Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1139: Chi You surrendered?

In fact, there are a lot of people in the Central Plains. Basically, almost one-third of the people in the world are in the Central Plains. Once there is no isolation zone, the situation may be different.

Qin Shuo also didn't know if Chiyou had any rebellious thoughts. If they really united directly with Xiong Country in the future, it would be bad.

So now Qin Shuo has such a mindset, anyway, he doesn't want all the territory of the opposite side, as long as the opposite side gives them the curtain.

In fact, under many circumstances, the big curtain will become a battleground for soldiers. As long as you occupy the big curtain and send someone to guard it, then you don't need to be afraid of the bear country in the north.

Although Xiong Guo has always been relatively kind, but Qin Shuo himself also knows that for the country, in fact, there are no permanent friends at all, but only permanent interests.

Interest should be regarded as something that others value very much, Qin Shuo also attaches great importance to it.

It's just that Qin Shuo doesn't really pay much attention to his own interests. The key point is to value the interests of his people. These should be what Qin Shuo has always adhered to.

In fact, if Qin Shuo had said this directly, maybe not many people would believe it, but Qin Shuo really thought so.

He himself loves such a piece of land very much, but now it is actually a feudal society, so if you want to reform it directly, it is basically impossible.

Direct transformation is actually an extravagant hope. Now even the complete unity to form a whole is actually a problem that makes many people a headache.

If you want to become a whole now, it's basically Henan's business, but Qin Shuo is already doing pretty much now, and basically there is only a small living space for other players.

Qin Shuo is not actually a nationalist, but he definitely hopes that his nation will be better. This should be one of his thoughts.

At this time, Qin Shuo was actually about to arrive in that big screen. As I said before, this big screen was actually the name of a territory.

As long as you have entered this big scene now, this should be a very important issue, and many people have never thought of it.

In fact, there is something different from what Qin Shuo thought. There don't seem to be too many soldiers in this big scene, and he hasn't even seen a person's shadow.

According to normal circumstances, the current situation of tomb robbery should not be like this at all. But I didn't expect it to be like this now.

This is what Qin Shuo wants to ask someone to ask, but there is no one on the vast prairie. It seems that they are all hidden.

The secret agents mentioned earlier have not returned any news for some time recently, and I don't know if it was because of something happened to them or some other reason.

Anyway, even if they didn't send back any news, it was nothing. After all, there were a lot of things about myself, and I could take the initiative to investigate without mentioning it.

But at this time, I don't know why a group of cavalry came suddenly on the opposite side, but this group of cavalry seemed to have only a dozen people, and the leader Qin Shuo also knew him, not someone else, it was Chi You.

But now there is a breath in his body, as if he has completely changed a person, before his body always has a very strange aura that makes people feel.

There are only a dozen people on the other side, and this is what makes Qin Shuo the most puzzled. I don't know what they are here for.

"Are you here to find fault this time?"

At this time, Qin Shuo also took a look at them and said.

However, it seems that there are some differences. After all, there are 100,000 people on my side, and there are just a bunch of people on the other side. This may be something that makes people feel strange.

"This time we came here just to discuss something with you. If we want to find something, then I will not only bring over a dozen people, but bring all of my 200,000 army at once. Up."

After taking a look at Qin Shuo, Chi You spoke.

"This time I came to surrender."

After taking a look at Qin Shuo, Chi You spoke.


After Qin Shuo heard this sentence, he was also very surprised, and then he couldn't believe it.

"Since you hear it clearly the first time, what are you doing so many times? Do you mean you want to humiliate me on purpose?"

After taking a look at Qin Shuo, Chi You spoke.

"I didn't do anything to humiliate you, but there are some things too. Some are too bizarre and weird. Why do you suddenly think of surrender?"

Qin Shuo also looked at Chi You and said directly.

"Does it mean that wanting to surrender is a strange and weird thing? Anyway, don't ask so many questions. Why do you always have so many questions? Just remember one sentence, and now we surrender. We will only divide one-third of our territory to you, which is the big screen here, and we still need the remaining places."

Chi You looked at Qin Shuo and said.

"In fact, this time you still have so many soldiers left. If you continue to persevere, then there is really some uncertainty about who will win and who will win, but why do you suddenly have some surrender ideas now?"

Qin Shuo also had some doubts, and continued to speak.

"Since you don't want it now, it doesn't matter. The big deal is that I will continue to lead my soldiers to fight you to the end. I am not afraid of you at all. I hope you know the reason."

Chi You also looked at Qin Shuo and said.

"The lord must not be fooled. If we continue to fight, we may occupy all the territory of the Huns. Now he may also have some conspiracies."

Bai Qi on the side also looked at Chi You and said.

Qin Shuo was already hesitant now, and he didn't know who he should listen to. It seemed that the words on both sides had some truth.



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