation on the Stormwind Empire?

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the Xilin Empire and the Luodan Empire for being too forceful. It can only be said that the fifteen battleships of Qin Feng.

It appeared suddenly!

After all, these were bought by Qin Feng with gold coins and secret shops after the start of the national war.

Naturally, they couldn't detect the warships of such origin.

As the opponent's battleship was shot down directly, Qin Feng was not hesitating here, and directly ordered the army to continue to advance.

Right now, the fifty million troops assembled from the Xilin Empire's King City are also rushing towards the border of the Xilin Empire.

Although it is also an army of 50 million, on the Xilin Empire side, 207 can rely on the assistance of the city.

Even if the number of the army is only 50-50 with Qin Feng's army, but it really started.

Because of the topographical factors of the city, the 50 million troops of the Xilin Empire can completely withstand the attack of hundreds of millions of people!

On Qin Feng's side, after solving the battleship sent by the opponent, he immediately marched at full speed.

He naturally knew that after the Xilin Empire was broken at the border, it would decisively assemble an army in Wang Cheng, and then come to support it!

What he has to do now is to win as many cities as possible before the opponent's support arrives.

After all, once the reinforcements arrive, it will become difficult for Qin Feng to attack the city.

This is like a D-level copy that suddenly rises to C-level.

Qin Feng took his army and continued to deepen towards the Xilin Empire.

Without the protection of the border defense line, the cities within the Xilin Empire basically have no defensive capabilities.

"Full server announcement: Storm Empire [White Clothes] successfully captured Xilin Empire [Niucheng]!"

"Full server announcement: Stormwind Empire [White Clothes] successfully captured the Xilin Empire [Nuocheng]!"

"Full Service Notice: Storm Empire (White Clothes") successfully captured the Xilin Empire [Water City]!

"Full server announcement: Storm Empire [White Clothes] successfully captured the Xilin Empire [p City]!"

In the next moment, with the continuous advancement of Qin Feng's army, in just a short period of time, more than a dozen developed cities within the Xilin Empire were captured by Qin Feng.

And as these cities were captured, all the resource reserves of these cities naturally became Qin Feng's.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on getting 3 billion gold coins*.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining wood*23.3 billion."

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on obtaining iron ore *13.3 billion!"

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining rare ores*7 billion!

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining rare crystals*5 billion!

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining food*233.3 billion!

These are some relatively basic resources, and Qin Feng did not look too closely.

Unlike the ten different cities on the border of the Xilin Empire, these inner cities of the Xilin Empire are all very developed.

Therefore, after conquering the city, Qin Feng not only obtained these basic rewards, but also.

As the newest owner of these cities, Qin Feng also enjoys the right to levy taxes on these cities.

At this time, these dozens of developed cities in the Xilin Empire can at least give Qin Feng several million gold coins every day!

Although these millions of gold coins are nothing compared to the gold coins that were directly rewarded before.

But, you know, this can always be sustained!

The current Qin Feng means that if you do nothing every day, you will get millions of gold coins in vain!

One day (cfdj) or two days may not see anything, but what about one month and two months?

The combined benefits of these cities can be said to be very impressive!


After Qin Feng chose to levy taxes on these cities, he once again led the army to go deeper into the Xilin Empire.

Because every time Qin Feng seized the city, some people were left to defend the city.

At this time, Qin Feng's army had only more than 30 million.

On the other side, a series of system prompts sounded. Those Chinese players who have been paying attention to the national war are all dumbfounded.

Although, theoretically, after breaking through the border defense line of the Xilin Empire, one can drive straight in and fight Huanglong.

However, those inner cities are somewhat resistant.

But now it seems that Qin Feng almost directly pushed the past.

This makes these Chinese players have a bit of subversion of their understanding of national warfare!

The national war has only been going on for two days, and Qin Feng is about to hit the royal city of the Xilin Empire!

Moreover, there was basically no hindrance along the way.

How strong is it to be able to achieve this level?

"The big man in white is playing too fast, right? This is still a human?"

"It feels like there is basically no resistance in the inner cities of the Xilin Empire, or they have no chance to resist at all!"

"If this continues, I feel that the Xilin Empire will be destroyed today!"

Before Qin Feng came back, there was originally a one-sided war.

After all, in one night, the coalition forces of the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire directly captured the five border cities of the Storm Empire!

But when Qin Feng came back, the normal war was directly reversed.

Within a day, all the cities that were captured by the Xilin Empire and the Lordan Empire were all recovered.

Moreover, within two days, Qin Feng directly broke through the border defense line of the Xilin Empire and drove straight in.

In a short period of time, it directly breached more than a dozen internally developed cities in Xilin's empire.

Where is war?

Instead, I want to be the stage of Qin Feng alone.

After all, there is only one core of the entire national war, and that is Qin Feng.

One person, reverse and control a national war!

With this level of strength, even the Chinese players who saw Qin Feng single-handedly challenge the world copy, all of them were once again stunned.

This is really too strong.

It's stronger than they thought!

At this time, Qin Feng's troops finally stopped before a city.

Nothing else, just because, at this moment, the reinforcements coming out of King Cheng of the Xilin Empire are in this city at this moment.

At the moment, it is naturally unrealistic to want to forcefully push, so Qin Feng simply asked the army to stop and rest.

He began to plan how to break through the city in front of him. ,

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