Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1122: Liu Bei's power

Whether it is Zhuge Liang in history or Zhuge Liang in reality, in fact, their internal political abilities are also very powerful. This is unquestionable. Although there are many people who are in Hei Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang has his achievements. But it is indelible, and it is not what these sunspots can reach.

Zhuge Liang should be ranked in the top ten among all the counsellors. In addition, no matter what the internal affairs are, he must be ranked in the top twenty. This is his strength.

Zhuge Liang had already settled on a Longzhong right when he first appeared. In this way, it would actually be a basis for Liu Bei and the others.

But now such a Longzhong pair is completely used by Qin Shuo. In fact, Qin Shuo also got some inspiration from it, so he chose such a development method.

In fact, before Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang, although he was also a relatively small prince, his rule was not stable at all, and he often suffered defeats. Although his people’s livelihood was so great, he never had one. A solid foundation, this is what happened before Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang.

But under Zhuge Liang's command, he was ultimately one-third of the world. Without Zhuge Liang, according to a mediocre like Liu Bei, there is actually no way to do this.

To put it in a slightly simpler way, under the command of Zhuge Liang, even a pig would be able to get rid of it, let alone Liu Bei. Liu Bei is not even worse than a pig, though. It is indeed a bit stupid.

In fact, the most stupid thing about him is to provoke himself. If he didn't provoke himself, perhaps he would have settled down long ago, but now he can only get a small Youzhou.

Youzhou itself does not belong to the Central Plains region, and it is very troublesome to cultivate something, they still don't have any good varieties.

So now Liu Bei is actually troublesome, but he actually asked for these troubles. If he didn’t provoke Qin Shuo, maybe his situation is not like this at all. If he can If he cooperates with Qin Shuo, perhaps now he will also become a relatively large prince.

When Qin Shuo saw him at first, he actually had a normal feeling towards him, but then he became more and more bored.

Qin Shuo tried so hard to keep the people around him from getting hurt, but Liu Bei happened to hit his muzzle, and Qin Shuo hated his hypocrisy.

Anyway, the current self doesn't care about him completely. As long as he doesn't collude with foreigners, then there is no problem at all. This time Qin Shuo and the others are going directly to the city of Ma Teng.

In fact, the city that Ma Teng occupies is also very important in terms of geographical location. This has already been said before.

Now Qin Shuo still has to go through Longteng and Xuanyuan's territory. Now the two of them can be considered relatively peaceful. Since they participated in the world's number one martial arts conference, they have basically not taken the initiative to do anything. Come here, it seems that I want to be more peaceful.

This time Qin Shuo also agreed. As long as they help, then the two of the Huns can occupy half of the territory of the Huns in the future. You must know that this section is equivalent to the size of two states.

It is also a big temptation for them, but it is not a temptation for Qin Shuo. In fact, he just wants to use the power of two people, and then during the national war, the pressure in the north can be slightly less.

Otherwise, the bear country in the north is actually eyeing this side, and he must be careful of some of them. After all, they are also coveting the territory of the big man, which can be seen in some future things.

In fact, in times of peace, the bear country is a very cooperating country, but in times of war he is not a trustworthy ally, because they need too much.

Therefore, for the bear country, now he can only take a measure of wooing, rather than complete trust. It is basically an impossible thing for them to fully trust them.

In this case, Xuanyuan and Longteng's role is actually much larger, and it is actually a good choice for them to help them guard the frontier a little bit.

This in itself is a mutually beneficial thing. If they do not choose to occupy the territories of the Southern Huns, then it is estimated that they can only have such a large territory.

After all, if they want to attack Qin Shuo, it is almost impossible. They also know that this is also a matter of seeking a dead end, so it is definitely impossible to seek a dead end.

In fact, the most difficult thing is still them. Qin Shuo is now restricting his entire territory to death, almost preventing others from occupying it. This is something that Qin Shuo thought of before. He didn't want others to confuse himself. Territory.

In his previous life, the big man at this time was still in a state of disorganization, but now it is completely different. Qin Shuo actually likes the current situation better.

Otherwise, if it really continues to be in a state of chaos like the previous life, then there really is no way. It is estimated that even when the national war comes, it will still be like the previous life.

Therefore, in order to avoid the previous situation, we can only make the situation more stable now, and can only unify all of the entire country, so that we can concentrate the greatest strength, not like before. Such a fragmented situation would not benefit the whole man at all.

Now Qin Shuo first arrived in the territory of Longteng. In his territory, Qin Shuo actually received a lot of welcome. After all, the relationship between him and Longteng is still so good, and he often buys and sells weapons to him. .

If there is only one dealer for the weapons in Qin Shuo's hands, then there will be Dragon.

I basically reserved my best weapons for my own use, and the slightly worse ones were reserved for Longteng to use, and then those defective products or those with a big gap would be reserved for others to use.



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