"Full service announcement; Xilin Empire has submitted credential to Stormwind Empire for peace!"

With the sound of a full server announcement, Qin Feng soon received the letter of credence from the Xilin Empire.

The opposing party chose to seek peace, which is also excusable. After all, at this time, even if the opposing party gathers forces in the King City of Xilin.

However, this is nothing more than a stubborn resistance. The Xilin Empire will eventually be annihilated by the Stormwind Empire.

It is a very shameful thing to seek peace, but in this way, at least the foundation of the Xilin Empire can be preserved.

Even if you only become a subject of the Stormwind Empire, at least, the foundation of the Stormwind Empire is still there.

Soon, the Credentials of the Xilin Empire was handed over by a soldier to Qin Feng's hands.

"Hi! The Xilin Empire was beaten to surrender?

At this time, the players who have been paying attention to the national warfare are all dumbfounded when they hear the announcement of the whole server.

Before, the China region did not have a national war, but it was the first time I saw each other directly to seek peace and surrender.

"Hey! The big guy in white is worthy of the big guy in white! Even the npc is scared!"

"Fortunately, Laozi didn't go to the war, otherwise, following the Xilin Empire group of NPCs, I don't know how many times he died."

"How can these NPCs stop the white man?"

Qin Feng opened the letter of credence submitted by the Xilin Empire at this time and checked it.

In the front, there are all kinds of confessions, 207 why shouldn't you provoke Storm Empire, why don't you know Taishan and so on.

Basically, it's all procedural words.

Qin Feng glanced at the nonsense, and focused on the summation conditions in the national book.

"1. The Xilin Empire gave up the ownership of [Xilin Fortress] and a total of 36 cities!

2. Surrender to the Stormwind Empire, the Xilin Empire pays 60% of the tax resources to the Stormwind Empire every year!

3. Provide a shortcut to attack the Lordan Empire, the shortcut can go straight to Lordan City.

4. Disband the army and never recruit an army from now on!

5. Compensate the storm empire for battle losses of 5 billion gold coins!"

Although it is only a simple five points, but the conditions for this offer can be said to be very rich.

It also shows that the Xilin Empire sought peace with full sincerity.

"Hey! Do you still consider this condition?"

"Although the foundation of the Xilin Empire is still in this way, it has actually existed in name only. In this way, there is no need to waste troops to attack the Xilin King City!"

"Yes, it was me, and I agreed.

At this time, the summing conditions of the credential were announced, and a kind of Chinese players became excited.


This not only cedes land and pays compensation, but also actively renounces military power, and is willing to become a subject country, and also provides a shortcut to the King's City of Lordan!

It can be said that Qin Feng only needs to agree to the other party's sum.

You don't need to attack the Xilin King City, you can get 60% of the taxes in the King City!

In this way, not only will the money be collected, but also the troops will not be wasted!

At this time, everyone is waiting for Qin Feng to make a decision.

However, Qin Feng did not intend to make a decision immediately at this time.

He seems to be waiting for something.

Sure enough, as time passed, another full server announcement suddenly sounded.

"Full server announcement: The Lordin Empire officially submitted the letter of credence to the Stormwind Empire!

As soon as this full server announcement came out, all China players were not calm.

"Hey! Haven't the fight started yet? Isn't it time for peace?"

"The big man in white is really terrifying, before he hit him, he was so scared that he surrendered!"

Summation is nothing more than a word made by one party for the sake of face-saving.

In fact, the nature is the same as surrender.

Therefore, as soon as the book of the Lordan Empire came out, all Chinese players were confused.

After all, Qin Feng hadn't won the Xilin Empire yet, that is to say, the two sides hadn't faced each other head-on.

Is this surrendering?

On Qin Feng's side, he still randomly scanned the useless nonsense in the front of the book of credence, and kept his eyes on the summing conditions put forward by the other party.

1. The Lordan Empire ceded (Seoul) and other ten cities to the Stormwind Empire!

2. The Lordan Empire compensates the Stormwind Empire for battle losses of 5 billion gold coins.

3. The Lordan Empire is willing to send troops to help the Storm Empire win the King City of Xilin in one fell swoop!

4. The Lordan Empire pays tribute to the Stormwind Empire every year with gold coins*1.5 billion, food*30 billion, iron ore*15 billion, and various rare resources*7 billion!

"Hiss! The Lordan Empire has given such generous conditions?"

"The strength of the Lordan Empire is stronger than that of the Xilin Empire, and there is basically no loss before, so it won't give so much, right?

"Well, the big man in white doesn't hesitate, right?"

"Probably not, after all, not only can you win the Xilin Empire in one fell swoop, but you can also enjoy the tribute of the Lordan Empire every year!"

At this time, all Chinese players basically felt that Qin Feng would not hesitate to agree to the peace of the Lordin Empire.

After all, the strength of the Lordan Empire is there, and now there are not too many battle losses.

If Qin Feng goes to attack the Lordin Empire after fighting the Xilin Empire, it will definitely be very difficult.

At that time, even if Qin Feng can take the Lordin Empire, the loss on his side will be huge and unpredictable.

Instead of this, it is better to directly agree to the party's request for peace.

Regardless of the compensation paid by the other party, they can also receive tribute from the other party every year.

The most important thing is that the other party will send troops to help oneself take down King Xilin City.

It can be said that this is a very profitable business.

On Qin Feng's side, looking at the Credentials of the Xilin Empire and the Luodan Empire at this time, I felt a little funny for a while.

In the first second, they formed a team to attack their own Stormwind Empire, and in the next second, they directly calculated each other.

However, Qin Feng just smiled and didn't pay much attention to these details.

"The Stormwind Empire refused to ask for peace.

Qin Feng arbitrarily destroyed the credential submitted by the country and made the final decision.

Qin Feng knows that once he agrees to the terms of this credential, he will agree to their request for peace.

After myself, I can't attack them anymore.

After all, this is an era game, and there is basically no possibility of tearing up the covenant.

Unless, you can do more than the guardian spirit of the region.

After all, after the letter of credential is signed, it will be supervised by the patron saint of the region.

At the moment, what Qin Feng wants is not a profitable business.

What he wants is to directly annex these two countries.

Qin Feng will not be willing to come back and take advantage of the great benefits.

"Wow, I'm not mistaken, right? The white man refused to ask for peace!"

"Such a good condition, have you refused?"

Could it be "The white man is going to annex these two empires in one fell swoop?"

"Hey! The big guy in white is worthy of the big guy in white, this pattern is too big, right?"

With Qin Feng's refusal to seek peace, all Chinese players were once again surprised.

However, they soon recovered.

After all, that is the big man in white!

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